
listen to the pronunciation of bubble
English - Turkish

Çocuklar kabarcıklar üflüyor. - The children are blowing bubbles.

Rose hava kabarcıkları üflüyordu. - Rose was blowing bubbles.

{i} hava kabarcığı
(Tekstil) su terazisi seviye göstergesi
kabarcık,v.kayna: n.kabarcık
geçici şey

Tom balonlu sakız çiğniyor. - Tom is chewing bubble gum.

(over/with ile) coşmak

Rose hava kabarcıkları üflüyordu. - Rose was blowing bubbles.

gaz ya da su kabarcığı
kabarcıklar çıkarmak
{i} göz boyayıcı ve değersiz şey
{f} köpürmek
{i} hayal

Hayal sırasında, insanlar rahat bir hayatı hayal ettiler. - During the bubble, people dreamt of a life of leisure.

{i} boş iş
değersiz ve göz boyayıcı herhangi bir şey
{f} kabarcıklar yapmak
hareketlerini gösteren ci
{i} hayali şey
{i} baloncuk

O kendini yanan mumlarla çevrili köpük banyosuna daldırdı. - Surrounded by burning candles, she dips herself into a bubble bath.

O, kokulu mumlarla çevrili sıcak köpük banyosu yaptı. - She took a hot bubble bath surrounded by scented candles.

gaz kabarcığı
bubble blower
köpük balon aleti
bubble board
kabarcık kartı
bubble chart
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık grafiği
bubble chart
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık grafik
bubble nest
(Denizbilim) köpük yuva
bubble nest
(Denizbilim) kabaracık yuvası
bubble noisily
bubble point
(Gıda,Tıp) kabarcıklanma noktası
bubble point
(Gıda) kaynama noktası
bubble sextant
(Havacılık) kabarcıklı sekstant
bubble and squeak
patates, lahana ve etli yemek
bubble chamber
kabarcık odası
bubble company
dolandırıcı şirket
bubble dance
bulaşık yıka
bubble gum
balonlu çiklet
bubble gum
bubble over
bubble over
bubble over
bubble point
kabarcık noktası
bubble sextant
hava kabarcıklı sekstant
bubble sort
kabarcık sıralama
bubble bath
Köpük banyosu
bubble baths
kabarcık hamam
bubble board
kabarcık bellek kartı
bubble cap
kabarcık fincanı
bubble diagram
kabarcık diyagramı
bubble houses
baloncuk şeklinde evler
bubble level
Su terazisi
bubble level
(İnşaat) 1. Kabarcıklı düzeç, tesviye ruhu.2. Su düzeci: Bir yüzeyin yatay olup olmadığını belirleyen araç. Ortadaki hava baloncuğu tam merkeze geldiğinde seviyenin yatay olduğunu gösterir
bubble pack
Balonlu naylon
bubble up
bubble wrap
Küçük hava baloncuklarından oluşan plastik ambalaj malzemesi
bubble wrap
Balonlu ambalaj
bubble wrap
Balonlu naylon
bubble bath
köpüren sabun
bubble blower
baloncuk makinesi
bubble canopy
(Havacılık) küremsi pilot yeri
bubble cap tray
(Gıda) şapkalı tepsi
bubble company
(Kanun) balon şirket
bubble concept
(Coğrafya) çerçeve yaklaşım
bubble data
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık verisi
bubble film
kabarcık filmi
bubble free
(Askeri) hava kabarcığı vermeyen
bubble gauge
gaz kabarcık ölçeri
bubble gum
balonlu ciklet
bubble high
(Meteoroloji) küçük yüksek
bubble horizon
(Askeri) ruhlu ufku
bubble horizon
(Askeri) RUHLU UFKU: Bir ruhlu vasıtasıyla tespit edilmiş ve gök ufkuna paralel suni bir ufuk
bubble memory
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) köpük bellek
bubble point integrity test
(Tıp) kabarcıklanma noktası testi
bubble size
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık boyutu
bubble size
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık büyüklüğü
bubble test
köpük deneyi
bubble test
kabarcık deneyi
bubble test method
kabarcık deney metodu
bubble up
bubble values
(Bilgisayar) kabarcık değerleri
burst like a bubble
(deyim) sabun köpüğü gibi sönmek
burst the bubble
(deyim) foyasını meydana çıkarmak
(İnşaat) kabarcıklar

O, sabun kabarcıklarını üfledi. - He blew soap bubbles.

