A resinous substance, dry and brittle, obtained from the Styrax benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java, etc., having a fragrant odor, and slightly aromatic taste. It is used in the preparation of benzoic acid, in medicine, and as a perfume
A resinous substance, dry and brittle, obtained from the Styrax benzoin, a tree of Sumatra, Java, etc
used in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera
{i} bitter almond oil camphor (Chemistry); gum benzoin, type of resin obtained from certain trees (used in the making of cosmetics, perfumes and in medicine)
used in some classifications for the American spicebush and certain other plants often included in the genus Lindera gum resin used especially in treating skin irritation
() Compare French benjoin, Spanish benjuí and Portuguese beijoin, all from Arabic لبان جاوي (lubān jāwī, “benzoin”), incense from Sumatra (called Java in Arabic), the first syllable being lost.