
listen to the pronunciation of branch
English - Turkish

Patty o kadar kısaydı ki dala yetişemedi. - Patty was so short that she couldn't reach the branch.

O, meşe ağacından bazı dallar kesti. - He cut some branches off the oak tree.

{i} branş

Şubelerimiz tüm ülke çapında uzanır. - Our branches extend all over the country.

Bankanın ülkenin her yerinde şubeleri var. - The bank has branches in all parts of the country.


Silahlı kuvvetlerin hangi kolundaydın? - Which branch of the armed forces were you in?

O dallar kolayca kırılır. - Those branches break easily.

{i} dere
dallara ayrılmak
şube müdürlüğü

O geçen ay genel müdürlükten şube müdürlüğüne transfer edildi. - She was transferred from the head office to a branch office last month.

bölümlere ayrılmak
(Ticaret) banka şubesi
ayrı yönlere
ağaç dalı

Bir nar bülbülü bir ağaç dalında oturur. - A robin sits on a tree branch.

Tom başını bir ağaç dalına çarptı. - Tom banged his head on a tree branch.

(ağaç) dallanmak
{f} dallan
(akarsu/yol/demiryolu/vb.) kol
{f} dallandir
dal,v.dallandır: n.dal
{i} (nehre ait) kol
{i} soy ağacındaki yer
konu dışına çıkmak
{i} çay
{i} göbek
{f} yayılmak
elişi ile süslemek
{i} (ağaca ait) dal
branch off ikiye ayrılmak
(Askeri) SINIF-KARA ORDUSUNUN MUHARİP VEYA YARDIMCI SINIFI: BRANCH AMERICAN CIVILIAN INTERNEE INFORMATION BUREAU: ENTERNE EDİLMİŞ SİVİL AMERİKAN PERSONELİ DANIŞMA BÜROSU TALİ KISMI: Bir harekat alanında, Enterne Edilmiş Sivil Amerikan Personeli Danışma Merkezi Tali Kısmının bir faaliyet kolu ve Enterne Edilmiş Sivil Amerikan Personeli Danışma Bürosu'nun görevlerini, emirler dahilinde yerine getiren resmi bir danışma bürosu. BRANCH AMERICAN PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION BUREAU: AMERİKAN HARP ESİRLERİ DANIŞMA BÜROSU TALİ KISMI: Bir harekat alanında, Amerikan Harp Esirleri Danışma Merkezi Tali Kısmı'nın bir faaliyet kolu ve Amerikan Harp Esirleri Danışma Bürosu' nun görevlerini, emirler dahilinde yerine getiren resmi bir danışma bürosu
{i} sınıf
{i} kol (bitki)
branch out geniş1emek
kol bitki
dal sürmek
budak 1
dal budak salmak
kollara ayrılmak
branch office

Bankanın şubeleri Japonya'nın her yerinde bulunmaktadır. - The branch offices of the bank are located all over Japan.

O geçen ay genel müdürlükten şube müdürlüğüne transfer edildi. - She was transferred from the head office to a branch office last month.

branch address
(Bilgisayar) dallanma adresi
branch chief
(Askeri) şube müdürü
branch code
(Ticaret) şube kodu
branch director
(Askeri) şube müdürü
branch name
şube adı
branch off
kol olarak ayrılmak
branch off
branch office
şube müdürlüğü

O geçen ay genel müdürlükten şube müdürlüğüne transfer edildi. - She was transferred from the head office to a branch office last month.

