castles in the air

listen to the pronunciation of castles in the air
English - Turkish
hayali plan
(deyim) castles in the air( genellikle build...) bos dusler kurmak
in the air
(Konuşma Dili) belirsiz

Partinin tarihi henüz belirsiz. - The date of the party is still up in the air.

in the air
herkesin aklında
in the air
(deyim) Karara bağlanmamış, belli olmayan
in the air
in the air

Proje şimdiye kadar kararlaştırılmamıştır. - As yet, the project is in the air.

Karar hâlâ kararlaştırılmamış. - The decision was still in the air.

in the air
(deyim) (up) in the air karara baglanmamis,belli degil
in the air
ortalıkta dolaşan

Ortalıkta dolaşan söylentiler var. - There are rumors in the air.

in the air

Balon havada süzülüyordu. - A balloon was floating in the air.

Duman havada yükseliyor. - The smoke is rising in the air.

English - English
plural form of castle in the air
sweet dreams and fantasies
in the air
In the surrounding ambience

As soon as we entered we could feel the excitement and tension in the air.

in the air
In the global feeling, idea, atmosphere, or mood of the time
in the air
Traditionally, a poker tournament starts when the tournament director (or whoever's running things) instructs the dealers to get the cards "in the air " This just means to start dealing
in the air
on everybody's mind; "Christmas was in the air
in the air
contained by the atmosphere; lacking any foundation
in the air
on everybody's mind; "Christmas was in the air"
castles in the air


    castles in the A·ir

    Turkish pronunciation

    käsılz în dhi er


    /ˈkasəlz ən ᴛʜē ˈer/ /ˈkæsəlz ɪn ðiː ˈɛr/