
listen to the pronunciation of benefit(t)ing
English - Turkish

Definition of benefit(t)ing in English Turkish dictionary

{f} yararlanmak
{i} menfaat

Bu senin menfaatin için. - This is for your benefit.


Bu makale hem askeri harcamaları azaltmanın sakıncalarını hem de faydalarını analiz eder. - This article analyzes both the benefits and the drawbacks of reducing military spending.

Bugünlerde doğanın faydalarını unutmaya meyilliyiz. - Nowadays we are apt to forget the benefits of nature.


Yurt dışında bir gezi size yarar sağlayacaktır. - You will benefit by a trip abroad.

Bu malzemenin herkes için yararlı olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think that this material is of benefit to everyone.

{i} kâr

Bu planı gerçekleştirmek karşılıklı olarak yararımıza olacaktır. - It will be to our mutual benefit to carry out the plan.

{f} yararı dokunmak
benefit from
-den faydalanmak
benefit plans
(Ticaret) yardım planları
be for the benefit of
yararına olmak
yararlı olmak
yardım (parası)
yararına olmak
(Ticaret) ek ödemeler
(Ticaret) çıkar hak
yararı olmak
(Ticaret) personel sosyal yardımları
-e yararı dokunmak
(Ticaret) imtiyaz yetki
-e yararlı olmak
(Kanun) nefi
benefit analysis
(Ticaret) fayda analizi
benefit cost ratio
(Ticaret) fayda maliyet oranı
benefit cost ratio
(Ticaret) karlılık endeksi
benefit from
hayrını görmek
benefit from
benefit from
avantajdan faydalanmak
benefit of amnesty
(Kanun) aftan istifade
benefit of fail
(Kanun) düşme yararı
benefit of fall
(Kanun) navlun düşmesinden istifade
benefit period
(Politika, Siyaset) yardım alma süresi
benefit period
(Politika, Siyaset) yardım süresi
benefit period
(Politika, Siyaset) yardım dönemi
benefit primary
(Ticaret) emekli aylığı
benefit primary
(Ticaret) emekli maaşı
benefit primary
(Ticaret) sosyal güvence
benefit segmentation
(Ticaret) fayda bölümlendirmesi
benefit severance
(Ticaret) kıdem tazminatı
benefit theory
(Ticaret) vergide yarar teorisi
benefit tracking
(Ticaret) getiri takibi
be for the benefit of
-in yararına olmak
işsizlik ve sağlık ödeneği
{f} yararlan

Bundan kim yararlanıyor? - Who benefits from this?

Bundan kim yararlanıyor? - Who benefits from that?


Romancılar ve şairler gibi yazarlar bilimin avantajından çok fazla yararlanıyor gibi görünmüyorlar. - Writers such as novelists and poets don't seem to benefit much from the advance of science.

Şirket tüm çalışanları için sağlık bakımı ve hayat sigortası avantajları sağlar. - The company provides health care and life insurance benefits for all of its employees.

{i} kazanç

Haksız kazançların kimseye faydası olmaz. - Ill-gotten gains never benefit anyone.

benefit by
-den yararlanmak
benefit from
-den yararlanmak
benefit of clergy
kilisenin resmi onayı
{i} yardım parası
{i} ayrıcalık
Maaş harici sağlanan imkân
benefit concert
yardım konseri
benefit corporation
Kamu yararı için kurulmuş şirket
benefit from, by
-den yararlanmak
benefit of a doubt
bir şüphe parası
benefit sale
Yardım toplama amaçlı satış

An event to raise money for a charitable organization.

benefit, profit
parası, kar
be for the benefit of
-in yararına olmak: This concert's for the benefit of Darüşşafaka. Bu konser Darüşşafaka'nın yararına
{f} -in yararına olmak, -e yararlı olmak, -e yararı dokunmak; from -den yararlanmak, -den faydalanmak, -den istifade etmek
{f} yarar sağla

Yurt dışında bir gezi size yarar sağlayacaktır. - You will benefit by a trip abroad.

