belief that both determinism and free will are compatible

listen to the pronunciation of belief that both determinism and free will are compatible
English - Turkish

Definition of belief that both determinism and free will are compatible in English Turkish dictionary


Compatibilism is the belief that free will and determinism are compatible ideas, and that it is possible to believe both without being logically inconsistent.

Hem belirlemeciliğin hem de irade özgürlüğünün doğru olduğu inancı, uyumculuk
English - English
{i} compatibilism
belief that both determinism and free will are compatible


    be·lief that both de·ter·min·i·sm and free will are com·pa·ti·ble

    Turkish pronunciation

    bîlif dhıt bōth dîtırmınîzım ınd fri wıl ır kımpätıbıl


    /bəˈlēf ᴛʜət ˈbōᴛʜ dəˈtərməˌnəzəm ənd ˈfrē wəl ər kəmˈpatəbəl/ /bɪˈliːf ðət ˈboʊθ dɪˈtɜrməˌnɪzəm ənd ˈfriː wəl ɜr kəmˈpætəbəl/