bump firing

listen to the pronunciation of bump firing
English - Turkish

Definition of bump firing in English Turkish dictionary

bump fire
çarpmak yangın
English - English
(Silahlar) The simulated automatic firing of a semi-automatic firearm or a revolving firearm (like a revolver), usually a rifle due to their larger size. It works by using the recoil to cause the shooter's finger to pull the trigger repeatedly more rapidly than is usually attainable by simply moving your finger
(Silahlar) Rapid manual trigger manipulation to simulate automatic fire defined by the BATF FTB (Firearms Technology Branch)
bump fire
(Silahlar) Rapid manual trigger manipulation to simulate automatic fire defined by the BATF FTB (Firearms Technology Branch)
bump fire
(Silahlar) The simulated automatic firing of a semi-automatic firearm or a revolving firearm (like a revolver), usually a rifle due to their larger size. It works by using the recoil to cause the shooter's finger to pull the trigger repeatedly more rapidly than is usually attainable by simply moving your finger
bump firing


    bump fir·ing

    Turkish pronunciation

    bʌmp fayrîng


    /ˈbəmp ˈfīrəɴɢ/ /ˈbʌmp ˈfaɪrɪŋ/