Definition of basmak in Turkish English dictionary
- print
- {f} press
All you have to do is press the button.
- Tüm yapmanız gereken düğmeye basmaktır.
To take a photo, all you need to do is to press this button.
- Fotoğraf çekmek için tek yapman gereken bu düğmeye basmaktır.
- to tread (on), to step (on), to trample; to press, to depress, to compress; to print; to raid; to bust; to descend (on); to flood; (karanlık) to fall, to set in; (çığlık) to let out, to utter; (bir yaşa) to enter, to reach; (para) to strike, to coin, to p
- publish
- depress
- step on
Tom didn't mean to step on Mary's foot.
- Tom'un amacı Mary'nin ayağına basmak değildi.
Tom didn't mean to step on Mary's toes.
- Tom'un niyeti Mary'nin parmaklarına basmak değildi.
- utter
- push
I'm about to push the button.
- Düğmeye basmak üzereyim.
All you have to do is push this red button.
- Bütün yapman gereken kırmızı butona basmaktır.
- counterfeit
- set in
- enter
- crush
- tramp
- overwhelm
- strike off
- run off
- bear
- trample
- reach
- fall
- invade
- flow
- to set, put (a hen) on eggs so that she will hatch them. Bas!/Bas git! slang Clear out! Beat it! Get lost! Scram! basıp geçmek
- tread on
- to put (air) in (a tire)
- weigh
- to be overjoyed. bastığı yerde ot bitmemek to bring bad luck wherever he/she goes; to blight whatever he/she touches
- to step on or in, tread on; to set (one's foot) on, put (one's foot) on (a place): Ayağını o ipek halıya basma! Don't you set foot on that silk rug!
- to become, turn (a specified age): Bugün elliye bastı. He turned fifty today
- raid
- foray
- to print (books, etc.); to coin, strike, mint (coins)
- suddenly to hand in (one's resignation, a letter of protest)
- sink
- flood
- (for something undesirable) to cover (a place): Tarlayı sel bastı. Floodwater has covered the field. Bahçenin her yerini ot bastı. Weeds have taken over the garden
- break into
- tread
- attack suddenly
- (for darkness) to fall
- irrupt
- suddenly to deliver (a blow) to, land (a blow) on
- step
I didn't mean to step on your foot.
- Niyetim ayağına basmak değildi.
Tom didn't mean to step on Mary's toes.
- Tom'un niyeti Mary'nin parmaklarına basmak değildi.
- imprint
- to pack (something) tightly into (a container)
- stomp
- (for a machine) to pump (a liquid) or compress (a gas)
- stamp
- come on
- catch
- just to pass (someone) by, not to stop and visit (someone). basıp gitmek/geçmek (Konuşma Dili) to get up and leave, take off. bastığı yeri bilmemek
- to be consumed with: Hocayı öfke bastı. The teacher was consumed with rage
- jam
- to press (one's finger, a seal, a mold, a wood block, etc.) on; to press: Zile bas! Ring the doorbell!
- suddenly to feel ...: Feci halde uyku bastı. I feel very sleepy
- not to know what one is doing, be out of it
- come upon
- to pass, overtake, leave (someone, something) behind
- suddenly to let out (a yell, a curse, a laugh)
- stencil
- to make an unexpected attack on, raid; (for the police) to bust
- impress
- (for fog) to descend on, cover
- letter
- bust
- compress
- attack
- strike
- mint
- bas
- {i} bass
Basset hounds are gentle dogs.
- Basset tazıları kibar köpeklerdir.
I play bass guitar in a guitar ensemble.
- Bir gitar topluluğunda bass gitar çalarım.