branch out
(Dilbilim) yayılmak
branch out
işi genişletmek
branch teacher
branş öğretmeni
branch and bound technique
dal sınır yöntemi
branch bank
banka şubesi
branch banking
şube bankacılığı
branch circuit
şube devre
branch current
şube akımı
branch manager
şube müdürü
branch of industry
sanayi kolu
branch off
konu dışına çıkmak
branch off
ikiye ayrılmak
branch off
branch out
dal budak salmak
branch out
branch out
branch out into
işi genişletmek
branch road
yan yol
branch road
yan sokak
branch store
satış şubesi
branch and bound
Dal (ve) sınır yöntemi
branch davidians
şube davidians
branch instruction
dallanma komutu
branch library
şube kütüphanesi
branch line
şube hattı
branch of
branch of art
sanat dalı
branch of service
branch pipe
şube boru
branch point
dallanma noktası
branch wesley rickey
şube wesley Rickey
branch accounts
(Ticaret) şube hesapları
branch address
dallanma adresi, sapma adresi
branch admittance matrix
dal geciri matrisi
branch banking
şubeli banka sistemi
branch banks
banka şubeleri
branch box
şube bağlantı kutusu
branch cable
şube kablosu
branch camp
(Askeri) tali esir kampı
branch camp
(Askeri) TALİ ESİR KAMPI: Bak. "prisoner of war camp"
branch circuit
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) devre parçası
branch circuit
(Elektrik, Elektronik) kol devre
branch company
(Ticaret) yan şirket
branch company
(Ticaret) bayi şirket
branch contact
şube kontağı
branch depot
(Askeri) SINIF DEPOSU: Bir cins malı veya bir tip ikmal maddesini alan, depolayan ve dağıtan ikmal tesisi. Buna "technical service depot" da denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "general depot". BRANCH ENEMY PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION BUREAU: DÜŞMAN HARP ESİRLERİ DANIŞMA BÜROSU TALİ KISMI: Bir harekat alanında, Düşman Harp Esirleri Danışma Merkezi Tali Kısmı'nın bir faaliyet kolu ve Düşman Harp Esirleri Danışma Bürosu'nun görevlerini, emirler dahilinde yerine getiren resmi bir danışma bürosu
branch depot
(Askeri) sınıf deposu
branch duct
kol kanal
branch duct
branş kanalı
branch exchange
ikincil santral
branch immaterial
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRILMAMIŞ: Belirli bir muharip veya yardımcı sınıf ihtisası vermek için ana konularda eğitim gösteren
branch immaterial
(Askeri) sınıflandırılmamış
branch immaterial position
(Askeri) SINIFLANDIRILMAMIŞ GÖREV YERİ: Kara ordusunun belirli bir sınıfı ile adlandırılmayan veya yalnız bir sınıfa inhisar etmeyen görev yeri. Ayrıca bakınız: "arms material position", "branch material position" ve "branch qualified officer"
branch line
branş hattı
branch line
kol hattı
branch line
iltisak hattı
branch material curriculum
(Askeri) MESLEK EĞİTİMİ DERS PROGRAMI: Sınıf Okulları ve Yedek Subay Hazırlık Eğitim Teşkilatı'nda yürütülen öğretim programları ile kolej ve üniversitelerdeki programlar. Bu programlar, öğrencileri Ordu'nun bazı sınıflarında görevlere hazırlar
branch material position
(Askeri) SINIF GÖREV YERİ, SINIFLANDIRILMIŞ GÖREV YERİ: Ordu'nun belirli bir sınıfı ile adlandırılmış bir görev yeri. Bu görev yeri için tayin edilmiş görevler, özel sınıfla adlandırılmış eğitime veya tecrübeye ihtiyaç gösterir. Ayrıca bakınız: "arms material position", "branch material position" ve "branch qualified officer"
