(Askeri) MERKEZDEN İDARE EDİLEN MADDELER: Bir kuvvet komutanlığı veya sınıf dahilinde bir elden idare ve tedarikleri, yetkili makam tarafından emredilmiş ikmal maddeleri
(Askeri) MERKEZİ ELEME/İNCELEME MUAYENESİ (HV. ): Taşınabilir fazla ordu mallarına ait bilgilerin Savunma Lojistik Hizmetleri veya Genel Hizmetler bölge büroları tarafından kuvvet komutanlıkları ile birlikte incelenmesi
Systems where decision making, flow of data or goods and services, or the beginning of activities are initiated at the same central point and disseminated to remote points in the chain or organization
cen·tral·ize centralizes centralizing centralized in BRIT, also use centralise To centralize a country, state, or organization means to create a system in which one central group of people gives instructions to regional groups. In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations The economy of the times made it difficult to support centralized rule. + centralization cen·trali·za·tion Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland. to organize the control of a country, organization, or system so that everything is done or decided in one place decentralize