capital city of the canadian province quebec

listen to the pronunciation of capital city of the canadian province quebec
English - English
{i} Quebec City
capital city of the canadian province quebec


    cap·i·tal Ci·ty of the Ca·na·di·an pro·vince Que·bec

    Turkish pronunciation

    käpıtıl sîti ıv dhi kıneydiın prävıns kwıbek


    /ˈkapətəl ˈsətē əv ᴛʜē kəˈnādēən ˈprävəns kwəˈbek/ /ˈkæpətəl ˈsɪtiː əv ðiː kəˈneɪdiːən ˈprɑːvəns kwəˈbɛk/