Toplum yeni sanayiden yarar sağlayacaktır. - The community will benefit from the new industry.

{i} yardım toplama faaliyeti
(Mukavele) fayda, kar, yarar
menfaat için tertiplenen eğlence veya gösteri
benefit of clergy eskiden ruhban sınıfına tanınan dokunulmazlık imtiyazı
{f} faydası olmak
{i} hak

Haksız kazançların kimseye faydası olmaz. - Ill-gotten gains never benefit anyone.

Tom'u haklı kabul edelim. - Let's give Tom the benefit of the doubt.

(Avrupa Birliği) fayda, istifade, kar, menfaat
benefit concert
yardım amacıyla düzenlenen konser
benefit of clergy
(Kanun) papazlık dokunulmazlığı
benefit principle
(Ticaret) yarar ilkesi (vergide)
derive benefit
fayda elde etmek
for his own benefit
babasının hayrına değil
for the benefit of
for the benefit of
for the benefit of
in yararına
for the benefit of
provide benefit
yarar sağlamak
receive benefit
fayda elde etmek
unemployment benefit
(Ticaret) işsizlik tazminatı
child benefit
çocuk yardımı
cost benefit analysis
maliyet fayda analizi
death benefit
ölüm yardımı
fringe benefit
yan ödeme
have benefit from
kar et
maternity benefit
doğum yardımı
net benefit
net kar
reap the benefit
semeresini görmek
tax benefit
vergi karı
by the benefit of divine favour
ilahi bir lütufla
cost benefit
(Ekonomi) maliyet kazanç
defined benefit plan
(Sigorta) Maaş esaslı emeklilik planı
defined benefit plan
Çalışanlara emekliliklerinde belirli bir faydayı garanti eden tanımlı fayda planı
for the benefit
get unemployment benefit
İşsizlik maaşı almak
give benefit
ayrıcalık vermek
give s.o. the benefit of the doubt
k. dili birinin kötü/olumsuz bir şey yapmadığını farzetmek
give s.t. the benefit of the doubt
k. dili bir şeyin kötü/olumsuz bir sonuç vermediğini farzetmek
health benefit
Sağlık yardımı
mutual benefit
karşılıklı menfaat
reap the benefit
parası biçmek
reap the benefit /fruit
(s) semeresini görmek/meyvesini almak
sickness benefit
Hastalık tazminatı
state benefit
devlet yardımı
tax benefit
vergi geliri
to benefit from
faydalanmak için
accident benefit
kaza tazminatı
annual benefit
yıllık yarar
annual benefit
senelik gelir
annual benefit
yıllık gelir
bring benefit
yarar getirmek
confer a benefit
(deyim) yararlı biçimde davranmak
cost benefit analysis
fiyat kazanç analizi,maliyet-fayda analizi
death benefit
(Kanun) cenaze yardımı
defined benefit liability
(Ticaret) kesinleşmiş tazminat borcu
defined benefit liability
(Ticaret) belirlenmiş tazminat borcu
defined benefit model
(Sigorta,Ticaret) belirlenmiş fayda modeli
disability benefit
malüliyet tazminatı
disability benefit
(Ticaret) sakatlık tazminatı
enure to the benefit of
(Ticaret) yararına hüküm ifade etmek
fail to benefit from
hakkını kaybetmek
for the benefit from
(Fiili Deyim ) -den yararlanmak
for the benefit of
(Fiili Deyim ) -in yararına
fringe benefit
(sosyal sigorta, emeklilik sigortası gibi) işçiye ücreti dışında sağlanan herhangi bir şey
future economic benefit
(Ticaret) gelecekteki ekonomik yarar
give smb. the benefit of
give the benefit of the doubt
(deyim) haklı kabul etmek
give the benefit of the doubt
(deyim) doğru kabul etmek
give the benefit of the doubt
(deyim) suçsuz kabul etmek
indirect benefit
indirek fayda
indirect benefit
indirekt fayda
look after one's benefit
çıkar gözetmek
not to benefit
hayır gelmemek
pension benefit
(Sigorta,Ticaret) emeklilik geliri
projected accumulation benefit
(Ticaret) muhtemel birikim
retirement benefit
(Ticaret) yaşlılık maaşı
right to benefit
(Avrupa Birliği) yararlanma hakkı
risk-benefit analysis
risk- yarar analizi
sick benefit
(isim) hastalık parası
sick benefit
{i} hastalık parası
unjustified benefit
(Ticaret) haksız kazanç
English - English

