A charmed place, time, or situation is one that is very beautiful or pleasant, and seems slightly separate from the real world or real life. the charmed atmosphere of Oxford in the late Twenties. have/lead a charmed life to be lucky all the time, so that although you are often in dangerous situations nothing ever harms you
{s} attracted in a strong way; (of someone's life) exceptionally lucky as if protected by magic
be charmed
Turkish pronunciation
bi çärmd
/bē ˈʧärmd/ /biː ˈʧɑːrmd/
[ 'bE ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English bEon; akin to Old High German bim am, Latin fui I have been, futurus about to be, fieri to become, be done, Greek phynai to be born, be by nature, phyein to produce.