bir erkeğin bilinçaltından fışkıran erkeklik ideali veya imajı

listen to the pronunciation of bir erkeğin bilinçaltından fışkıran erkeklik ideali veya imajı
Turkish - English
(Tıp) animus
The basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions
The basic impulses and instincts which govern ones actions
{i} animosity; resentment; hostility; masculine part of the female personality (according to Jungian psychology)
If a person has an animus against someone, they have a strong feeling of dislike for them, even when there is no good reason for it. Your animus towards him suggests that you are the wrong man for the job. = animosity. a feeling of strong dislike or hatred = animosity, hostility hostility animus against/towards
The masculine aspect of the feminine psyche or personality
Animating spirit; intention; temper
A feeling of enmity, animosity or ill will
bir erkeğin bilinçaltından fışkıran erkeklik ideali veya imajı


    bir er·ke·ğin bi·lin·çal·tın·dan fış·kı·ran er·kek·lik i·de·a·li ve·ya i·ma·jı