branch off
kollara ayrılmak
branch off
(kol olarak) ayrılmak
branch out
branch out
(Fiili Deyim ) dal budak salmak , faaliyetini genişletmek
branch out
branch out
dallanıp budaklanmak
branch out into
(asıl faaliyetine devam ederken) (yeni bir faaliyete) girmek
branch pipe
çatal boru
branch pipe
manifold bölümü
branch pipe
(Havacılık) ara egzoz borusu
branch pipe
branşman borusu
branch point
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sapma noktası
branch qualified officer
(Askeri) SINIF EHLİYETLİ SUBAY: Bir subayın sınıf ehliyetli olması için aşağıdaki görev özelliklerine sahip bulunması gerekir: l. Sınıfına ait görevlerin, hepsinde değilse de, çeşitli dallarında teknik niteliğe sahip bulunmak; 2. Kendi rütbe ve sınıfındaki subaylardan, normal olarak, beklenen görevlerin hepsini değilse de, çoğunun icaplarını karşılayacak niteliği bulunmak: 3. Bugünkü rütbesine uygun bir kademede emir ve komuta kudret ve kabiliyeti ile birlikte, bir üst kademe için tespit edilmiş kabiliyeti göstermiş olmak. Bir uzman durumunda bulunduğu takdirde, ihtisasını bir üst kademede yerine getirecek kabiliyet ve kudreti göstermiş bulunmak; 4. Başkaları hesabına ve başkaları ile birlikte çalışma kabiliyetine sahip bulunmak; 5. Kendisini geliştirme yolunda arzulu görünmek veya bu gelişmeyi fiilen göstermiş olmak; 6. Sevk ve idare kabiliyetine sahip bulunmak; l. Rütbe ve hizmet süresi ile mütenasip sınıf okullarını başarı ile tamamlamış olmak veya bu okullara muadil dereceyi alacak, yeteri kadar, sınıf görevi yapmış bulunmak. BRANCH UNITED STATES CIVILIAN INTERNEE INFORMATION CENTER: A. B. D. ENTERNE EDİLMİŞ SİVİL PERSONEL DANIŞMA MERKEZİ TALİ KISMI: A. B. D. Enterne Edilmiş Sivil Personel Danışma Merkezi'nin görevlerini, emirler dahilinde yerine getirmek üzere bir harekat alanında kurulmuş resmi bir danışma merkezi. Merkez karargahından ve bir Enterne Edilmiş Amerikan Personeli Danışma Bürosu Tali Kısmı ile bir Enterne Edilmiş Düşman Personeli Danışma Bürosu Tali Kısmı'ndan ibarettir. BRANCH UNITED STATES PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION CENTER: A. B. D. HARP ESİRLERİ DANIŞMA MERKEZİ TALİ KISMI: A. B. D. Harp Esirleri Danışma Merkezi'nin görevlerini, emirler dahilinde yerine getirmek üzere bir harekat alanında kurulmuş resmi bir danışma merkezi. Bir merkez karargahından ve bir Amerikan Harp Esirleri Danışma Bürosu Tali Kısmı ile bir Düşman Harp Esirleri Danışma Bürosu Tali Kısmı'ndan ibarettir
branch removal
dal koparma
branch road
ara sokak
branch sewer
lağım branşmanı
branch sewer
şube pissu borusu
branch teaching
(Eğitim) alan öğretmenliği
branch wire
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) ek kablo
executive branch
(Politika, Siyaset) yürütme organı
principal branch
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ana dal
public security branch office
asayiş şube müdürlüğü
tree branch
ağaç dalı
bad branch
kötü sapma
{i} dal
{f} dallandır
conditional branch
koşullu sapma
conditional branch instruction
koşullu dallanma komutu
conjugate branch
eşlenik kol
foreign branch
yabancı şube
hold out the olive branch
zeytin dalı uzatmak
main branch
merkez şube
olive branch
zeytin dalı

