
listen to the pronunciation of barrel
English - Turkish
{i} namlu

Bu tüfeğin namlusunu temizle. - Clean the barrel of this rifle.

{i} varil

Orta Doğu petrol fiyatları varil başına beş dolar fırladı. - Middle Eastern oil prices jumped by five dollars per barrel.

Bu petrol kuyusu günde 100 varilden daha fazla üretiyor. - This oil well produces more than 100 barrels per day.

{f} hızlı gitmek
top veya tüfek namlusu
(Askeri) NAMLU: İçinde mermi ateşlenen ve merminin ilk istikamet kontrolünü sağlayan madeni veya plastik boru
fıçı dolusu
büyük miktar
{i} atın karnı veya beli
barrel roll uçuşta uçağın ekseni üzerinde tam bir devir yapması
{f} uçmak (Argo)
{i} kovan
barrel buoy fıçı şamandıra
arabayı hlzlı kullanmak
fıçıya koymak
{f} fıçılamak
bir varilin içine alacağı miktar
{i} çark
(Askeri) top namlusu
barrel arch
barrel assembly
(Askeri) namlu düzeni
barrel length
(Avcılık) namlu uzunluğu
barrel buoy
fıçı şamandıra
barrel churn
fıçı tipi yayık
barrel cleaning
fıçıda temizleme
barrel distortion
fıçı bükülmesi
barrel organ
barrel organ
barrel plating
fıçıda kaplama
barrel printer
tambur yazıcı
barrel roll
fıçı tono
barrel roof
kemer çatı
barrel shaped roller bearing
kovan biçimli rulmanlı yatak
barrel tumbling
fıçıda döndürme
barrel type crankcase
kovanlı motor karteri
barrel vault
beşik tonoz
barrel cuff
gömlek manşeti
barrel finishing
(Mühendislik) dolaplama
barrel shaped roller bearing
kovan biçimli rulmanli yatak
barrel type crankcase
kovanli motor karteri
barrel vault
beşik kemer
fıçı göğüslü
(Fotoğrafçılık) (Görüntü işlemede) Bombe şekli düzeltme
barrel (42 US gallons)
(Askeri) varil (42 Birleşik Devletler galonu)
barrel assembly
(Askeri) KOMPLE NAMLU; NAMLU DÜZENİ: Namlu ve namluyu silaha bağlayan diğer parçalar
barrel band
(Avcılık) gerdane
barrel bolt
yuvarlak dilli sürme
barrel buoy
fıçı şamandra
barrel capacity
fıçı kapasitesi
barrel chair
yuvarlak arkalı koltuk
barrel drop
borulu şut
barrel erosion
(Askeri) namlu aşınması
barrel erosion
(Askeri) NAMLU AŞINMASI: Namlu iç yüzeyinin, gaz ısısı, kimyasal etkiler ve mekanik sürtünmeler dolayısıyla aşınması. Namlu aşınması hızın düşmesine sebep olur
barrel extension
(Askeri) NAMLU KUYRUĞU: Bazı otomatik silahlarda, namlu gerisinde tespit edilen madeni kısım
barrel extension
(Askeri) namlu kuyruğu
barrel finishing
(Mekanik) dolaplıma
barrel house
barrel house
barrel in battery
barrel light
silindirik çatı feneri
barrel locking catch
(Avcılık) namlu kilitleme parçası
barrel nipple
konik dişli nipel
barrel of a syringe
(Tıp) enjektör haznesi
barrel organ
barrel out of battery
barrel piston
makine pistonu
barrel pressure
(Bilgisayar) namlu basıncı
barrel reflector
(Askeri) namlu muayene aynası
barrel reflector
(Askeri) NAMLU MUAYENE AYNASI: Bir top veya tüfek namlusunun içini veya atım yatağını muayeneye yarayan cihaz. Namlu muayene aynası, bir çerçeve üzerine takılı bir ayna ile, atım yatağına takılan ve namlu içinin görünmesine yarayan bir ayna ve borudan ibarettir
barrel roll
(Askeri) FIÇI TONO: Bir tayyarenin uçuş istikameti bozulmaksızın, kanatları üzerinde dönerek yaptığı hava manevrası
barrel roll
uçağın ekseni üzerinde tam bir devir yapması
barrel roof
yuvarlak çatı
barrel roof
(İnşaat) silindirik çatı
barrel roof
kemerli çatı
barrel roof
(İnşaat) yarı dairesel çatı
barrel stave
fıçı tahtası
barrel switch
(Bilgisayar) namlu anahtarı
barrel system