Definition of benefit(t)ing in English English dictionary

A payment made in accordance with an insurance policy or a public assistance scheme
To receive a benefit (from). To be a beneficiary
A performance, etc, given to raise funds for some cause
To be or to provide a benefit to
An advantage, help or aid from something
benefit of the doubt
A favorable judgement given in the absence of full evidence
benefit of the doubt
The principle employed by umpires in cases of uncertainty concerning a batsman possibly being out, in which the decision must be in the batsman's favour
helpful result
Natural advantages; endowments; accomplishments
{v} to do or receive good, profit, favor
{n} kindness, favor, advantage, profit, use
benefit corporation
A benefit corporation is a class of corporation required by law to create general benefit for society as well as for shareholders
The amount of a member's entitlement in the fund, or, in the event of the member's death, to which the other beneficiaries are entitled Other than in cases of death or disablement, most benefits are only payable on termination, and may be subject to preservation
To gain advantage; to make improvement; to profit; as, he will benefit by the change
If you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you treat them as if they are telling the truth or as if they have behaved properly, even though you are not sure that this is the case. At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt
be beneficial for; "This will do you good"
Beneficence; liberality
The amount payable by an insurance company to a claimant or beneficiary when the insured suffers a loss covered by the policy
{i} advantage, profit; aid; stipend, pension
An advantage or improvement caused by a therapy or the desired of using outcome a therapy Also, a drug listed in the Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits
a performance to raise money for a charitable cause
The dollar amount of a member's entitlement in the Fund, including in the event of death and disability, any insured amount or entitlement payable A benefit payment can generally only be made when the member leaves the Fund and in circumstances allowed by Federal Government legislation The money is otherwise subject to preservation
A commuted value, pension, refund or any other entitlement payable to you (or your beneficiary) by the pension plan
{f} be useful; receive benefit; give benefit; profit, be advantageous
means a benefit received based on a compensable injury The term includes a medical benefit, income benefit, and a death or burial benefit
If you have the benefit of some information, knowledge, or equipment, you are able to use it so that you can achieve something. Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education = advantage
a performance to raise money for a charitable cause financial assistance in time of need be beneficial for; "This will do you good
A benefit, or a benefit concert or dinner, is an event that is held in order to raise money for a particular charity or person. I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds. see also fringe benefit, unemployment benefit
The effectiveness of a safeguard in terms of vulnerability measure If the safeguard is applied by itself, it lowers the danger that the vulnerability poses by the amount specified
financial assistance in time of need
Amount payable by the insurance company to a claimant, assignee, or beneficiary when the insured suffers a loss
Amount payable by the insurance company to a claimant, assignee, or beneficiary, when the insured suffers a loss covered by the policy
To be a benefit (to someone)
The amount of a member’s entitlement in the fund to which the estate and/or dependants are entitled
Dollar amount payable for a covered service after application of deductibles and co-insurance under the health plan which covers the enrollee, subject to all terms and provisions of such plan
derive a benefit from; "She profited from his vast experience"
An act of kindness; a favor conferred
Any entitlement due to a stock or shareholder as a result of purchasing or holding securities, including the right to any dividend, rights issue, scrip issue etc, made by the issuer In the case of loaned securities or collateral, benefits are passed back to the lender or borrower (as appropriate), usually by way of a manufactured dividend or the return of equivalent securities or collateral
the entitlement to a lump sum, pension or annuity in relation to superannuation
To be beneficial to; to do good to; to advantage; to advance in health or prosperity; to be useful to; to profit
If something is to your benefit or is of benefit to you, it helps you or improves your life. This could now work to Albania's benefit I hope what I have written will be of benefit to someone else who may feel the same way. = advantage
A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some individual actor, or to some charitable use
Benefit is money that is given by the government to people who are poor, ill, or unemployed. the removal of benefit from school-leavers
