The ability of an end-user of utility services to circumvent the distributor of those services by purchasing directly from the source of those services By-pass traditionally occurs when an end-user of natural gas eliminates service from its LDC by connecting directly to an interstate pipeline
A means of removing one or more devices or zones from an alarm system to enable the remainder of the system to be used and to provide protection Many alarm control units send a special signal to the monitoring facility when any portion of the protection is by-passed to advise that less-than-complete protec-tion is in effect When the by-passed devices or zones are back to normal and included in the system again, a follow-up advisory signal is transmitted to the monitoring facility
Providing a secondary path to relieve pressure in the primary passage One example would be a water pump or thermostat housing bypass in the cooling system
When wastewater by-passes wastewater treatment facilities and is not fully treated It is caused usually by plant failures or flows exceeding plant capacity
An alternative path In a heating duct or pipe, an alternative path for the flow of the heat transfer fluid from one point to another, as determined by the opening or closing of control valves both in the primary line and the bypass line
Dealing directly with employees rather than with the exclusive representative regarding negotiable conditions of employment of bargaining unit employees A bypass is an unfair labor practice prohibited by section 7116(a)(5) It is not, however, a bypass to solicit information that would assist management in making a nonnegotiable determination See, e g , 10 FLRA No 24, 19 FLRA No 48, and 19 FLRA No 56
A bypass (BP) is the direct connection to customer premises equipment (CPE) by an InterLATA Carrier (IC) This occurs when an IC connects its own facilities (or facilities leased from a non-Bell Operating Company (BOC) entity) directly to an end user's premises, circumventing the use of the BOC network
Situation created when the two cuts of the undercut (free cut) do not meet exactly, i e one bypasses the other Creates undesirable results such as barber chairing, cracked tree butts, excessive fiber pull and misdirected fall of the tree (3)
The acquisition of gas service from an alternative source without using the facilities of the supplier/transporter that previously provided the service
A control system that may be used to operate the AC motor direct from the AC line instead of from the solid state controller May be manual or automatic
Dealing directly with employees rather than with the exclusive representative regarding negotiable conditions of employment of bargaining unit employees A bypass is an unfair labor practice prohibited by section 7116(a)(5) It is not, however, a bypass to solicit information that would assist management in making a nonnegotiable determination See, e g , 10 FLRA No 24, 19 FLRA No 48, and 19 FLRA No 56
A bypass is a main road which takes traffic around the edge of a town rather than through its centre. A new bypass around the city is being built. the Hereford bypass
A situation that allows a customer to get full or partial electricity or natural gas service from a non-utility supplier instead of a utility, typically by connecting to a main transmission line instead of using the local utility's distribution system
- Arrangements or facilities whereby a customer can access long-distance, international, or other services without using the local operating company's switched network, thus avoiding payment of access charges More generally, any means whereby customers avoid usage of a monopoly service or facility
If you bypass someone or something that you would normally have to get involved with, you ignore them, often because you want to achieve something more quickly. A growing number of employers are trying to bypass the unions altogether Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed. = sidestep
The ability of a station to be optically isolated from the network while maintaining the integrity of the ring (SMFPMD) (PMD) The ability of a node to optically isolate itself from the FDDI network while maintaining the continuity of the cable plant
An arrangement of pipes, gates and valves by which the flow of water may be passed around a piece of equipment or diverted to another piece of equipment; a controlled diversion
To temporarily de-activate a portion of the input devices , so as not to trigger the alarm system while armed This feature is usually used when a sensor is defective , or a window is intentionally left open
When one or more customers within a utility's service territory obtain service from an alternative electricity provider by running a transmission line to another provider, displacing its traditional utility Bypass might involve a wholesaler or industrial customer that purchases generation and transmission services from third-party providers Bypass usually enables a customer to avoid paying costs of social, environmental, and other programs imposed by government
If a surgeon bypasses a diseased artery or other part of the body, he or she performs an operation so that blood or other bodily fluids do not flow through it. Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries
{i} road which avoids a city or traffic area; detour; (Medicine) new pathway surgically created (for example: one created around a obstructed segment in the blood-pumping system or around a blocked alimentary tract); tubular pathway created surgically
A surgical procedure designed to increase blood flow to an organ or extremity that has narrowing or blockage of the blood supplying artery Examples include coronary artery bypass surgery, aortic replacement, ABI (aortabi-iliac), ABF (aortobi-femoral), and femoral-popliteal bypass)
a road that takes traffic around the edge of a town a surgically created shunt (usually around a damaged part) avoid something unpleasant or laborious; "You cannot bypass these rules!
A diversion of a major road to carry traffic around a town or city, in order to reduce traffic levels and improve the journey of through traffic See also arterial; radial
A bypass is a surgical operation performed on or near the heart, in which the flow of blood is redirected so that it does not flow through a part of the heart which is diseased or blocked. heart bypass surgery
[ 'bI, before consonants also ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, preposition & adverb, from Old English, preposition, be, bI; akin to Old High German bI by, near, Latin ambi- on both sides, around, Greek amphi.