Rose hava kabarcıkları üflüyordu. - Rose was blowing bubbles.

(Bilgisayar) balonlar
soap bubble
sabun köpüğü

Yaşam bir sabun köpüğü gibidir. - Life is like a soap bubble.

Şarkı söylerken yüzümü yıkarken bir sabun köpüğü yuttum. - I swallowed a soap bubble when I was washing my face while singing.

honey bubble
bal köpüğü
prick the bubble
(deyim) foyasını meydana çıkarmak
air bubble
tenek kabarcığı
{i} balonlu
produce bubble
hava kabarcığı oluştur
air bubble
hava kabarcığı
asset bubble
varlık balonu
blow a bubble
Balon şişirmek, sakızla balon şişirmek
hubble bubble
small bubble of air, gas bubble
hava, gaz kabarcık küçük kabarcık
speech bubble
(Veya speech balloon) Konuşma baloncuğu
speech bubble
Konuşma baloncuğu, konuşma balonu
kabarcıklar yapan
financial bubble
(Ticaret) finansal balon
financial bubble
(Ticaret) finansal şişkinlik
hubble bubble
(isim)rgile, karışık ses, gürültü
hubble bubble
karışık ses
hubble bubble
i would like a bubble blower
baloncuk makinesi rica ediyorum
prick the bubble
boşa çıkarmak
prick the bubble
foyasını çıkarmak
produce bubble
hava kabarcığı oluşturmak
English - English
A spherically contained volume of air, especially one made from soapy liquid
Someone who has been ‘bubbled’ or fooled; a dupe

For no woman, sure, will plead the passion of love for an excuse. This would be to own herself the mere tool and bubble of the man.

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To cheat, delude

No, no, friend, I shall never be bubbled out of my religion in hopes only of keeping my place under another government.