A product attribute expressed in terms of what the user gets from the product rather than its physical characteristics or features Benefits are often paired with specific features, but they need not be They are perceived, not necessarily real
To be a benefit
Payments provided for covered services under the terms of the policy The benefits may be paid to the insured, or on his behalf, to others
something that aids or promotes well-being; "for the common good" a performance to raise money for a charitable cause financial assistance in time of need be beneficial for; "This will do you good
The benefit of something is the help that you get from it or the advantage that results from it. Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor I'm a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy For maximum benefit, use your treatment every day. = advantage, profit
in relation to superannuation, the entitlement to a lump sum, pension or annuity
something that aids or promotes well-being; "for the common good"
The amount of money paid when an insurance claim is approved Also called the policy benefit
generally, any form of payment to which a person may become entitled under the terms of a plan, but often refers specifically to the pension normally provided by the plan formula
A favourable result that the buyer receives from the product because of a particular advantage which has the ability to satisfy the buyer’s needs
A term used to indicate an advantage, profit, or gain attained by an individual or organization [GAO] A tangible benefit is one produced by an investment that is immediately obvious and measurable [GAO]
An advantage, help or aid
A health care benefit is that part of the cost of your care that is paid out or reimbursed on your behalf by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Your benefit includes actual payments made and the network savings you receive by using network providers Example: If your plan has a $20 copay for an office visit with a network doctor, your benefit is the remaining amount of the doctor's charges for that office visit If you pay a 20 percent coinsurance amount for network providers with your PPO plan, your benefit is the remaining balance Remember: Using out-of-network services reduces your benefits and increases the amount you may have to pay
A benefit is the amount paid by an insurance company to you or your beneficiary when you file a claim Back to Top
something that is positive or good A benefit of playing in the park is spending time with friends
Whatever promotes prosperity and personal happiness, or adds value to property; advantage; profit
If you say that someone is doing something for the benefit of a particular person, you mean that they are doing it for that person. You need people working for the benefit of the community. W3S2 benefited benefiting if you benefit from something or it benefits you, it gives you an advantage, improves your life, or helps you in some way
If you benefit from something or if it benefits you, it helps you or improves your life. Both sides have benefited from the talks. a variety of government programs benefiting children. = profit
benefit ball
social dance which is intended to raise money for a certain cause
benefit concert
a concert given for the benefit of some charitable cause
benefit of clergy
sanction by a religious rite; "they are living together without benefit of clergy
benefit of clergy
sanction by a religious rite; "they are living together without benefit of clergy"
benefit payments
The amounts disbursed for covered services to beneficiaries after the deductible and coinsurance amounts have been deducted
benefit payments
– disbursements for retirement, disability, death, maternity, sickness and funeral benefits (Social Security System)
benefit payments
– disbursements for retirement, disability, death, maternity, sickness and funeral benefits
benefit payments
Payments made by your insurance carrier for submitted claims This figure is the net amount of issued checks, less any refunds, Specific Stop Loss, or ex-gratia payments
benefit project
project which is designed to help someone or something
benefit society
A society or association formed for mutual insurance, as among tradesmen or in labor unions, to provide for relief in sickness, old age, and for the expenses of burial
benefit society
Usually called friendly society in Great Britain
cost benefit analysis
Alternative spelling of cost-benefit analysis
cost-benefit analysis
Any comparison of costs and benefits
cost-benefit analysis
A methodology to help appraise or assess the case for a project or proposal, by estimating the net cost or benefit of the project of proposal
employee benefit
A non-wage compensation provided to an employee in addition to his normal wage or salary
fringe benefit
A benefit received in addition to the normal benefits of holding a job, or, by extension, any relationship to the source of the benefit
marginal benefit
The extra benefit received from a small increase in the consumption of a good or service. It is calculated as the increase in total benefit divided by the increase in consumption
