(Askeri) KARTEZYEN KOORDİNATLARI: Boşluktaki noktaların bulunduğu yerlerin, koordinat düzlemleri olarak anılan 3 tane karşılıklı düzleme dair referansla ifade edilen bir koordinat sistemidir. Bu üç düzlem, koordinat eksenleri olarak anılan üç doğrusal çizgiyi kesmektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "coordinates
English - English
Definition of cartesian in English English dictionary
Of, or pertaining to, Descartes, his mathematical methods, or his philosophy, especially with regard to its emphasis on logical analysis and its mechanistic interpretation of physical nature
Coordinate System A two dimensional coordinate system in which x measures horizontal distance and y measures vertical distance An x,y coordinate defines every point on the plane
The coordinates of a point measured from an origin along a horizontal axis from left to right (the x-axis) and along a vertical axis from bottom to top (the y-axis). This can be extended to three-dimensions by the z-axis perpendicular to the x- and y-axes
The coordinates of a point measured as its perpendicular distance to the right of a vertical axis (the y-axis) and its perpendicular distance above a horizontal axis (the x-axis)
A toy or a science experiment in which the "diver", usually a small glass tube, is placed in a larger container with flexible walls. The "diver" falls when the large container is pressed, and rises as the pressure is released
Allegedly circular reasoning used by René Descartes to show that whatever he perceives "clearly and distinctly" is true. Descartes argues that clear and distinct perception is a guarantor of truth because God, who is not a deceiver, would not allow Descartes to be mistaken about that which he clearly and distinctly perceives. The argument relies on Descartes's earlier proof of the existence of God. But Descartes cannot know that this proof does not contain an error unless he assumes that his clear and distinct perception of the steps of his reasoning guarantees that the proof is correct. Thus the criterion of clear and distinct perception depends on the assumption that God exists, which in turn depends on the criterion of clear and distinct perception. See also cogito, ergo sum
n. A coordinate system in which the coordinates of a point are its distances from a set of perpendicular lines that intersect at an origin, such as two lines in a plane or three in space
one of the coordinates in a system of coordinates that locates a point on a plane or in space by its distance from two lines or three planes respectively; the two lines or the intersections of the three planes are the coordinate axes
Philosophical tradition derived from the philosophy of René Descartes. A form of rationalism, Cartesianism upholds a metaphysical dualism of two finite substances, mind and matter. The essence of mind is thinking; the essence of matter is extension in three dimensions. God is a third, infinite substance, whose essence is necessary existence. God unites minds with bodies to create a fourth, compound substance, man. Mind-body dualism generates problems concerning the possibility of causal interaction between mind and body and knowledge of the external world (see mind-body problem ), and various lines of Cartesianism developed from different proposed solutions to these problems. A historically important Cartesian theory holds that animals are essentially machines, lacking even the ability to feel pain. See also Arnold Geulincx; Nicolas de Malebranche; occasionalism