A small spherical cavity in a solid material
To cry, weep
To produce bubbles, to rise up in bubbles (such in foods cooking)
A period of intense speculation in a market, causing prices to rise quickly to irrational levels as the metaphorical bubble expands, and then fall even more quickly as the bubble bursts
Anything resembling a hollow sphere
{f} sparkle, froth
air or carbon dioxide form, produce, or emit bubbles; "The soup was bubbling
{n} a bladder, or vessel of fluid filled with air, any thing wanting solidity, empty project, one cheated
{v} to rise in bubbles, cheat, run with a gurgling noise
a spherical volume of gas or vapor in a liquid but also commonly used to refer to a spherical void in a liquid
To run with a gurgling noise, as if forming bubbles; as, a bubbling stream
a period during which speculative investors buy shares, pushing their prices up to unsustainable levels
The globule of air in the spirit tube of a level
A feeling, influence, or activity that is bubbling away continues to occur. political tensions that have been bubbling away for years
When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example because it is boiling or moving quickly. Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top
1) Under Federal law, a system that allows emission sources to propose means to comply with a set of emissions limitations Often this means sources can meet total emissions limitations by large decreases in emissions where control costs less, in return for a comparable relaxation of controls at a second, more expensive control point 2) A boundary around a facility Emission points within this boundary contribute to a facility's environmental impact and the plant's "site emission limit "
A void left in a cast when the casting material does not come into full contact with portions of the specimen impression in the mold Results in a smooth, semi-spherical impression left in cast, usually around teeth and areas of minute detail See Microbubbles
A globule of air, or globular vacuum, in a transparent solid; as, bubbles in window glass, or in a lens
A market where asset prices have dramatically risen well-above any objective valuations Bubbles are usually social events that are fueled by irrational optimism about the prospects for the particular market or asset
a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control; "his proposal was nothing but a house of cards"; "a real estate bubble"
Anything that wants firmness or solidity; that which is more specious than real; a false show; a cheat or fraud; a delusive scheme; an empty project; a dishonest speculation; as, the South Sea bubble
In spray painting applications, air trapped in a paint film caused by poor atomization during spraying (558)
The generic concept of a "bubble" refers to the idea that emissions reductions anywhere within a specific area count towards a common reduction goal -- as if a giant bubble were placed over the various sources to contain them in a common area
a hollow globule of gas e
Refers to a geographic region or grouping of facilities for which all emissions and emission reductions are treated as aggregate
a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic
A bubble is a hollow ball of soapy liquid that is floating in the air or standing on a surface. With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime
an impracticable and illusory idea; "he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble"
Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid. Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface. a bubble of gas trapped under the surface
Occurs in a crystal when gas is trapped within some fluid solution during its formation Bubbles can be either static or move inside a hollow in the crystal They are said to add a dancing, laughing energy to the crystal
Term used to describe the arrangement, provided for in Article 4 of the Kyoto Protocol, whereby Annex I Parties can fulfil their emission targets jointly by pooling their individual emissions in a common 'bubble ' The EU has used this provision and, through a burden sharing agreement, sub-divided its target of -8% into differentiated targets for each Member State that take account of their different national circumstances
something that develops when investors put way too much money into shares or property or a sector of the economy in relation to the value of those investments and the return they will get It is usually driven by the fact that the particular market has grown and grown for some time and more and more people want to get in on the action Bubbles always burst Budget - a statement of planned income/revenue and expenditure Most often used in the context of the government's revenue and spending
A small, hollow, floating bead or globe, formerly used for testing the strength of spirits
A situation in which the price of an asset differs from its fundamental market value 288
A pocket of gas trapped in glass during manufacture The term is used for both bubbles introduced intentionally (also known as air traps or beads) and bubbles trapped accidentally during the melting process V ery small bubbles are known as seeds
The slowest position in first round qualifying The driver can be "knocked off the bubble," meaning bumped out of the field until second round qualifing
flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks"
expel gas from the stomach; "In China it is polite to burp at the table"
An imaginary dome or zone enclosing one or more emitters or a region of emitters A cap is placed on the total amount of emissions permitted from all sources in the bubble, but individual emitters within the bubble can have different caps on their emissions In the United States, a bubble zone comprising 21 northeastern and mid-western U S states was set up in the 1990s to focus on acid rain-causing emissions Companies inside the bubble conducted emissions trading to reduce their emissions affordably In the European Union, an "EU bubble" was established under the Kyoto Protocol with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 8 per cent below 1990 levels by 2012 EU member states agreed to divide up this target among themselves, with some countries having to reduce emissions by more than 8 per cent and some by less
a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic an impracticable and illusory idea; "he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble" a hollow globule of gas e
To rise in bubbles, as liquids when boiling or agitated; to contain bubbles
To sing with a gurgling or warbling sound
Existing sources of air pollution with several facilities may control more than is required at one emission point where control costs are lower, in return for comparable relaxation at a second point where costs are higher or more difficult to achieve
A system/concept which treats the emissions from individual emission points in an existing facility (such as a military installation) collectively rather than individually The concept can be used if it achieves an overall emission reduction goal or requirement The facility responsible officials can propose alternate means to comply with a set of emission limitations while at the same time hold down control system costs Under the bubble concept, the facility can achieve emission rates significantly less than required at one emission point where control costs are relatively low in return for a comparable relaxation of controls at a second emission point where costs are higher See Also: Banking, Emissions trading Back to Top
A specific area or group of facilities where emission reductions from all sources have a common total emission limit For example, if a plant with multiple emissions sources is treated as being "under an emissions bubble," regulators assess only the total emissions of the plant, not the emissions of each individual source, in determining compliance
In Florida's aquifers, a formation of fresh water that lies above areas of salt water It is also called a lens Bubbles are particularly vulnerable to saltwater intrusion if the fresh water is pumped out
A globule of air or gas in a thin liquid envelope
A collection of air or gas surrounded by a permeable membrane through which gases can enter or exit
A person deceived by an empty project; a gull
a dome-shaped covering made of transparent glass or plastic an impracticable and illusory idea; "he didn't want to burst the newcomer's bubble"
A thin film of liquid holding gas or air Commonly used to refer to a market where prices have risen to unsustainable levels
A small quantity of air or gas within a liquid body; as, bubbles rising in champagne or aërated waters
form, produce, or emit bubbles; "The soup was bubbling"
a hollow globule of gas (e g , air or carbon dioxide)
A thin film of liquid inflated with air or gas; as, a soap bubble; bubbles on the surface of a river
Someone who is bubbling with a good feeling is so full of it that they keep expressing the way they feel to everyone around them. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement Bubble over means the same as bubble. He was quite tireless, bubbling over with vitality. Bubble is also a noun. As she spoke she felt a bubble of optimism rising inside her
a situation in economics where asset prices (for instance, land or stock prices) are rising not because the assets themselves are becoming more valuable but because people think they're going to keep getting more valuable Bubbles eventually "burst" when asset prices suddenly drop
{i} blister, gas-filled sac; effervescence
In a cartoon, a speech bubble is the shape which surrounds the words which a character is thinking or saying
A bubble is a situation in which large numbers of people want to buy shares in a company that is new or not yet financially successful, and pay more than the shares are worth. When it becomes clear that the shares are worth less than people paid for them, you can say that the bubble has burst. Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future. At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks
A portable pressure container for storing compressed air
An unused stage in the pipeline during a cycle Compare stall
{i} bleb
bubble and squeak
Cabbage and mashed potatoes etc. fried together
bubble ass
A bubble butt

