Those people who are appointed to work in the church The three types of clergy are deacons, priests and bishops
the group of ordained ministers of a church or denomination; all ministers together as distinguished from lay persons When used in distinction from laity, the term includes both bishops and priests; sometimes the term refers to all priests except the bishops: as in the expression, "All bishops and other clergy "
The clergy are the official leaders of the religious activities of a particular group of believers. These proposals met opposition from the clergy. the clergy the official leaders of religious activities in organized religions, such as priests, rabbis, and mullahs clerical (clergie, from clerc; CLERK)
The group of ordained people, consecrated for unique ministry for a particular church or denomination
The men of God's lot or inheritance In St Peter's first epistle (ch v 3) the Church is called “God's heritage” or lot In the Old Testament the tribe of Levi is called the “lot or heritage of the Lord ” (Greek, Latin, clerus and clericus, whence Norman clerex and clerkus; French, clergé ) Benefit of clergy (See Benefit)
Divided into two classes, the clergy are the officials of the Church The regular clergy are those members who have withdrawn from the world and live according to a recognized religious rule This class includes monks and nuns The secular clergy are those who, charged with the spiritual care of their parishioners, are in constant contact with the secular world This class, which includes priests, bishops and archbishops, have taken the Sacrament of Holy Orders which allows them to administer the sacraments and to perform religious services
A Druid of the 1st Order or above, who performs clerical duties such as handfastngs, funerals, dedications, etc ALL OMS Druids are clergy
benefit of clergay papazlann dokunulmazlığı
be·ne·fit of cler·gay pa·paz·lann do·ku·nul·maz·lı·ğı