(Askeri) DEMİRLİ, BAĞLI: Yolcu ve yük bindirmeye ve yüklemeye veya indirmeye ve boşaltmaya müsait olan ve demirli ya da bir rıhtıma, limana küçük veya büyük iskelelere veya dubaya bağlı durumdaki gemi için kullanılan bir kelime
(Askeri) AKTARMA DEMİR YERİ: Bir çıkarma kıyısı dışında, amfibi aktarma hattı (transfer line) yakınındaki bir demir yeri. Aktarma demir yerinde; kıtaları, ikmal maddelerini ve teçhizatı çıkarma araçlarından amfibi araçlara nakil için, genellikle, bir vinçle teçhiz edilmiş, bir gemi veya şat bulunur
A specific segment of wharfage where a ship ties up alongside at a pier, quay, wharf, or other structure that provides a breasting surface for the vessel Typically, this structure is a stationary extension of an improved shore and intended to facilitate the transfer of cargo or passengers
If you give someone or something a wide berth, you avoid them because you think they are unpleasant, or dangerous, or simply because you do not like them. She gives showbiz parties a wide berth
When a ship berths, it sails into harbour and stops at the quay. As the ship berthed in New York, McClintock was with the first immigration officers aboard. + berthed berthed There the Gripsholm was berthed next to another ship. to bring a ship into a berth or arrive at a berth
(1) A place for a person to sleep (2) A place where the ship can be secured (3) A safe and cautious distance, such as "We gave the shark a wide berth "
Keep away from; keep a safe distance from. "Mary gave the barking dog a wide berth.", "Jack gave a wide berth to the fallen electric wires.", "After Tom got Bob into trouble. Bob gave him a wide berth."