Research using data collected by the researcher through observation, experimentation, or examination of primary sources
Conducting original research to obtain various social indicators that can help to determine community risk and protective factors, identify community resources, and determine community readiness for prevention efforts Primary research can involve researching community laws or surveys to determine attitudes, norms, or gaps in social services See archival data and social indicators
Original research conducted to collect new data to answer a research problem or solve a marketing information need
conducting research to collect new data to solve a marketing information need See also secondary research
Information collected by interview or questionnaire designed for a specific need
market data collected in the field by a company to study a particular marketing situation or problem Its key value is that the investigation may be tailored to meet specific research objectives, and the findings are often more relevant than those gathered from other sources (e g secondary research -- data gathered from published sources or form syndicated service research firms) fr The Marketing Glossary