unemployment benefit
money paid by the government, special-purpose fund or similar to those who are unemployed and looking for work
Equivalent annual benefit
(Ekonomi) The annual annuity with the same value as the net present value of an investment project
defined benefit plan
(Kanun) A pension plan in which the amount of benefits paid to an employee after retirement is fixed in advance in accordance with a formula given in the plan
the benefit of the doubt
A concession that a person or fact must be regarded as correct, if the contrary has not been proven
advance death benefit
a percentage of death benefits paid directly to policy holders having a short life expectancy (usually 6 months)
cafeteria benefit
A particular employee benefit selected from a company plan offering a variety of choices that can be balanced to suit individual needs
child benefit
In Britain, child benefit is an amount of money paid weekly by the state to families for each of their children. an amount of money that the British government gives to families with children
child benefit
monthly government allocation for those with children
cost benefit analysis
An appraisal technique that attempts to place values on all benefits arising from a project and then compares the total value with the project's total cost
cost benefit analysis
When consideration is given to both the positive and negative effects of an action or process, where the net effect or evidence is expressed in both numerical and narrative terms
cost benefit analysis
a architecture work product produced during business engineering that documents the results of a cost/benefit analysis of a single application
cost benefit analysis
a technique that assesses projects through a comparison between their costs and benefits, including social costs and benefits for an entire region or country Depending on the project objectives and its the expected outputs, three types of CBA are generally recognised: financial; economic; and social Generally cost-benefit analyses are comparative, i e they are used to compare alternative proposals Cost-benefit analysis compares the costs and benefits of the situation with and without the project; the costs and benefits are considered over the life of the project
cost benefit analysis
The analysis of the potential costs and benefits of a project to allow comparison of the returns from alternative forms of investment
cost benefit analysis
The analysis of the business benefit realized by the cost of expenditure on some resource, tool, or application development
cost benefit analysis
A technique for the evaluation of projects, where all costs and benefits (direct and indirect) are considered Costs and benefits would be quantified, but where this is not possible they should be listed
cost benefit analysis
The assessment of the costs incurred and the benefits realized by adopting a particular course of action
cost-benefit analysis
An analytic method in which a program's cost is compared to the program's benefits for a period of time, expressed in dollars, as an aid in determining the best investment of resources For example, the cost of establishing an immunization service might be compared with the total cost of medical care and lost productivity which will be eliminated as a result of more persons being immunized Cost-benefit analysis can also be applied to specific medical tests and treatments
cost-benefit analysis
n: Estimates and comparison of short-term and long-term costs (losses) and benefits (gains) from an economic decision If the estimated benefits exceed the estimated costs, the decision to buy an economic good or provide a public good is considered worthwhile
cost-benefit analysis
involves an evaluation of the tangible and intangible costs and benefits resulting from a decision
cost-benefit analysis
An economic technique applied to public decision-making that attempts to quantify the advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (costs) associated with a particular policy
cost-benefit analysis
an appraisal of a project based on the costs and benefits derived from it (chapter 15)
cost-benefit analysis
Assesses whether the cost of an intervention is worth the benefit by measuring both in the same units; monetary units are usually used
cost-benefit analysis
A comparison of all the costs and benefits of a given activity or program expressed in monetary terms It is used for the allocation of funds in health care services This form of analysis permits one to measure the costs for reaching particular objectives In the case of health programs, benefits are often difficult to express in monetary terms, and furthermore, benefits may extend beyond the achievement of the desired effect, which makes such evaluation difficult
cost-benefit analysis
An analysis of the cost of an activity and the benefits (quantitative and/or qualitative) which would accrue from that activity Used as a decision making tool to determine whether or not to pursue the activity
cost-benefit analysis
