canadian french

listen to the pronunciation of canadian french
English - English
The French language as spoken by francophones in Canada
French language spoken in Canada (mainly in the Province of Quebec)
The French language as used in Canada
the French language as spoken in Quebec, Canada
French Canadian
Alternative form of French-Canadian. Of or relating to francophone Canadians
French Canadian
A Canadian whose first language is French
French Canadian
The French language as spoken in Canada, Canadian French
French Canadian
French Canadians are Canadians whose native language is French
French Canadian
{i} Canadian who is a descendant of French settlers in Canada and whose native language is French; French language spoken in Canada (mainly in the Province of Quebec)
French Canadian
French Canadian means belonging or relating to people who come from the part of Canada where French is spoken
french canadian
a Canadian descended from early French settlers and whose native language is French
canadian french


    Ca·na·di·an French

    Turkish pronunciation

    kıneydiın frenç


    /kəˈnādēən ˈfrenʧ/ /kəˈneɪdiːən ˈfrɛnʧ/