been subject to

listen to the pronunciation of been subject to
English - Turkish

Definition of been subject to in English Turkish dictionary

be subject to
tabi olmak
be subject to
bağımlı olmak
be subject to
bağlı olmak
been to

Hiç Hindistan'da bulundunuz mu? - Have you ever been to India?

Hiç Londra'da bulundunuz mu? - Have you ever been to London?

be subject to
1. -e tabi/bağlı olmak: This income is subject to taxation. Bu gelir vergiye tabidir. This is subject to confirmation by the assembly. Bu
been subject to


    been sub·ject to

    Turkish pronunciation

    bın sıbcekt tı


    /bən səbˈʤekt tə/ /bən səbˈʤɛkt tə/