birleşik devletler tarım bakanlığı (united states department of agriculture)

listen to the pronunciation of birleşik devletler tarım bakanlığı (united states department of agriculture)
Turkish - English
(Askeri) USDA
United States Department of Agriculture
{i} United States government agency that oversees a wide variety of issues (such as agriculture, food safety, rural land development, forest services, and more)
United States Department of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture the US government organization which helps farmers and makes sure they follow the laws concerning food production
birleşik devletler tarım bakanlığı (united states department of agriculture)


    bir·le·şik dev·let·ler ta·rım ba·kan·lı·ğı (u·ni·ted sta·tes de·part·ment of ag·ri·cul·tu·re)