Bir zeytin dalı uzatmak bir füze fırlatmaktan daha iyi. - Better to extend an olive branch than launch a missile.

Bir zeytin dalı barışı sembolize eder. - An olive branch symbolizes peace.

root and branch
tepeden tırnağa
tree branch
ağaç dalları
unconditional branch
koşulsuz dallanma
bank branch
banka şubesi
barbara branch
barbara şube
Dallanmış, dallı, dallara ayrılmış
{f} dallandir
engineering branch
mühendislik dalı
judicial branch
lateral branch
yan dal
oil branch
(barışın simgesi) zeytin dalı
palm branch
hurma dalı
practices one branch of medicine
tıp uygulamaları bir dal
private automatic branch exchange
otomatik özel santral
public branch exchange
kamu santral
student branch
Öğrenci kolu, öğrenci topluluğu
this branch of knowledge
ilmin bu dalı
unconditional branch instruction
koşulsuz sapma komutu
Joint Counterintelligence Support Branch
(Askeri) Müşterek Karşı İstihbarat Destek Şubesi
advanced operations base; aviation operations branch
(Askeri) geliştirilmiş harekat üssü; havacılık harekat şubesi
(isim) dallanma
{f} dallandır: prep.dallanarak
expand branch
(Bilgisayar) alt düzeyleri göster
horizontal branch
yatay kollu çatal
intake branch
(Otomotiv) emme yan borusu
principal branch
basat dal, ana dal
remount branch
(Askeri) REMONT ŞUBESİ: Bak. "remount division"
root and branch
tamamıyla, kökten, toptan, hepsi
selected branch
(Bilgisayar) seçili dal
subsidiary branch
alt branş
youth branch
gençlik örgütü
English - English
A location of an organization with several locations

Our main branch is downtown, and we have branches in all major suburbs.