They'll find someone new with a bubble ass and a short dress.

bubble asses
plural form of bubble ass
bubble bath
A bath in which an additive (usually sold as Bubble Bath in the store) is poured directly in to the water that creates bubbles
bubble baths
plural form of bubble bath
bubble blower
A children's toy in the form of tool for making bubbles by blowing on a membrane of soap water or similar fluid sticked to a circlet
bubble butt
A fat person
bubble butt
Large, rounded buttocks
bubble butts
plural form of bubble butt
bubble car
A small three-wheel motor vehicle in a category between a motorbike and a car
bubble car
a single-car multiple unit
bubble cars
plural form of bubble car
bubble chamber
A vessel filled with a superheated transparent liquid (most often liquid hydrogen) used to detect electrically charged particles moving through it
bubble chambers
plural form of bubble chamber
bubble level
A tool employing a chamber with a colored liquid and an air bubble, used to determine if a surface is level horizontally, vertically, or at a 45-degree angle
bubble levels
plural form of bubble level
bubble over
To be very enthusiastic, or highly excited

She was bubbling over with laughter as she ran into the room.

bubble position
The bottom qualifying position in a race, on the outside of the last row at the starting line

Smith is in the bubble position, having barely beaten out Jones for the last spot.

bubble positions
plural form of bubble position
bubble sort
A sorting algorithm in which neighboring two values are compared and swapped into right order if necessary in the most inner loop
bubble sorts
plural form of bubble sort
bubble tea
a tea-based sweet drink mixed with fruit juice, syrup and/or milk and other ingredients such as tapioca pearls, of Taiwanese origin
bubble team
A team on the bubble for an upcoming tournament

The Knights are everybody's favorite bubble team this year.

bubble teas
plural form of bubble tea
bubble up
To move upward in bubbles or in a way suggesting bubbles

The target of this event is the most deeply nested common ancestor of all changes that occurred in the document, and it bubbles up the document tree.

