caller id

listen to the pronunciation of caller id
English - Turkish
(Telekom) arayan kışının numarası
(Bilgisayar) arayanın kimliği
Caller ID : İnternetteyken bağlı olan hattı arayan kişilerin telefon numarasını ekrana veren program
yüzyılda yaşamış Ispanyol destan kahramanı
English - English
A calling plan/phone feature that displays the names and numbers of incoming callers on your phone's LCD Some carriers charge an additional fee for this service
a small display that will show you the telephone number of the party calling you
A service through the phone company that lets you see the number of the party that is calling you
A call-screening feature that displays the phone number and sometimes the name of a caller as soon as your phone starts ringing Not available everywhere
A display used with a telephone to indicate the name and/or phone number of the person calling
The phone will display the current caller or the last 30 callers to your phone number in an LCD display A return call can be made by indexing that caller and pressing the "start key"
A calling feature which displays the originating phone number of an incoming call
A display, available to the called party before the party answers a telephone call, that identifies the originating telephone number and the subscriber's name associated with that number See also CLID
a feature that displays the name/number of the person who is calling
A system that displays the phone number of in coming calls
Caller ID is information, provided by the local telephone company, identifying the phone number of the incoming caller
Identifies the incoming call with name and extension Only available on digital phones and only works within our campus phone system It does not ID calls from off campus
The identification of the calling party's telephone number
Your phone rings A name pops upon on your phone's screen It's the name of the person calling you Or it may be just the caller's phone number It's called Caller ID and the information about name and/or calling phone number is passed to your phone by your telephone company's central switch There are basically two forms of "Caller ID" - one provided by your local phone company and one provided by your long distance company (chiefly 800 calls) Caller ID, generic term, is a term most commonly applied to the service your local phone company provides, usually called CLASS In CLASS, the information about who's calling and/or their phone number is passed to your phone between the first and second ring signaling an incoming call See also CLASS and ANI (Automatic Number Identification)
An enhanced feature that displays a caller's phone number on the wireless handset
An electronic, telephone related device that allows individuals to identify callers before answering the telephone When a telephone rings, an electronic display registers the caller's name and phone number Individuals often use caller id to screen their calls
Displays calling number (and name if programmed into the phone's address book) Phone will track last 10 incoming and outgoing calls Will work if you are in a digitl area It will not work if you are in an analog area even if this feature is programmed into your phone If the switch flowing the Caller ID through does not have Caller ID trunks, no ID will be passed to end subscriber
A service tool that allows an agent to view the number the incoming call is coming from before answering the call
A feature that displays the name and/or number of the calling party either on a wireless phone screen or a separate device (as is often the case with a fixed-line phone) Virtually all digital phones - as well as many analogue phones - have this capability, which may be activated by a wireless service provider
A function of the telephone system which allows you to see the name and number of the caller before answering the call Can be used to thwart the attempts of hackers trying to gain access through modem
A service provided by the telephone company, where the number of the caller is relayed to the number called The number of the caller can appear on an ISDN telephone, an LCD screen, a computer screen, or another device
A network/subscription dependent service that allows you to see your caller's number before answering
Caller ID is a telephone company feature that notifies a telephone being called of who is (or at least what phone number is) originating the call
  A network service feature that permits the recipient of an incoming call to determine, even before answering, the number from which the incoming call is being placed
A telephone company service allowing the subscriber to view the phone number and/or name of the calling party on a display device before answering the phone Caller ID usually requires some kind of hardware phone interface to provide the displayed information
When someone calls you on your mobile phone the callers number is automatically displayed on the screen
caller id


    call·er i·d

    Turkish pronunciation

    kôlır aydi


    /ˈkôlər ˈīˈdē/ /ˈkɔːlɜr ˈaɪˈdiː/