An area in business or of knowledge, research
A subdivision of the LDS Church, smaller than and part of a stake, but smaller than a ward
The woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing
The certificate given by Trinity House to a pilot qualified to take navigational control of a ship in British waters
To produce branches
To arise from the trunk or a larger branch of a tree
To jump to a different location in a program, especially as the result of a conditional statement
Something that divides like the branch of a tree
To shoot or spread in branches; to separate into branches; to ramify
{n} a small bough, any thing that shoots from a stock, a small stream entering a larger, offspring, division of a subject
{v} to spread into branches, extend, adorn
an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress"
A line of family descent, in distinction from some other line or lines from the same stock; any descendant in such a line; as, the English branch of a family
To divide into separate parts or subdivision
The organizational level having functional or geographic responsibility for major parts of incident operations The Branch level is organizationally between Section and Division/Group in the Operations Section, and between Section and Units in the Logistics Section Branches are identified by the use of Roman Numerals or by functional name (e g , medical, security, etc ) ---C--- CACHE: A pre-determined complement of tools, equipment, and/or supplies stored in a designated location, available for incident use
Any member or part of a body or system; a distinct article; a section or subdivision; a department
a natural consequence of development
grow and send out branches or branch-like structures; "these plants ramify early and get to be very large"
A conditional transfer of control from any statement to any other statement in a component, or an unconditional transfer of control from any statement to any other statement in the component except the next statement, or when a component has more than one entry point, a transfer of control to an entry point of the component
A subordinate or division office, as opposed to an affiliate, agent, subsidiary or underwritten firm associated with the headquarters
An office that is a registered extension or division of a parent corporation's business
  The organizational level having functional or geographical responsibility for major parts of incident operations   The branch level is organizationally between section and division/group in the operations section, and between section and unit in the logistics section   Branches are identified by Roman numeral or by functional name
a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant
{i} bough; affiliate; limb
To jump to a section of a program and execute it GOTO and GOSUB are examples of BASIC branch instructions
Any division extending like a branch; any arm or part connected with the main body of thing; ramification; as, the branch of an antler; the branch of a chandelier; a branch of a river; a branch of a railway
A foreign operation not incorporated in the host country, in contradistinction to a "subsidiary "
[1] A unit of our federal government system: Legislative (Congress), Executive (The Office of the President), and Judicial (Federal Courts) Federal agencies or “federal bureaucracy” is often referred to as the unofficial fourth branch of government
A branch of a subject is a part or type of it. Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors
an administrative division of some larger or more complex organization; "a branch of Congress" a stream or river connected to a larger one a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"; "they took the south fork" divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks
a wholly or jointly owned unincorporated enterprise in the host country which is one of the following: (i) a permanent establishment or office of the foreign investor; (ii) an unincorporated partnership or joint venture between the foreign direct investor and one or more third parties; (iii) land, structures (except structures owned by government entities), and /or immovable equipment and objects directly owned by a foreign resident; (iv) mobile equipment (such as ships, aircraft, gas- or oil-drilling rigs) operating within a country other than that of the foreign investor for at least one year
A branch of a business or other organization is one of the offices, shops, or groups which belong to it and which are located in different places. The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts National is Britain's leading autocare service with over 400 branches nationwide
{f} fork, divide into branches
a local office or shop of a business
A shoot or secondary stem growing from the main stem, or from a principal limb or bough of a tree or other plant
divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks"
Unit or part of a company It is not separately incorporated
That organizational level having functional/geographic responsibility for major incident operations The Branch level is organizationally between Section and Division/Group in the Operations Section, and between Section and Units in the Logistics Section
any projection that is thought to resemble an arm; "the arm of the record player"; "an arm of the sea"; "a branch of the sewer"
A branch of your family is a group of its members who are descended from one particular person. This is one of the branches of the Roosevelt family. to divide into two or more smaller, narrower, or less important parts fork. Branch Davidians Cabell James Branch Rickey Branch Wesley
A warrant or commission given to a pilot, authorizing him to pilot vessels in certain waters
any branch which appears off the side of the main stem or stalk
The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on them
a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"; "they took the south fork"
One of the portions of a curve that extends outwards to an indefinitely great distance; as, the branches of an hyperbola
Stick used for beating CPU's If the stick is watered it might turn into a computer club
as, a branch vein; a branch road or line; a branch topic; a branch store
Any part of the drain system other than the main, riser, or stack Back to alphabetical list
An instruction that conditionally or unconditionally transfers control
To adorn with needlework representing branches, flowers, or twigs
 1 In a computer program, a conditional jump or departure from the implicit or declared order in which instructions are being executed   (188) 2 To select a branch, as in definition #1   3 A direct path joining two nodes of a network or graph   4 In a power distribution system, a circuit from a distribution device (power panel) of a lower power handling capability than that of the input circuits to the device   (188)
A program instruction that diverts the flow of execution along two or more alternate paths For example, a dialog box with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons represents a branch in the program Depending on which button the user clicks, the program will execute one path of instructions or the other
To divide as into branches; to make subordinate division in
A branch of an organization such as the government or the police force is a department that has a particular function. Senate employees could take their employment grievances to another branch of government He had a fascination for submarines and joined this branch of the service. the Metropolitan Police Special Branch
a stream or river connected to a larger one a division of a stem, or secondary stem arising from the main stem of a plant a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"; "they took the south fork"
- One of multiple route segments served by a single route
A secondary woody stem growing from the trunk of a tree The term is also used to describe the main ascending axis of a woody plant Often used as equivalent of axis or stem or stalk
divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The road forks
Diverging from, or tributary to, a main stock, line, way, theme, etc
The organizational level having functional/geographic responsibility for major segments of incident operations The Branch level is organizationally between Section and Division/Group
a conditional transfer of control from any statement to any other statement in a component
A portion of the folder tree which contains other folders and files
a stream or river connected to a larger one
branch line
A secondary railroad route or one subsidiary to a railroad's main lines
branch of government
A part of a whole governing body which is assigned specific powers; examples include the legislature, the judiciary, the executive, the military, and, in non-secular states, the church
branch out
to attempt something new or different, but related

