by now

listen to the pronunciation of by now
English - Turkish
şimdiye dek

Çabuk ol! Şimdiye dek hazır olman gerekir. - Hurry up! You should be ready by now.

şu ana kadar

Ben şu ana kadar buna alıştım. - I'm used to it by now.

Tom şu ana kadar birden fazla iş teklifi aldı. - Tom certainly has had more than one job offer by now.

şimdiye kadar
şu ana dek
by the now
tarafından artık
English - English
by this point in time, for the time being; at the same time
by now

    Turkish pronunciation

    bay nau


    /ˈbī ˈnou/ /ˈbaɪ ˈnaʊ/


    [ 'bI, before consonants also ] (preposition.) before 12th century. Middle English, preposition and adverb, from Old English, preposition, be, bI; akin to Old High German bI by, near, Latin ambi- on both sides, around, Greek amphi.


    ... And right now, history as we know it is about to mysteriously begin. ...
    ... Now, this story always reminds me of Descartes: he starts off by saying that he can't tell ...