An economic evaluation comparing the costs and consequences of two or more alternatives, where all costs and consequences are converted to money values {4} Use your browser's "BACK" button to return to the page you were viewing previously
cost-benefit analysis
converts effects into the same monetary terms as the costs and compares them
cost-benefit analysis
A technique used to compare the various costs associated with an investment with the benefits that it proposes to return Both tangible and intangible factors should be addressed and accounted for [GAO]
cost-benefit analysis
An economic evaluation that compares therapy involving the proposed drug with therapy involving its main comparator(s) in which both costs and benefits are measured in monetary terms to compute a net monetary gain/loss or benefit gain/loss
cost-benefit analysis
In governmental planning and budgeting, the attempt to measure the social benefits of a proposed project in monetary terms and compare them with its costs. The procedure was first proposed in 1844 by Arsène-Jules-Étienne-Juvénal Dupuit (1804-66). It was not seriously applied until the 1936 U.S. Flood Control Act, which required that the benefits of flood-control projects exceed their costs. A cost-benefit ratio is determined by dividing the projected benefits of a program by the projected costs. A wide range of variables, including nonquantitative ones such as quality of life, are often considered because the value of the benefits may be indirect or projected far into the future
cost-benefit analysis
The comparison of investment and operating costs with the direct benefits or impact generated by the investment in a given intervention It uses a variety of methods and means of expressing results
cost-benefit analysis
A type of analysis that involves comparing the relative costs of operating a programme (programme expenses, staff salaries, etc ) to the benefits (gains to individuals or society) it generates
cost-benefit analysis
A comparison of the cost of an action and the economic benefits it produces through elimination of other direct and indirect costs
cost-benefit analysis
A formal quantitative procedure comparing costs and benefits of a proposed project or act under a set of preestablished rules To determine a rank ordering of projects to maximize rate of return when available funds are unlimited, the quotient of benefits divided by costs is the appropriate form; to maximize absolute return given limited resources, benefits-costs is the appropriate form
cost-of-living benefit
a benefit that goes to anyone whose money receipts increase automatically as prices rise
death benefit
The amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of an insured person
death benefit
A payment made to a designated beneficiary upon the death of the insured or annuitant
death benefit
The amount payable to a beneficiary according to the certificate terms upon the death of the insured or annuitant
death benefit
The policy proceeds to be paid upon the death of the insured
death benefit
The money paid to the beneficiary when the insured person dies
death benefit
The coverage amount of the policy that will be paid to the designated beneficiary at the time of the insured´s death It does not include additional amounts payable under accidental death or other specific riders, if they apply (Proceeds paid to beneficiaries generally are not subject to income tax )
death benefit
Insurance money payable to a deceased person's stipulated beneficiary
death benefit
In the event of the death of the contract owner prior to annuitization, the insurance company will pay the annuity beneficiary the contract’s accumulated value, less any withdrawals, or the amount of premiums paid, less any withdrawals, whichever is greater Variable annuity contracts never pay beneficiaries less than 100% of the premiums paid
death benefit
The amount the policy will pay to the person you choose when the primary insured dies
death benefit
The amount of money paid or due to be paid when a person insured under a life insurance policy dies This amount does not include adjustments for outstanding policy loans, dividends, paid-up additions, or late premium payments See also basic death benefit and policy proceeds
death benefit
Benefit payable to the beneficiary(ies) of any member who dies as a result of an on-the-job accident not due to the member’s own willful negligence
death benefit
The amount stated in a policy contract as payable upon the death of the person whose life is being insured (cesti que vie) See also Principal Sum
death benefit
The amount payable to a beneficiary at the annuitant's or insured's death It is also called the Survivor Benefit
death benefit
An amount set out in the policy representing the amount that would be paid in the event of a death It is also referred to as the "principal sum"
death benefit
The benefit paid to the beneficiary in accordance with the provisions in the contract
death benefit
[General] a benefit payable as a direct result of the death of an insured individual or a covered PARTICIPANT [similar to ASOP No 6]
death benefit