Studying Latin may make it easier to branch out into Spanish or Italian.

branch out
to expand in the manner of branches

The chart starts in the center and branches out from there.

branch register
The register in a CPU which contains the address of the next instruction to be executed or of an instruction to be branched to under certain circumstances
branch tee
A tee pipe fitting with female connections on the two straight ends and a male connection on the branch
branch and bound
Branch and bound (BB) is a general algorithm for finding optimal solutions of various optimization problems, especially in discrete and combinatorial optimization. It consists of a systematic enumeration of all candidate solutions, where large subsets of fruitless candidates are discarded en masse, by using upper and lower estimated bounds of the quantity being optimized
Branch Davidians
Religious sect that believes in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. It was founded in 1935 near Waco, Texas, by Victor Houteff as a breakaway group from the Seventh-Day Adventists. Under the leadership of Vernon Howell, a charismatic and apocalyptic preacher who would take the name David Koresh (1959-1993), it stockpiled weapons at its compound, where some 130 followers were living by 1993. That year, after a shoot-out in which four federal agents were killed, federal law-enforcement agencies besieged the compound for 51 days. The standoff ended, at the orders of Attorney General Janet Reno, in a conflagration in which some 80 members died, including several children and Koresh himself. Intense controversy about the precise circumstances and the necessity of the final assault led to a Congressional investigation, which in 2000 exonerated federal agents
Branch Davidians
{i} religious destructive cult that originated from the Adventists church and are best remembered for the 1993 siege of their compound in Waco (Texas, USA) by U.S. federal agents which resulted in the death of dozens of their members (including their leader David Koresh) when the compound burned to the ground
Branch Rickey
born Dec. 20, 1881, Stockdale, Ohio, U.S. died Dec. 9, 1965, Columbia, Mo. U.S. baseball executive. Rickey began playing professional baseball while a student at Ohio Wesleyan University. In 1917 he began a long association with the St. Louis Cardinals (president, 1917-19; field manager, 1919-25; general manager, 1925-42). In 1919 he devised the farm system of training ballplayers. He later became president and general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers (1943-50). Defying strong resistance, in 1945 he broke a long-standing race barrier by hiring the first black player in major league baseball. Jackie Robinson played for the Dodgers' farm teams for two years before he was brought up to play as an infielder for Brooklyn in 1947. Rickey was later associated with the Pittsburgh Pirates (1950-59)
Branch Wesley Rickey
born Dec. 20, 1881, Stockdale, Ohio, U.S. died Dec. 9, 1965, Columbia, Mo. U.S. baseball executive. Rickey began playing professional baseball while a student at Ohio Wesleyan University. In 1917 he began a long association with the St. Louis Cardinals (president, 1917-19; field manager, 1919-25; general manager, 1925-42). In 1919 he devised the farm system of training ballplayers. He later became president and general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers (1943-50). Defying strong resistance, in 1945 he broke a long-standing race barrier by hiring the first black player in major league baseball. Jackie Robinson played for the Dodgers' farm teams for two years before he was brought up to play as an infielder for Brooklyn in 1947. Rickey was later associated with the Pittsburgh Pirates (1950-59)
branch line
a railway line connected to a trunk line
branch line
railway line connected (either directly or indirectly) to a main line
branch line
A branch line is a railway line that goes to small towns rather than one that goes between large cities
branch manager
director of one of various locations of a major bank
branch of knowledge
a branch of knowledge; "in what discipline is his doctorate?"; "teachers should be well trained in their subject"; "anthropology is the study of human beings"
branch off
A road or path that branches off from another one starts from it and goes in a slightly different direction. If you branch off somewhere, you change the direction in which you are going. After a few miles, a small road branched off to the right
branch off
fork, divide, ramify
branch office
A life and/or health insurance company field office established to supervise business within a certain territory It is the sole representative agency of the company in a given area Essentially, it is an agency under the management of a salaried branch manager employed by the insurer
branch office
Any location, other than the main business address of a registrant, at which the registrant employs persons engaged in activities requiring registration as an associated person
branch office
Office created in another location for the purpose of providing localized services
branch office
A smaller remotely located office separate from corporate headquarters facilities
branch office
An auxiliary office to a law firm's main office location
branch office
A commercial office of a bank or financial corporation See also BRANCH BANK
branch office
Any location identified by any means to the public or customers as a location at which an NASD member conducts investment banking or securities business
branch office
A location that an exporting firm establishes in a foreign country in order to sell its products more effectively
branch office
= See Regional Office
branch office
A {Watch Tower Society} headquarters office <<The Society's world {headquarters} offices in Brooklyn, NY, USA, serve also as the branch office for the United States >>
branch office
For NASD purposes, a branch office is defined as any location identified by any means to the public or customers as a location at which the member conducts an investment banking or securities business
branch office
A secondary place of business apart from the principal or main office from which real estate business is conducted A branch office usually must be run by a licensed real estate broker working on behalf of the broker
branch office
Any location identified by any means to the public as a location in which a securities firm conducts securities business
branch office
in a multi-office organization, an organization profile that is affiliated with the main office
branch office
means a fixed physical location such as an office, separate from the principal place of business of the licensee, where the licensee holds itself out as a mortgage broker (per WAC 208-660-010)
branch out
vary in order to spread risk or to expand; "The company diversified"
branch out
expand, extend, develop, diversify, open new locations
branch out
If a person or an organization branches out, they do something that is different from their normal activities or work. I continued studying moths, and branched out to other insects
branch pilot
A pilot who has a branch or commission, as from Trinity House, England, for special navigation
branch water
pure natural water from a stream or brook; often distinguished from soda water
A process of forming a branch
Having many branches, tending to branch frequently

