cash expenditure

listen to the pronunciation of cash expenditure
English - Greek
δαπάνες μέσω του ταμείου (dapanes meso toy tameioy)
English - Portuguese
despesas em dinheiro
English - Swedish
kontanta utgifter
English - Lehçe
wydatków pieniężnych
English - Danish
kontante udgifter
English - Finnish
käteisellä menot
English - Spanish
los gastos en efectivo
English - Dutch
de uitgaven in geld
English - Russian
денежные расходы
English - French
dépenses en espèces
English - German
English - Italian
di cassa delle spese
cash expenditure


    cash ex·pend·i·ture

    Turkish pronunciation

    käş îkspendıçır


    /ˈkasʜ əkˈspendəʧər/ /ˈkæʃ ɪkˈspɛndəʧɜr/