
listen to the pronunciation of bedürfen
English - Turkish

Definition of bedürfen in English Turkish dictionary

{f} gerektirmek, icap ettirmek, istemek: work requiring patience sabır isteyen iş
{f} -e ihtiyacı olmak, -e gereksinimi olmak: We require
talep etmek

Hangi bilgiye ihtiyaç duyuyorsun? - What information do you require?

Fiillerin hepsi bir nesneye ihtiyaç duyuyor değildir. - Not all verbs require an object.

(fiil) istemek, gerektirmek, icap etmek, gerekmek, gerekli olmak, ihtiyacı olmak, eksik olmak, zorunlu tutmak

Üzgünüm ama isteğinizi yerine getiremem. - I am sorry, but I cannot meet your requirement.

Keman çalmak çok pratik ister. - Playing the violin requires much practice.

gereksinimi olmak
-e ihtiyacı olmak

Dil edinmek yaratıcılık gerektirir. - Language acquisition requires creativity.

Çok dil bilen biri olmanızı gerektirmiyor. - It doesn't require you to be a polyglot.

rica etmek
{f} gerektirmek
{f} zorunlu tutmak
{f} gerekmek
{f} gerekli olmak
German - English
To demand of (someone) to do something

The government would like to require non-British fiances who wish to marry a British citizen to sit an English test.

To ask (someone) for something; to request

I requyre the in the name of god, that thou torment me nott.

To demand, to insist upon (having); to call for authoritatively

Regrettably, I have concluded, after considering the matter over Christmas , that I can no longer maintain the high standard of service I require of myself, meet the demands of office and cope with the pressures of public life, without my health deteriorating further.’.

Naturally to demand (something) as indispensable; to need, to call for as necessary

A weapon small enough to put on a missile would require uranium enriched to more than 90% U-235.

{v} to demand, ask, make necessary
consider obligatory; request and expect; "We require our secretary to be on time"; "Aren't we asking too much of these children?"; "I expect my students to arrive in time for their lessons"
Active creates an obligation, passive do not create an obligation
To ask as a favor; to request
If you require something or if something is required, you need it or it is necessary. If you require further information, you should consult the registrar This isn't the kind of crisis that requires us to drop everything else Some of the materials required for this technique may be difficult to obtain
{f} demand, claim; need, call for, have need for; order, command; necessitate, compel
have need of; "This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner"
If you say that something is required reading for a particular group of people, you mean that you think it is essential for them to read it because it will give them information which they should have. an important research study that should be required reading for every member of the cabinet
To demand; to insist upon having; to claim as by right and authority; to exact; as, to require the surrender of property
make someone do something
To demand or exact as indispensable; to need
require as useful, just, or proper; "It takes nerve to do what she did"; "success usually requires hard work"; "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"; "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"; "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"; "This intervention does not postulates a patient's consent"
If a law or rule requires you to do something, you have to do it. The rules also require employers to provide safety training At least 35 manufacturers have flouted a law requiring prompt reporting of such malfunctions The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs Then he'll know exactly what's required of him
Die Vereinbarungen bedürfen zu ihrer Gültigkeit der Schriftform.
The stipulations must be made in writing in order to be valid
der Annahme bedürfen
to be subject to acceptance
der Ratifizierung bedürfen
to be subject to ratification
einer Einweisung in eine psychiatrische Anstalt bedürfen
to be committable (to a psychiatric institution) (patient)
einer Erklärung bedürfen
to need elucidation
einer stationären Einweisung bedürfen
to be committable to inpatient treatment