bilgi alınabilecek kişiler

listen to the pronunciation of bilgi alınabilecek kişiler
Turkish - English
(Bilgisayar) references
Specify cross-references to specifications and guidelines consulted in writing the data dictionary (see Section 6)   The convention "implied" is used when values in the cross-referenced data element do not map to the NISO-specified values note:   TIFF references include parenthetical notations to the "Baseline" fields, required or optional, that must be present for parsing by baseline TIFF readers (see Section 1 4 3 Redundant Metadata)
plural of reference
<4 3 2 7 2 20020103111328 02a87240@postoffice mail cornell edu><3C338601 C7D1CBE5@manta library colostate edu>
a category of information for enhanced profiles that lists business references
<19990428150348 G13339@mors net> <Pine HPP 3 96n 990428160435 26183A-100000@mlucom6 urz uni-halle de>
Carriere Y, Jenkins E, Gupta N & Legare J (1996) The needs for home care services for the elderly in a context of population aging Facts and Research in Gerontology 1996: Home Care , pp 31-52 Katz S, Ford AB, Moskowitz RW (1963) Studies of illness in the aged The index of A D L , a standardized measure of biological and psychological function JAMA, 185(12), 914-919
third-person singular of reference
1 Gold, V , Loening K L , McNaught A D and Sehmi P (1987) Compendium of Chemical Terminology IUPAC Recommendations
List of works that are referred or consulted by the author(s) in the creation of the document, and listed as part of the document ScienceServer dynamically lists and links references to the local full text of the article or to the CrossRef defined location
A group of people who will say good things about you and who know specifics strengths that you offer Can include work references (current and past supervisors), educational references (former teachers or school administrators), and personal references (who can speak of your character) Never include references on your resume or cover letter; they should be listed on a separate references sheet And always ask people before including them as a reference for you Never provide a list of references unless they are requested Read more
means the resource being catalogued cites, acknowledges, disputes or makes another claim about the related resource
<NFBBJCFMNLCNBIJDAFHIIEODEHAA jacquin@geosys-inc com> <3D402473 7040006@pobox com> <3D4034F2 6B4F78E0@refractions net> <3D4042CA 8050503@pobox com>
<199802182101 PAA63384@spnode01 tcs tulane edu>
BURROUGH, P A 1990 Principles of geographical information systems for land resources assessment Butler & Tanner Ltd , Fromme, Somerset, Great Britain ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Inc 1991 Arc/INFO data model, concepts, and key terms Environ , Syst , Res , Inst , Redlands, CA HUXHOLD, W 1991 An introduction to urban geographic information systems Oxford Univ Press New York, NY MONMONIER, M , and G A SCHNELL 1988 Map appreciation Prentice Halll, Englewood Cliffs, N J MONTGOMERY, G , and G J UHL 1990 Intelligent infrastructure workbook A-E-C Automation Newsletter Fountain Hills AZ KESSLER, B L 1992 Journal of Forestry Vol 90, No 11 Glossary of GIS Terms Society of American Foresters Bethesda, MD
An element in the heading of each Survey Report that identifies published or other finding aids in foreign repositories that assisted an agent in discovering Virginia-related material in those collections
<Pine OSF 3 95 1000314115327 28766B-100000@alf1 mrc-lmb cam ac uk>
At various points references are sited by placing a code inside of square brakets "[]" The various codes used are
the list of references or citations quoted in the text and placed at the end of the document
1 Smith, C , (1980) 2 ASTM, D121-94 (1995) 3 Stach, E , et al , (1975) To request specific information from a Survey geologist click here
JSWW76 J P Jones, D Sato, H Wada and D Wiens, "Diophantine representation of the set of prime numbers," Amer Math Monthly, 83 (1976) 449-464 Matijasevic71 Y V Matijasevic, "Diophantine representation of the set of prime numbers (in Russian)," Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR, 196 (1971) 770--773 English translation by R N Goss, in Soviet Math Dokl , 12, 1971, 354-358 Matijasevic77 Y V Matijasevic, "Primes are nonnegative values of a polynomial in 10 variables (in Russian)," Zapiski Sem Leningrad Mat Inst Steklov, 68 (1977) 62--82 English translation by L Guy and J P Jones, J Soviet math , 15, 1981, 33--44 Ribenboim95 P Ribenboim, The new book of prime number records, 3rd edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1995 (Annotation available)