(Tiyatro) kaldıraç dekoru
barrel turner
barel döndürücü
barrel type pump
silindirik pompa
barrel vault
beşik tonos
barrel vault
mim. beşiktonoz
barrel vault
beşik tonoz,kemer
barrel weight
namlu ağırlığı
winch barrel
(Denizbilim) tel makarası
winch barrel
(Denizbilim) tambur
beer barrel
bira fıçısı
cylinder barrel
silindir fıçı
gun barrel
tüfek namlusu
lens barrel
mercek çerçevesi
lock stock and barrel
lock stock and barrel
başdan başa
lock stock and barrel
ne var ne yok hepsi
over a barrel
sıkışık durumda
over a barrel
zor bir durumda
pickle barrel
salamura fıçısı
single barrel
tek namlulu tüfek
spark plug barrel
buji gövdesi
trash barrel
çöp bidonu
tumbling barrel
perdah dolabı
wine barrel
şarap fıçısı
align the sight and barrel of a gun
görme ve bir silahın namlusu align
be as funny as a barrel of monkeys
şebeklik yapmak
core barrel
çekirdek namlu
get s.o. over a barrel
k. dili birini köşeye sıkıştırmak
get someone over a barrel
(deyim) Birini köşeye sıkıştırmak
gun barrel
Silah namlusu
have someone over a barrel
birini köşeye sıkışmış halde yakalamak
lock, stock and barrel
kilidi, stok ve varil
pork barrel
Bir milletvekilinin seçim bölgesine sağladığı ödenek
pork barrel
bir milletvekilinin kendi seçim bölgesi için ayırttığı para
print barrel
yazma fıçısı
scrape the bottom of the barrel
bir şeyin gözünü çıkarmak
slack barrel
bolluk varil
third person singular of barrel
üçüncü kişi varil tekil
usually a 60-gallon oak barrel
genellikle 60-galon meşe
wooden barrel
ahşap beşik
a kind of wine barrel
annular barrel vault
(Mimarlık) beşik halka tonoz
fıçı şeklinde
(isim)mlulu, fıçılanmış, fıçı, fıçı şeklinde
{s} fıçılanmış
{s} fıçı şeklinde
{s} fıçı
{s} namlulu
bound barrel
(Askeri) eğrilmiş namlu
bound barrel
(Askeri) EĞRİLMİŞ NAMLU: Kundak parçalarına temas şekli, namlunun atıştan ileri gelen genişleme sonucu, bunlara yapışıp eğrilmesine, dolayısıyla atış isabetsizliğine sebep olan namlu
breech end of barrel
(Askeri) namlunun mermi kenar ucu
four barrel carburetor
(Otomotiv) dört boğazlı karbüratör
four barrel carburettor
(Otomotiv) dört gövdeli karbüratör
get someone over a barrel
(deyim) birini kontrolü altına almak
get someone over a barrel
(deyim) gafil avlamak
grease barrel
gresyağı varili
gun barrel
gun barrel
have smb. over a barrel
köşeye sıkıştırmak
inclined barrel arch
eğik beşik kemer
lock stock and barrel
(deyim) lock,stock and barrel topu birden,tumu,ne var ne yok,hepsi
lock, stock and barrel
baştan başa, tamamen
petroleum barrel
petrol varili
pistol barrel
tabanca namlusu
plunger barrel
tampon silindiri
pork barrel
milletvekilinin seçim bölgesine sağladığı ödenek
primary barrel
(Otomotiv) primer kovan
primary barrel
(Otomotiv) primer barel
scrape the barrel
{f} artıkları kullanmak
scrape the barrel
{f} kalanla idare etmek
secondary barrel
(Otomotiv) sekonder kovan
secondary barrel
(Otomotiv) sekonder barel
water barrel
English - English
The ribs and belly of a horse or pony
A wave that breaks with a hollow compartment
The hollow basal part of a feather
A jar. 1 Kings xvii. 12
The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A barrel of wine is 31 1/2 gallons; a barrel of flour is 196 pounds; of beer 31 gallons; of ale 32 gallons; of crude oil 42 gallons
A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case

the barrel of a windlass; the barrel of a watch, within which the spring is coiled.