- basma
- {i} printing
- basmak (para)
- mint
- basmak (damga)
- impress
- basmak (damga/mühür)
- imprint
- basmak damga
- affix
- bağrına basmak
- cherish
- bam teline basmak
- bang to push the wire
- bakır klişe ile basmak
- mezzotint
- bamteline basmak
- to rub sb the wrong way, to touch sb on the raw, to irritate
- bamteline basmak
- touch smb. on the raw
- bamteline basmak
- tread on smb.'s corns
- bamteline basmak/dokunmak
- to vex, annoy
- baskı ve yayınevi özelliklerini basmak
- imprint
- bağrına basmak
- nestle
- bağrına basmak
- to hug, to cherish, to welcome with open arms
- bağrına basmak
- canoodle
- bağrına basmak
- embrace
- bağrına taş basmak
- to grin and bear it
- bağırına basmak
- to embrace, take to one's heart, enfold
- bağırına taş basmak
- to suffer patiently
- başlık basmak
- letter
- sel basmak
- flood
- tam üstüne basmak
- hit the nail on the head
- para basmak
- counterfeit
- sel basmak
- deluge
- su basmak
- deluge
- tongaya basmak
- fall for
- üstüne/üzerine basmak
- to hit the nail on the head
- deklanşöre basmak
- release
- bas
- bass guitar
I quit playing the bass guitar.
- Ben bas gitar çalmayı bırakıyorum.
Tom wants to buy a bass guitar, but he doesn't have enough money.
- Tom bir bas gitar almak istiyor ama yeterli parası yok.
- basma
- (Spor) stuff block
- damga basmak
- seal
- damga basmak
- stamp
- damga basmak
- imprint
- damga basmak
- (Ticaret) stamp in
- enter tuşuna basmak
- (Bilgisayar) enter
- ofset basmak
- offset
- parmak basmak
- draw attention to
- parmak basmak
- draw attention
- bas
- bass voice
- bas
- {f} press
He has to have his blood pressure taken every day.
- O, her gün kan basıncı ölçtürmek zorundadır.
The press is interested in his private life.
- Basın onun özel hayatıyla ilgileniyor.
- bas
- {f} overwhelming
- bas
- imprint
- bas
- {f} print
This book will be printed next year.
- Bu kitap, gelecek yıl basılacak.
This book is out of print.
- Bu kitabın baskısı tükendi.
- bas
- basso
Are you still playing the bassoon?
- Hâlâ bason çalıyor musun?
- bas
- overwhelm
- bas
- {f} published
He had a book on physics published.
- Fizikle ilgili bir kitap bastırdı.
We finally published the book.
- Sonunda kitabı bastık.
- bas
- {f} pressed
He pressed the brake pedal.
- O, fren pedaline bastı.
The crowd pressed toward the gate.
- Kalabalık kapıya doğru bastırdı.
- bas
- {f} pressing
I have a pressing feeling in my stomach.
- Midemde bir basınç hissi var.
Right now, we have a problem that's a little more pressing.
- Şu anda, biraz daha fazla baskı yapan bir problemimiz var.
- bas
- bull fiddle
- bas
- {f} printing
Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once.
- Baskıdaki hatalara derhal dikkat çekilmelidir.
The first printing machine was invented by Gutenberg.
- İlk baskı makinesi Gutenberg tarafından icat edilmiştir.
- bas
- {f} print out
- basma
- pressure
- aynısını basmak
- facsimile
- bas
- kephale
- bas
- nob
He walked on tiptoe so that nobody would hear him.
- O, kimse onu duymasın diye parmak uçlarına basarak yürüdü.
