blow by blow

listen to the pronunciation of blow by blow
English - Turkish
harfi harfine
(deyim) ayrıntılarıyla
en ince ayrıntısına kadar
in great detail
in great detail

In his works on astronomy, the Germanastronomer Kepler describes, in great detail, themovement of the planets around the sun.

in great detail
ayrıntılı olarak
English - English
An account, description, or commentary including every detail of the action or event

The media published a blow-by-blow of the trial as it happened.

Detailing every action or occurrence completely

He gave a blow-by-blow account of the entire trip.

A blow-by-blow account of an event describes every stage of it in great detail. She wanted a blow-by-blow account of what happened. a blow-by-blow account/description etc an account that includes all the details of an event exactly as they happened
providing great detail; "a blow-by-blow account of the movie
providing great detail; "a blow-by-blow account of the movie"
{s} in great detail
blow by blow