The shrub was too branchy. It needed to be pruned so it would have a few strong shoots instead of many weak ones.

executive branch
The branch of government that oversees the carrying out of the laws
judicial branch
The branch of government which is concerned with the administration of justice through the interpretation of the law
legislative branch
The branch of government which is concerned with the making of laws
olive branch
Such a branch offered as an emblem of peace
olive branch
Any symbol of peace, or peace offering to an adversary to show good will and in the hope of securing peace
private branch exchange
A telecommunications switching system, physically located at a customer's place of business, that provides internal communication between users and also access to outside (trunk) telephone lines
a branch of the olive-tree, as an emblem of peace
{a} full of or having branches
A branch
military division dealing with personnel
A branch
Legislative Branch
branch of the United States Government that includes the Senate and House of Representatives
Planning Branch
military branch that deals with planning and researching issues related to military structure and combat strategy
Special Branch
The Special Branch is the department of the British police that is concerned with political security and deals with things such as terrorism and visits by foreign leaders. a department of the British police force that deals with political crimes or crimes affecting the safety of the government, for example terrorism
past of branch
resembling a fork; divided or separated into two branches; "the biramous appendages of an arthropod"; "long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects"; "a forked river"; "a forked tail"; "forked lightning"; "horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots"
having branches
occur in a version tree when you create new versions of a file from the middle instead of the end of the tree Basically, SNiFF+ allows you to perform the same operations on branches that you can perform on the main trunk of a version tree
options for changing dispositions, orientation, or direction of movement and accepting or declining battle; branches preserve the commander's freedom of action
Additional offices of banks that conduct banking operations 441
Locations of a business other than its home office
third-person singular of branch
plural of branch
resembling the branches of a tree
present participle of branch
(See Skip Pattern )
The act of routing from an existing route
the act of branching out or dividing into branches
{i} diverging, expanding, extending
having branches
In interactive media, the facility to deviate from a central narrative or course structure
Normally deleted scenes are grouped together Branching puts the deleted scenes back into movie, so you see a version of the film with scenes NOT included in theaters
The options available at a decision point in a program or presentation
An instructional technique, usually in the form of programmed text, in which the learner's next step of instruction is determined by her response to a previous step Two or more directions in a program path can go from a decision point
(See skipping)
- sparks that split up into smaller sparks, which looks similar to a branch
A tutorial structure that progresses through material in a path that depends on the learner's response to questions
The growth of a new polymer chain from an active site on an established chain, in a direction different from that of the original chain
A programming structure that evaluates a condition and then takes one of two actions based on the outcome of condition evaluation
The ability of a program to alter its sequence according to user choices or responses If a computer-based training program uses branching, it may explain why the answer is incorrect, offer additional examples/problems, and/or reroute the student into an additional instructional subsection when a student enters a wrong answer Without branching, it may simply tell the student that the answer is wrong
the act of branching out or dividing into branches resembling the branches of a tree
Furnished with branches; shooting our branches; extending in a branch or branches
A decision point in a program where the precessing logic much choose among tow or more paths
A tutorial structure that progresses through material in a path that depends on the learner's response to questions Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Operations Management and Leadership
The occurrence of two or more modes by which a radionuclide can undergo radioactive decay For example, RaC can undergo a and b decay 64Cu can undergo b-, b+, and electron capture decay An individual atom of a nuclide exhibiting branching disintegrates by one mode only The fraction disintegrating by a particular mode is the branching fraction for that mode The branching ratio is the ratio of two specified branching fractions (synonym: multiple disintegration)
The act or state of separation into branches; division into branches; a division or branch
– The act of or ability to execute a branch instruction
{s} crotched
{s} divaricate
{s} resembling a branch, like the limb of a tree
resembling a branch of a tree
having many branches; "a branchy tree trunk
{s} having branches
Full of branches; having wide-spreading branches; consisting of branches
central branch
main branch, branch which is located in the center
chief of logistics branch
one in charge of a logistics division (maintenance and transportation of military personnel and materials)
executive branch
Branch of government that carries out the laws made by the legislative branch; and in the national government, makes treaties with foreign governments and conducts wars
saw off the branch one is sitting on
sabotage one's own activities, cause oneself problems