A quart is a unit of volume that is equal to two pints. Pick up a quart of milk or a loaf of bread. a unit for measuring liquid, equal to two pints. In Britain this is 1.14 litres, and in the US it is 0.95 litres. (quarte, from quart , from quartus; QUARTER)
a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 pints or 1 136 liters
{i} quarter of a gallon; container which holds a quarter of a gallon; four sequential playing cards of the same suit; interval of four degrees (Music)
A unit of volume in the "English" system One quart equals 2 pints or 0 25 gallon Because the gallon, quart, and pint differ in the United States and the United Kingdom, the use of this unit and term is generally discouraged for scientific purposes One U S quart equals: (1) 946 4 cubic centimeters; (2) 0 033 42 cubic foot; (3) 57 75 cubic inches; (4) 9 464 x 10-4 cubic meter; (5) 1 238 x 10^-3 cubic yard; (6) 0 25 U S gallon; or (7) 0 9463 liter
One-quarter of a gallon, or two pints (UK 1 14 liter, US 0 946 liter in liquid measure, 1 1 liter in dry measure)
2 cubic inches a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 pints or 1
A unit of liquid capacity equal to two pints; one-fourth (quarter) of a gallon. Equivalent to 1.136 liters in the UK and 0.946 liter (liquid quart) or 1.101 liters (dry quart) in the U.S
bir litreye yakın hacim ölçüsü, galonn dörtte biri, kuart
bir lit·re·ye ya·kın ha·cim öl·çü·sü, ga·lonn dört·te bi·ri, ku·art