The amount payable to a member's beneficiaries &/or dependants in the event of the member's death
derived benefit from
profited from
disability benefit
insurance benefits paid in case of disability
fringe benefit
Employee compensation other than your wages, tips, and salaries, such as health insurance, life insurance, and pension plans Most fringe benefits are deductible by your employer and you do not include them in your income In some cases, your tax-free fringe benefit amount may be limited For instance, the cost of $50,000 of life insurance is a tax-free fringe benefit However, if your employer pays for more than $50,000 of life insurance for you, your employer must include the cost of providing the excess life insurance with your income on your Form W-2
fringe benefit
The fringe benefits of doing something are the extra advantages which you get from it, although you may not have expected them and they were not the main reason for doing it. His support was one of the nicest fringe benefits of pursuing this research. = bonus. An employment benefit given in addition to one's wages or salary. an additional service or advantage given with a job besides wages. Any nonwage payment or benefit granted to employees by employers. Examples include pension plans, profit-sharing programs, vacation pay, and company-paid life, health, and unemployment insurance. Employers' payments for fringe benefits are included in employee-compensation costs and therefore are not usually taxed. If the cost of fringe benefits were paid directly as wages, the worker would pay taxes on this amount and therefore have less to spend when purchasing equivalent benefits independently
fringe benefit
Employee compensation other than your wages, tips and salaries, such as health insurance, life insurance and pension plans Most fringe benefits are deductible by your employer and you do not include them in your income However, if your employer pays for more than $50,000 of life insurance for you, your employer must include the cost of providing the excess life insurance with your income on your Form W-2
fringe benefit
benefit that an employee receives in addition to a salary
fringe benefit
an incidental benefit awarded for certain types of employment (especially if it is regarded as a right); "a limousine is one of the fringe benefits of the job
give the benefit of the doubt
think the best of someone, assume innocence
housing benefit
In Britain, housing benefit is money that the government gives to people with no income or very low incomes to pay for part or all of their rent
marginal benefit
the extra benefits resulting, for instance, from the increased consumption of a commodity
marginal benefit
the increase in the willingness to pay to consume one more unit of a good (chapter 5)
marginal benefit
The increase in total benefit from doing something a little more (p 238)
marginal benefit
The extra benefit (utility) caused by providing one extra unit of a resource
marginal benefit
The increase in total benefit consequent upon a one unit increase in the production of a good
residual benefit
accompanying profit, attendant benefit
side benefit
an additional advantage or good result that comes from something, besides its main purpose
social benefit
The benefits or income to society resulting from the operations of an enterprise in its particular circumstances Such benefits are often not readily measurable in monetary terms
social benefit
the benefits which accrue to society as a whole; the social benefit of an innovation includes not only the profits of the innovator, but the benefits that accrue to others, either as a result of the knowledge produced in the innovative process or because the new product is available at a price below that which the individual would be willing to pay
social benefit
The total benefit of a good to everyone in society; or, the benefit to everyone in society of private production or investment (p 468, 643)
social benefit
The benefit of an activity to society at large, taking into account not only the benefit to the individual, household, firm or government undertaking the activity but also the benefits to all other members of society
state benefit
money given by the government in Britain to people who are poor, without a job, ill etc
supplementary benefit
benefits paid to bring incomes up to minimum levels established by law
tax benefit
a tax deduction that is granted in order to encourage a particular type of commercial activity
to give someone the benefit of the doubt
give someone the chance to prove himself, not automatically disbelieve someone
to have the benefit of the doubt
to enjoy a position of uncertainty
unemployment benefit
Unemployment benefit is money that some people receive from the state when they do not have a job and are unable to find one. In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit. money paid regularly by the government to people who have no job on unemployment benefit (=be getting unemployment benefit)
welfare benefit
assistance to people in need
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