body responsible for official sailing activities in ısrael

listen to the pronunciation of body responsible for official sailing activities in ısrael
English - English

Definition of body responsible for official sailing activities in ısrael in English English dictionary

body responsible for official sailing activities in Israel
Israeli Sailing Association
body responsible for official sailing activities in ısrael


    bo·dy re·spon·si·ble for Of·fi·cial sail·ing activities in Is·ra·el

    Turkish pronunciation

    bädi rispänsıbıl fôr ıfîşıl seylîng äktîvıtiz în îzreyl


    /ˈbädē rēˈspänsəbəl ˈfôr əˈfəsʜəl ˈsāləɴɢ akˈtəvətēz ən ˈəzrāl/ /ˈbɑːdiː riːˈspɑːnsəbəl ˈfɔːr əˈfɪʃəl ˈseɪlɪŋ ækˈtɪvətiːz ɪn ˈɪzreɪl/