blackpool was an extremely lively place this week

listen to the pronunciation of blackpool was an extremely lively place this week
English - German
In Blackpool war diese Woche viel los
blackpool was an extremely lively place this week


    Black·pool was an ex·treme·ly live·ly place this week

    Turkish pronunciation

    bläkpul wız ın îkstrimli layvli pleys dhîs wik


    /ˈblakˌpo͞ol wəz ən əkˈstrēmlē ˈlīvlē ˈplās ᴛʜəs ˈwēk/ /ˈblækˌpuːl wəz ən ɪkˈstriːmliː ˈlaɪvliː ˈpleɪs ðɪs ˈwiːk/