bubble wand
A wand (stick) with a loop at one end for dipping into soap solution so bubbles may be formed by subsequently passing air through the loop
bubble wands
plural form of bubble wand
bubble wrap
A registered trademark of Sealed Air Corporation (US) which is used in connection with air cellular cushioning material, consisting of small spheres of air trapped in plastic, sold on long rolls for tearing off, and used as packaging for fragile items
A submariner
bubble level
A spirit level or bubble level is an instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is level or plumb. Different types of spirit levels are used by carpenters, stone masons, bricklayers, other building trades workers, surveyors, millwrights and other metalworkers
bubble pack
A flexible transparent sheet containing many small plastic blisters; used to package items of merchandise during shipment. (synonym) blister pack, bubble wrap
bubble plot
(İstatistik) A scatter diagram using circles as plotting symbols in which the areas of the circles indicate the values of a third variable
bubble wrap
A flexible transparent sheet containing many small plastic blisters; used to package items of merchandise during shipment. (synonym) blister pack, bubble pack
bubble wrap
[MASS NOUN] plastic packaging material in sheets containing numerous small air cushions designed to protect fragile goods
Bubble-Jet Printer
A trademark for a printer consisting of a grid of ink-containing nozzles that forms an image when the ink is heated and expanded, forcing it out onto the page
bubble and squeak
leftover cabbage and potatoes and meat fried together
bubble and squeak
Bubble and squeak is a dish made from a mixture of cold cooked cabbage, potato, and sometimes meat. It can be grilled or fried. Cabbage and potatoes fried together. a British dish of potatoes and cabbage mixed together and cooked in fat
bubble bath
a bath in which you add something to foam and scent the bath water
bubble bath
bath filled with soap bubbles
bubble bath
When you have a bubble bath, you lie in a bath of water with bubble bath in it. a long, relaxing bubble bath
bubble bath
Bubble bath is a liquid that smells nice and makes a lot of bubbles when you add it to your bath water
bubble car
A small, usually three-wheeled automobile with a transparent bubble top
bubble chamber
an instrument that records the tracks of ionizing particles
bubble chamber
An apparatus in which the movement and collision of ionizing particles is determined by the examination of trails of gas bubbles that form in the paths of the particles as they move through a superheated liquid. Subatomic-particle detector that uses a superheated liquid which boils into tiny bubbles of vapour along the tracks of the particles. As charged particles move through the liquid, they knock electrons from the atoms of the liquid, creating ions. If the liquid is close to its boiling point, the first bubbles form around these ions. The observable tracks can be photographed and analyzed to measure the behaviour of the charged particles. Developed in 1952 by Donald Glaser, the bubble chamber proved very useful in the 1960s and '70s for the study of high-energy nuclear and particle physics
bubble company
unstable company
bubble dance
a solo dance similar to a fan dance except large balloons are used instead of fans
bubble diagram
diagram that uses oval or circular forms to represent items or locations (used to roughly depict the layout of a space or system)
bubble economy
economy that experiences an unusual rapid and in many cases temporary growth
bubble gum
kind of chewing gum that can be blown into large bubbles
bubble gum
a kind of chewing gum that can be blown into bubbles
bubble gum
Bubble gum is a sweet substance similar to chewing gum. You can blow it out of your mouth so it makes the shape of a bubble. I got bubblegum on the seat of Nanna's car. a type of chewing gum that you can blow into a bubble
bubble gum dermatitis
an allergic contact dermatitis developed around the lips of children who chew bubble gum
bubble jet printer
type of inkjet printer, type of printer which injects ink out of nozzles onto the paper
bubble jet printer
a kind of ink-jet printer
bubble jet printer
a type of machine for printing from a computer, that sprays ink onto the paper
bubble like
like a bubble, delicate, insubstantial
bubble memory
magnetic computer memory made up of small elements (high access speed and large storage capacity)
bubble memory
Magnetic bubble memory
bubble over
see bubble 6
bubble over
overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger
bubble point
The temperature and pressure at which the first subsurface bubble of vapor is formed in a multicomponent liquid
bubble point
The pressure at which air first passes through a wet membrane; the path being the channel of greatest pore size
bubble point
The differential gas pressure at which the first steady stream of gas bubbles is emitted from a wetted filter element under specified test conditions
bubble point
The temperature and pressure at which part of a liquid begins to convert to gas For example, if a certain volume of liquid is held at constant pressure, but its temperature is increased, a point is reached at which bubbles of gas begin to form in the liquid This is the bubble point Similarly, if a certain volume of liquid is held at a constant temperature but the pressure is reduced, the point at which gas begins to form is the bubble point Compare dew point
bubble shell
marine gastropod mollusk having a very small thin shell
bubble shell
A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata
bubble sort
system of classification
bubble up
move upwards in bubbles, as from the effect of heating; also used metaphorically; "Gases bubbled up from the earth"; "Marx's ideas have bubbled up in many places in Latin America
bubble wrap
'bubble pack a sheet of plastic covered with bubbles of air, used for wrapping and protecting things
burst someone's bubble
To disillusion; to disabuse someone of a false notion or rationalization that has grown comfortable

I hate to burst his bubble, but he is going to be disappointed if he tries that idea.

Local Bubble
A region of interstellar space containing about one tenth the density of matter than the average for our galaxy
air bubble
A small pocket of air inside a solid, a liquid or surrounded by a colloid within a larger fluid environment
plural form of bubble
Sparkling wine; champagne
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bubble
The action or motion of something that bubbles
on the bubble
Holding the last qualifying position with qualification still in progress, and thus liable to lose that position

Smith was on the bubble but lost out when Jones was faster by a tenth of a second.

on the bubble
Having qualification for an event depend on the upcoming performances of other competitors

The Knights had been on the bubble for the tournament, but played their way in by winning their last five games.

on the bubble
Uncertain of success

The new bond issue now appears to be on the bubble, with support eroding.

