
listen to the pronunciation of brigade
English - Turkish
{i} ekip
(Askeri) askeri birlik
i., ask. tugay
alayları tugaylara göre tanzim etmek
(Askeri) TUGAY: Genel olarak tümenden küçük olup emrine alay veya tabur ve ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde kurulmuş küçük birlikler verilen bir kara ordusu birliği
bir araya getirmek
yangın için organize edilmiş bir grup insan
gruplar meydana getirmek
brigade commander
(Askeri) tugay komutanı
brigade adjutant
(Askeri) tugay emir subayı
brigade adjutant
(Askeri) tugay merkez kısmı amiri
brigade adjutant
brigade battle simulation
(Askeri) tugay muharebe simülasyonu
brigade landing team
(Askeri) tugay indirme timi
brigade landing team
(Askeri) TUGAY ÇIKARMA TİMİ, TUGAY İNDİRME TİMİ: Bir çıkarma (veya indirme) hücum timi. Bir tugay karargahı ile iki veya daha çok, tabur seviyesinde muharebe birliğinden ve müstakil olarak harekatı idare ettiği sürece, muharebe ve geçici lojistik için gerekli, muharebe ve hizmet takviye unsurlarından mürekkep, dengeli bir özel görev teşkilidir
brigade landing team
(Askeri) tugay çıkarma timi
brigade service support group
(Askeri) tugay hizmet destek grubu
infantry brigade
(Askeri) piyade tugayı
fire brigade

Tom kedi yavrusu bir ağaçta sıkıştığı zaman itfaiyeyi aradı. - Tom called the fire brigade when his kitten got stuck up a tree.

İtfaiye, yangını önledi. - The fire brigade prevented a fire.

The brigade
armored brigade-combat-team
zırhlı tugay muharebe takımı
city brigade
belediye ekipleri
enhanced brigade
gelişmiş tugay
farm brigade
çiftlik tugay
Yangın tugay
jewish brigade
jewish tugay
light brigade
ışık tugay
Marine expeditionary brigade
(Askeri) Deniz sefer tugayı
airborne brigade
(Askeri) hava indirme tugayı
artillery brigade
battalion or brigade intelligence staff officer (Army; Marine Corps battalion or
(Askeri) tugay veya tabur istihbarat karargah subayı (KK, Deniz Piyadeleri taburu veya alayı)
battalion or brigade logistics staff officer (Army; Marine Corps battalion or re
(Askeri) tugay veya tabur lojistik karargah subayı (KK, Deniz Piyadeleri taburu veya alayı)
battalion or brigade operations staff officer (Army; Marine Corps battalion or r
(Askeri) tugay veya tabur harekat karargah subayı (KK, Deniz Piyadeleri taburu veya alayı)
beach support area; brigade support area
(Askeri) kıyı destek bölgesi; tugay destek bölgesi/sahası
combat aviation brigade
(Askeri) hava muharebe tugayı
engineer special brigade
(Askeri) (AMPHIBIAN ENGINEERS) ÖZEL İSTİHKAM TUGAYI (AMFİBİ): Sıhhiye, levazım, muhabere ve ordudonatım elemanları ile birlikte bot ve kıyı birliklerinden oluşan bir ordu istihkam tugayı. Bu tugayın; bir amfibi harekatta muharip kıtaları, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerini nakletmek ve limanların tesis edilmesinden evvel açık deniz gemileri (ocean-going vessels) ambarlarından veya yakın sahil ikmal noktalarından (near shore supply points) kıtaların ikmal işlerini desteklemek gibi, iki vazifesi vardır. Tugay; çıkarma araçları ile teçhiz edilmiş olup, mahdut mesafeler dahilinde, bir tümeni nakledecek ve bir kolordunun ikmalini yapabilecek kapasitededir
fire brigade
İng. itfaiye
fire brigade
itfaiye örgütü [brit.]
infantry brigade commander
(Askeri) piyade tugay komutanı
marine amphibious brigade
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADE AMFİBİ TUGAYI: Bir deniz piyadesi amfibi tugayı normal alay tipinde bir çıkarma timi, geçici bir deniz piyadesi uçak grubu, ve bir lojistik destek grubunun etrafında teşkil edilen bir görev teşkilatıdır. Sınırlı bir kapsamda amfibik taarruz harekatları yapmaya muktedirdir. Muhtemel buhran durumlarında, bir deniz piyadesi amfibi tugayı, çabuk şekilde muharebeye girmek amacıyla uzatılmış bir dönem için önceden denize intikal ettirilebilir. Ayrıca MAB da denir
marine expeditionary brigade
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ SEFERİ TUGAYI: Bir alay çıkarma timi ile bir deniz piyadesi uçak grubu çekirdek alınarak teşkil edilmiş bir deniz Piyadesi Hava-Kara özel görev kuvveti. Deniz Piyadesi seferi tugayı; normal olarak, bir Deniz Piyadesi tümen/ving timi muharip kaynaklarının, ortalama, üçte birini kullanır
medical brigade
(Askeri) sıhhiye tugayı
motorized infantry brigade
(Askeri) motorlu piyade tugayı
naval construction brigade
(Askeri) askeri inşaat tugayı
English - English
Civilian workforce or organization (e.g. fire brigade)
To form troops into a brigade
Military unit forming part of an army. Traditionally formed from two regiments. Traditionally, two brigades form a division
A brigade usually consists of three battalions and forms part of a division

