
listen to the pronunciation of brought}
English - Turkish

Definition of brought} in English Turkish dictionary


Sana küçük bir şey getirdim. - I brought you a little something.

Sana küçük bir şey getirdim. - I've brought you a little something.

brought up

Ebeveynlerimin her ikisi de ülkede yetiştirildiler. - Both of my parents were brought up in the country.

O, anne ve babası tarafından iyi yetiştirildi. - She was well brought up by her parents.

brought about
meydana getirilmiş
brought close together
biraraya getirmek
brought forward
(Sigorta) nakli yekün
brought forward
(Ticaret) nakli yekun
brought off
brought up
brought up

İyi bir ailede yetiştirilmiş gibi görünüyor. - He must have been brought up in a good family.

Onun oğulları uygun şekilde yetiştirilmiş değil. - His sons are not properly brought up.

brought about
vuku bulmak
brought about
meydana getir
brought about
hasıl etmek
brought around
ikna et
brought back
geri getir
brought close together
biraraya getir
brought disorder
kargaşa yarat
brought down

İthalattaki artışla talep aşağı düşürüldü. - The demand was brought down by increases in imports.

İyi hasat pirinç fiyatını düşürdü. - The good harvest brought down the price of rice.

brought forth
brought forward
ileri sür
brought forward
hesap toplamını nakletmek
brought honor to
brought in line
sıraya sok
brought in through
brought into

Fadıl polis karakoluna getirildi ve sorgulandı. - Fadil was brought into the police station and questioned.

Donan bir dilenci tedavi için hastaneye getirildi. Fakat faturayı ödemek için bir senti bile yoktu. - A freezing beggar was brought into the hospital for treatment. However, he didn't have even one cent with which to settle the bill.

brought into a certain state
belirli bir duruma getir
brought into a different state
farklı bir duruma getir
brought into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk et
brought into being
meydana getir
brought into consonance
ahenk sağla
brought into disorder
kargaşa yarat
brought into favor
yardıma sevk et
brought into line
sıraya sok
brought into safety
güven sağla
brought off
brought on
gelişmesine neden ol
brought order into
düzene sok
brought order to
düzene sok
brought out
brought out
meydana çıkarmak
brought over
karşıya geçir
brought through
brought through
brought to a close
sona erdir
brought to a destination
hedefe yönelt
brought to an end
sona erdir
brought up
yaklaşmasını sağlamak
brought up to date
brought down
brought honor to
brought in line
sıraya şok
brought into line
sıraya şok
brought off
off getirdi
brought to bear
ayı getirdi
brought together
bir araya getirdi
brought up
brought up to date
f., bak. bring
brought disorder
kargaşa yaratmış
brought down
(Ticaret) nakil yekun
brought honor to
brought into a certain state
belirli bir duruma getirilmek
brought into a different state
farklı bir duruma getirmek
brought into accord
uzlaşmaya sevk etmek
brought into consonance
ahenk sağlamak
brought into disorder
kargaşa yaratmak
brought into favor
yardıma sevk etmek
brought into safety
güven sağlamak
brought to a close
sona erdirilmiş
brought to a destination
hedefe yöneltilmiş
brought to an end
sona erdirilmiş
be brought up
to be brought up
The well brought up will not become undesirable
(Atasözü) Çapalı tarlada ayrık türemez
amount brought forward
nakli yekün
balance brought
forward nakli yekûn
well brought up
iyi yetişmiş
balance brought forward
nakli yekun
balance brought forward
(isim)kli yekun
be brought into force
yürürlüğe alınmak
be brought into force
yürürlüğe konmak
be brought into use
kullanıma sunulmak
lawsuit brought against
(Kanun) açılan dava
English - English

Definition of brought} in English English dictionary

brought about
Simple past tense and past participle of bring about
brought back
Simple past tense and past participle of bring back
brought down
Simple past tense and past participle of bring down
brought forth
Simple past tense and past participle of bring forth
brought home
Simple past tense and past participle of bring home
brought off
Simple past tense and past participle of bring off
brought on
Simple past tense and past participle of bring on
brought out
Simple past tense and past participle of bring out
brought owls to Athens
Simple past tense and past participle of bring owls to Athens
brought up
Simple past tense and past participle of bring up
brought upon
Past participle of bring upon
Brought is the past tense and past participle of bring. Past tense and past participle of bring. the past tense and past participle of bring
past of bring
brought about
caused to exist; "he applauded the good will brought about in the neighborhood"
brought about
caused to exist; "he applauded the good will brought about in the neighborhood
brought about
caused, made happen
brought about a revolution
caused a revolution, caused a major change (in government, etc.)
brought forward
transferred from one page to another (Accounting); brought to the front or closer to the front; raised, introduced (an issue)
brought him this far
reached this point, come as far as this
brought in
taken in, admitted; earned, yielded
brought into this world
born, begot, created
brought it upon himself
caused himself the problems, created his own misfortune
brought to an end
terminated, ended, concluded
brought to his attention
made him aware of -, informed him of -
brought to justice
punished for wrongdoing, tried in court
brought up
raised up, brought before, discussed (of an issue, etc.); grown up, raised, educated (of a person)
brought up the subject
raised the issue, introduced the subject
brought up to date
updated, apprised of a situation, informed
was brought to trial
was tried in court, sued, tried for a crime
If you say that someone, especially a child, is well-brought-up, you mean that they are very polite because they have been taught good manners. a child who is well-brought-up has been taught to be polite and to behave well
Turkish - English

Definition of brought} in Turkish English dictionary

bollukta büyümüş brought up
in the lap of luxury; prodigal, wasteful; used to luxurious living


    ... done. And what I've also said is for young people who come here, brought here often times ...
    ... And their director, Matthew, he really brought ...