Patron yeni proje için bütçeyi reddetti.
- My boss rejected the budget for the new project.
Fransız hükümeti, ulusal bütçeyi vergi mükelleflerinin dengelemesi için meydan okuyan online bir oyunu piyasaya sürdü.
- The French government has launched an online game that challenges taxpayers to balance the national budget.
Bütçe açığına ne neden oldu?
- What caused the budget deficit?
Bütçe açığının azaltılması hükümetin büyük bir endişesidir.
- Reducing the budget deficit is a major concern of the government.
Annual budget projection.
Sometimes governments reduce national savings by running budget deficits.
Being a single mom is rough!I cant squender money on silly things like electronic toys and fancy clothes.Still, sticking to a budget can be tough.
With that out of his bouget forth he drew / Great store of treasure, therewith him to tempt .
The prestigious building project is budgeted in great detail, from warf facilities to the protocollary opening.
The PM’s pet projects are budgetted rather generously.
We flew on a budget airline.
Budgetting is even harder in times of recession.
We have been going through a severe budget squeeze at our company and must begin to stop spending money in a wasteful manner.
... to the extent any governor does, and balanced the budget all four years. When we're talking ...
... balanced budget. Fixing our training programs for our workers. And finally, championing ...