One additional brigade of 3,500 U.S. troops has just arrived in Afghanistan.

a body of troops consisting of two or more regiments
{n} a division of troops under a Brigadier, consisting of several regiments or battalions
- Four regiments, or 4184 men
During the Korean War, brigade was an organizational structure used by the British, the Canadians and the Turks Consisting of a headquarters and two or more battalions, it was roughly analogous to an American regiment
a group of about 4,000 men in the army; often shortened to Bde
army unit smaller than a division form or unite into a brigade
A brigade is one of the groups which an army is divided into. the men of the Seventh Armoured Brigade. see also fire brigade. Military unit commanded by a brigadier general or a colonel and composed of two or more subordinate units, such as regiments or battalions. Two or more brigades make up a division
A group of persons organized for a specific purpose
An Army Brigade is a collection of different Regiments and supporting units that have been grouped together for a specific purpose A fighting Brigade will traditionally contain Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Regiments together with many supporting cap badges The composition of each Brigade will differ depending on its responsibility but could often contain 5,000 soldiers
Is made up of two or more battalions
Normally consists of three battalions and supporting elements and is commanded by a brigadier general The smallest formation (ie self-sufficient unit) in that it also contained troops of other arms besides those forming its principal bulk It includes about 4,300 personnel in peacetime and 6,200 in wartime
military unit forming part of an army. A brigade usually consists of three battalions and forms part of a division
A unit usually smaller than a division to which are attached groups and/or battalions and smaller units tailored to meet anticipated requirements
Military unit consisting of regiments or battalions banding together with one assigned leader
A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery, infantry, or mixed, consisting of two or more regiments, under the command of a brigadier general
Varying historically from army to army, the brigade generally refers to a unit of organization consisting of two to eight battalions In The Marshal's Baton, any brigade with the equivalent of six or less stands should be rostered on one line only
army unit smaller than a division
Any body of persons organized for acting or marching together under authority; as, a fire brigade
form or unite into a brigade
To form into a brigade, or into brigades
{i} military unit consisting of many troops
brigade combat team
(Askeri) The brigade combat team (BCT) is the basic deployable unit of maneuver in the US Army. A brigade combat team consists of one combat arms branch maneuver brigade, and its attached support and fire units. Brigade combat teams are generally commanded by a colonel (O-6), in some rare instances they will be commanded by a brigadier general. A brigade combat team carries with it support units necessary to sustain its operations separate from its parent division. BCTs contain organic artillery support, formerly received from the division artillery (DIVARTY)
brigade commander
head of a brigade (military unit composed of two or more battalions with service and administrative units)
brigade maneuver
military exercises involving a large body of troops
blue-rinse brigade
Elderly women with traditional, conservative views
bucket brigade
By extension, any process in which something is passed along a chain
bucket brigade
A primitive firefighting technique, in which a long line of people pass buckets of water hand-to-hand from the nearest water source to the site of a fire, in an attempt to douse it
fire brigade
A group of people within a corporation or industrial site, organized for the purpose of putting out fires, usually in addition to their normal job
fire brigade
An organization, often part of a local government, whose purpose is preventing and putting out fires
raincoat brigade
A generic group of men interested in 1970's independent music , such as Joy Division , Throbbing Gristle ,who were also fond of wearing green x- army raincoats which could be purchased on the Kings Road
raincoat brigade
A generic group of men interested in sleaze or pornography, dirty old men
heavy brigade
(Askeri) A heavy brigade is a formation made up from 'Heavy' Cavalry; i.e. Dragoon Guards and Dragoons
Boys' Brigade
an organization which was set up in Britain in 1883 to encourage boys to develop team spirit and responsible behaviour
Charge of the Light Brigade
an unsuccessful attack made by the British cavalry (=soldiers riding horses) during the Crimean War. Many British soldiers were killed because they were ordered to ride into a valley which was full of Russian soldiers with heavy guns. Tennyson describes this battle in his poem The Charge of the Light Brigade
Golani Brigade
{i} infantry brigade of the Israel Defense Force which was formed on February 28th 1948
International Brigade
Spanish Civil War, the
Jewish Brigade
Jewish military unit in the British army that aided Holocaust survivors who wanted to immigrate to Palestine
Light Brigade
Charge of the Light Brigade, the
alex boncayao brigade
an urban hit squad and guerrila group of the Communist Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s
all-tank brigade
part of an army that specializes in the use of tanks
armored brigade-combat-team
armored brigade with auxillary forces trained for combat
plural of brigade
bucket brigade
A line of people formed to fight a fire by passing buckets of water from a source to the fire
deputy commander of brigade
second in command of a military unit
fire brigade
British name for a fire department
fire brigade
a private or temporary organization of individuals equipped to fight fires
fire brigade
The fire brigade is an organization which has the job of putting out fires; used especially to refer to the people who actually fight the fires. Get everyone out and call the fire brigade. An organized body of firefighters
fire brigade
company of firefighters or firemen, fire department
fire brigade
British name for a fire department a private or temporary organization of individuals equipped to fight fires
infantry brigade
large unit of soldiers trained and equipped to fight on foot
territorial brigade
division responsible for the security of a specific region, unit that is permanently stationed in one place but the individual soldiers are periodically changed