1. The voice of an unseen narrator, or of an onscreen character not seen speaking, in a movie or a television broadcast.2. A film or videotape recording narrated by a voice-over
(Television, Film) recorded narration or voice added after the completion of a film; film or video sequence containing an off-screen narrator; voice of an off-screen character or narrator
Narration in a movie, TV program, TV commercial, industrial film, or radio advertisement not accompanied by a picture of the performer Voice-over work is a very specialized area of work
The voice-over of a film, television programme, or advertisement consists of words which are spoken by someone who is not seen. 89% of advertisements had a male voice-over. information or remarks that are spoken on a television programme or film by someone who is not seen on the screen
the term for the use of an off-screen voice heard "over" the scene we are seeing; the voice may be that of a narrator, or that of a character who is in the scene but not talking aloud Like "canned laughter," it is a special form of commentative sound MOS is the indication in a script that a scene is to be shot without sound Actual sound has as its source an object or persion in the scene
bir film tamamlandıktan sonra ekranda görülmeyen birinin seslendirme kaydı
bir film ta·mam·lan·dık·tan son·ra ek·ran·da gö·rül·me·yen bi·ri·nin ses·len·dir·me kay·dı