baz alınan

listen to the pronunciation of baz alınan
Turkish - English
In a phylogenetic tree, being a group, or member of a group, which diverged earlier

A magnolia is a basal angiosperm.

Any basal structure or part
serving as or forming a base; "the painter applied a base coat followed by two finishing coats"
At the base or bottom of; generally used in reference to leaves
Relating to, or forming, the base
refers to the base or lowest level
Originating from the base Berry - A fleshy indehisent pulpy, succulent fruit with immersed seeds Bipinnate - Doubly or twice pinnate (Bipinnately compound) Blade - The broad, flat part of a leaf Bract - Modified leaf, generally associated with an inflorescence Bracts may resemble normal leaves or be reduced and scalelike in appearance; they are sometimes large and brightly colored
= located at the basis, referring to the base
At the base of organ or structure
referring to the base, or near the base, of a structure
toward the base
Of, relating to, located at, or forming a base
Basal means relating to or forming the base of something. the basal layer of the skin
{s} of the base, at or forming the base
Relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin
of primary importance; "basic truths"
(when referring to plants) leaves that originate and attach at the base of the plant Mesa Plant Slides 
At the base of the plant
Lowest part of a plant or stem
Towards the base of the wing
baz alınan