soap bubble
A very thin film of soap water that forms a sphere with an iridescent surface
speech bubble
A rounded outline, containing words, representing speech in a cartoon
thought bubble
A rounded or cloud-shaped outline, containing words, representing thought in a cartoon
warp bubble
A detached region of spacetime which is theoretically capable of moving faster than the speed of light
asset bubble
(Finans) An asset bubble refers to the sudden and dangerous rise in the price of an investment or security. Years ago, it was the dot-coms. Now, it's the subprimes
A bubble
South Sea Bubble
a serious financial problem in the UK in 1720, which led to many people losing all their money. The South Sea company made large profits by trading with South America, and this encouraged many people to invest their money in it (=lend the company money, in the hope of making more money) . But the company was very dishonestly run, and in the end it failed and the money people had invested became worthless. (1720) Speculation mania that caused financial ruin for many British investors. Parliament's acceptance of a proposal by the South Sea Co. to take over the British national debt resulted in an immediate rise in its stock. After soaring from 128 1 2 to over 1,000 in nine months, the bubble of overvalued stock burst and the price per share dropped to 124, dragging other stocks down and leaving many investors ruined. An inquiry by the House of Commons found collusion by several government ministers
air bubble
a bubble of air
air bubble
pocket of gas, small pocket of air
past of bubble
plural of bubble
(20) - Flip a coin If tails, you can't use this attack during your next turn Pokémon with this attack: Misty's Poliwag
Hollow circles or ovals provided on an answer document Students fill in bubbles to record their answers to test items
Definition of Bubbles: The existence of bubbles is the conjecture that market prices for securities take self-fulfilling swings away from any model of their fundamental values Bubbles are often described as speculative and it is conjectured that bubbles could be risky ventures for speculators who earn a fair rate of return on them (Econterms) Terms related to Bubbles: None About Com Resources on Bubbles: None Writing a Term Paper? Here are a few starting points for research on Bubbles: Books on Bubbles: None Journal Articles on Bubbles: None
(see voids)
third-person singular of bubble
A pocket of gas trapped in glass during manufacture The term is used for both bubbles introduced intentionally (also known air traps or beads) and bubbles trapped accidentally during the melting process Very small bubbles are known as seeds
An incentive devised by the Environmental Protection Agency to replace some rules and referring to the total amount of air pollution which can come from a given fac-tory A company is free to decide which specific sources of pollution within the factory must be reduced and how to meet the standard
Air bubbles that were trapped in the glass during the pour Bubbles may be almost any size from minute up to an inch or larger
Gases suspended in solution
Pockets of gas trapped in the glass during manufacture The term is used of both bubbles introduced intentionally (which are also known s air traps or beads) and bubbles that form spontaneously during the melting process
covered with or resembling small bubbles as from being agitated by beating or heating; "the bubbling candy mixture"; "a cup of foaming cocoa"; "frothy milkshakes"; "frothy waves"; "spumy surf"
present participle of bubble
emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer
emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer"
A temporary or permanent film defect in which bubbles of air or solvent vapor are present in the applied film
marked by high spirits or excitement; "his fertile effervescent mind"; "scintillating personality"; "sparkling conversation"; "a row of sparkly cheerleaders"
Air bubbles in a drying film caused by excessive brushing or vigorous stirring just before applying When they break, they may form pinholes in the film
In glazing, open or closed pockets in a sealant caused by release, production or expansion of gasses
An unusual, intermittent feeling in a joint or muscle that indicates early stages of bleeding
The appearance of bubbles in the film while a material is being applied Caused by any condition that causes air, vapors or gasses to be trapped in the film while it is soft but after it has hardened sufficiently to prevent the gas from escaping
{i} narghile, huka, hooka, smoking pipe that uses water to filter smoke; riot, panic
an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water; "a bipolar world with the hookah and Turkish coffee versus hamburgers and Coca Cola"
lives in a bubble
lives in his own reality, lives in a world that is not part of the "real world
magnetic bubble memory
A memory that stores data in the form of bubbles, or circular areas, on a thin film of magnetic silicate. No longer used in most computers, magnetic bubble memory is similar to RAM but does not lose the stored information when the computer is turned off
magnetic bubble memory
a nonvolatile storage device that holds information in the form of bubbles on a thin film of magnetic silicate; no longer used in most computers
small bubble
small blister
soap bubble
empty words, all talk, bubbles formed from soap
soap bubble
a bubble formed by a thin soap film
speculative bubble
A rapid, but usually short-lived, run-up in prices caused by excessive buying which is unrelated to any of the basic, underlying factors affecting the supply or demand for the commodity Speculative bubbles are usually associated with a "bandwagon" effect in which speculators rush to buy the commodity (in the case of futures, "to take positions") before the price trend ends, and an even greater rush to sell the commodity (unwind positions) when prices reverse