- karaya ayak basmak
- land
- para basmak
- print money
- yaraya tuz basmak
- (deyim) Rub salt into the wound
- acısını bağrına basmak/içine gömmek
- to hide one's distress or sorrow
- al basmak
- to get puerperal fever
- ateş basmak
- to flush and feel hot from tedium, discomfort, or boredom
- ateş basmak
- to go hot all over
- ayak basmak
- to set foot (in/on sth), to arrive, to visit
- ayak basmak
- set foot
- ayak basmak
- 1. to arrive (at), enter. 2. to begin, enter, start (a job)
- ayak frenine basmak
- back pedal
- ayak frenine basmak
- pedal backwards
- ayakı düze basmak
- to get over the hard part of something
- ayakını denk basmak
- to be careful, be wary
- ayar damgası basmak
- hallmark
- ağır basmak
- outweigh
- ağır basmak
- have strong influence
- ağır basmak
- overbalance
- ağır basmak
- to predominate, to turn the scale
- ağır basmak
- preponderate
- ağır basmak
- militate
- ağır basmak
- overbear
- ağır basmak
- predominate
- ağır basmak
- 1. to be heavy. 2. to have a strong influence, be influential, have weight. 3. to be important, be given weight, have priority. 4. to oppress (as a nightmare)
- ağır basmak
- override
- ağır basmak
- plump for
- ağırlık basmak
- a) to get sleepy b) to have a nightmare
- ağırlık basmak/ çökmek
- 1. to have a nightmare. 2. to be overcome by sleepiness
- bas
- flush mechanism of a toilet
- bas
- bass; bass guitar, bass
- bas
- stet
- bas
- incuse
- basma
- printed matter
- basma
- print
The papers didn't print this story.
- Gazeteler bu hikayeyi basmadılar.
- basma
- chintz
- basma
- printed (book, etc.)
- basma
- printed cotton, calico; printed matter; printed
- basma
- pressing
- basma
- pressing (something) on
- basma
- made of printed cloth, print
- basma
- calico
- basma
- print, printed cloth fabric
- basma
- raid; bust (by the police)
- basma
- printed cloth
- basma
- cotton print
- basma
- stepping on or in, treading on
- basma
- plain white cotton fabric
- basma
- printing (cloth, books)
- basma
- plain lightweight cotton fabric with figured pattern printed on one side
- basma
- dimity
- birden gaza basmak
- put one's foot to the floor
- boka basmak
- to get into a mess
- bulanık basmak
- mackle
- büyük puntolarla basmak
- display
- can damarına basmak
- to touch on the most sensitive spot of (someone, something)
- can damarına basmak
- to touch sb on the raw
- cayırtıyı basmak/koparmak
- to start shouting furiously
- dalına basmak
- to tread on sb's corns, to annoy
- damarına basmak
- to tread on one's corns, to exasperate
- damarına basmak
- to irritate (someone), touch (someone's) sore spot
- damarına basmak
- rub smb. up the wrong way
- damga basmak
- to seal
- damga basmak
- to stamp (something) (with a seal, stamp, etc.)
- damgayı basmak
- rubber stamp
- debriyaja basmak
- declutch
- deklanşöre basmak
- to press the shutter
- desen basmak
- print
- efkâr basmak
- colloq . to feel down, for one's spirits to be low
- efkâr basmak
- to have the blues
- ev basmak
- to raid a house
- faka basmak
- to be deceived, to be duped
- faka basmak
- colloq . to be deceived, be duped; to be trapped
- fazla basmak
- overprint
- feryadı basmak
- to begin to scream
- feryatı basmak
- to start wailing; to start screaming
- filigran basmak
- to watermark
- firara kadem basmak
- colloq . to run away, take to one's heels
- fotolitografi ile basmak
- photolithograph
- fototip ile basmak
- phototype
- frene basmak
- jam on the brakes
- frene basmak
- apply the brakes
- frene basmak
- to step on the brake
- frene basmak
- jam on
- gaflet basmak
- 1. to feel sleepy, be ready to fall asleep: Bana gaflet bastı. I'm ready to fall asleep. 2. unconsciously to relax one's guard. 3. to act carelessly; to act negligently. 4. to become oblivious to what is going on. 5. to go woolgathering, fall into a reverie
- gaza basmak
- speed up
- gaza basmak
- step on it
- gaza basmak
- to step on the gas, to accelerate
- gaza basmak
- step on the accelerator
- gaza basmak
- gun the car up
- gaza basmak
- open out
- gaza basmak
- accelerate
- gazete basmak
- print a newspaper
- geri basmak
- to move backwards, back up
- gırtlakına basmak
- to get (someone) by the throat, force (someone) to do something