The amount of time between the beginning of the first day of January and the end of the last day of December in the Gregorian calendar. (365 days, or 366 in a leap year.)
January 1 through December 31 of the same year Many deductible amount provisions are on a calendar year basis under major medical plans Also, benefits under basic hospital surgical and medical plans are usually stated as so much for each calendar year (H)
January 1 through December 31 of the same year Under major medical plans, many deductible amount provisions are on based a calendar year Benefits under basic hospital surgical and medical plans are based on an amount per calendar year
A method of counting presence in the United States for tax purposes A person is considered in the US a calendar year if present at any time between January 1: December 31
Calendar year data in contrast, is more from an accounting perspective and contains information about each policy year For example, policy years 1980-1999 could all have transactions going on in calendar year 1999, and that is what calendar year information is showing - many policy years with activity within one calendar year
January 1 through December 31 of the same year For new enrollees, the calendar year begins on the effective date of their enrollment and ends on December 31 of the same year