business expenditure

listen to the pronunciation of business expenditure
English - Portuguese

Definition of business expenditure in English Portuguese dictionary

expenditure of business
despesas das empresas
English - Greek

Definition of business expenditure in English Greek dictionary

expenditure of business
δαπάνες των επιχειρήσεων (dapanes ton epiheiriseon)
English - Dutch

Definition of business expenditure in English Dutch dictionary

expenditure of business
de uitgaven van het bedrijfsleven
English - Russian

Definition of business expenditure in English Russian dictionary

expenditure of business
Расходы бизнеса
English - Finnish

Definition of business expenditure in English Finnish dictionary

expenditure of business
yritystoiminnan menoja
English - French

Definition of business expenditure in English French dictionary

expenditure of business
dépenses de l'entreprise
English - Italian

Definition of business expenditure in English Italian dictionary

expenditure of business
spesa delle imprese
English - Swedish

Definition of business expenditure in English Swedish dictionary

expenditure of business
utgifter för verksamheten
English - Spanish

Definition of business expenditure in English Spanish dictionary

expenditure of business
los gastos de las empresas
English - Lehçe

Definition of business expenditure in English Lehçe dictionary

expenditure of business
wydatków przedsiębiorstw
English - Danish

Definition of business expenditure in English Danish dictionary

expenditure of business
udgifter virksomhed
business expenditure


    busi·ness ex·pend·i·ture

    Turkish pronunciation

    bîznıs îkspendıçır


    /ˈbəznəs əkˈspendəʧər/ /ˈbɪznəs ɪkˈspɛndəʧɜr/