A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads. Sometimes applied to a similar cylindrical container made of metal, usually called a drum

a cracker barrel.

The part of a clarinet which connects the mouthpiece and upper joint, and looks rather like a barrel (1)
To move quickly or in an uncontrolled manner

He came barrelling around the corner and I almost hit him.

A metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged
A waste receptacle

Throw it away in the trash barrel.

A tube
{v} t. to put in a barrel
{n} a wooden vessel, part of a gun, cylinder
That part of an extruder inside which the feed screw is located
A unit of liquid volume of petroleum oils equal to 42 U S gallons or approximately 35 Imperial gallons
A solid drum, or a hollow cylinder or case; as, the barrel of a windlass; the barrel of a watch, within which the spring is coiled
A barrel of wine is 31½ gallons; a barrel of flour is 196 pounds
A measure of volume for petroleum products One barrel is equivalent to 42 U S gallons
A unit of volume equal to 42 U S gallons
Means 42 U S gallons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit
The cylindrical container that contains the mainspring
put in barrels
Volume unit corresponding to 159 liters A barrel of oil corresponds to about 0 137 metric tons
A round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads
The quantity which constitutes a full barrel. This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law. A barrel of wine is 31 1/2 gallons; a barrel of flour is 196 pounds; of beer 31 gallons; of ale 32 gallons
A jar. [Obs.] 1 Kings xvii. 12
standard unit of measurement in the petroleum industry, equivalent to 42 standard U S gallons
The standard unit of liquid volume in the petroleum industry It is equal to 42 U S gallons
A liquid measure equal to 42 American gallons or about 306 pounds; one barrel equals 5 6 cubic feet or 159 cubic meters; for crude oil, one barrel is about 136 metric tons, 134 long tons, and 150 short tons
One barrel of crude oil contains 42 gallons It has an energy content of roughly 6 million British Thermal Units
A volumetric unit of measure for crude oil and petroleum products equivalent to 42 U S gallons See also paper barrel; wet barrel
As the standard unit of measurement of liquids in the petroleum industry, it contains 42 U S standard gallons Abbreviated to "bbl "
If a vehicle or person is barreling in a particular direction, they are moving very quickly in that direction. The car was barreling down the street at a crazy speed. = career see also pork barrel
bar·rel barrels barrelling barrelled in AM, use barreling, barreled
unit volume measurement used for petroleum and its products; 1 barrel = 42 US gallons, 35 Imperial gallons (approx ), or 159 litres (approx ); 7 3 barrels = 1 ton (approx ); 6 29 barrels = 1 cubic metre
{i} drum, cask; tube of a gun; round container
In the oil industry, a barrel is a unit of measurement equal to 159 litres. In 1989, Kuwait was exporting 1.5 million barrels of oil a day Oil prices were closing at $19.76 a barrel
To put or to pack in a barrel or barrels
The barrel of a gun is the tube through which the bullet moves when the gun is fired. He pushed the barrel of the gun into the other man's open mouth
A barrel is a large, round container for liquids or food. The wine is aged for almost a year in oak barrels
A unit of volume equal to 42 U S gallons or 159 litres at 60 degrees F, often used to measure volume in oil production, transportation and trade
Thin cylindrical box containing the mainspring of a watch The toothed rim of the barrel drives the train
- the American standard unit of measurement for oil One barrel is 35 imperial gallons or 159 litres
{f} move at high speed (Slang)
the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold
A volumetric unit of crude oil, equivalent to 42 US gallons
any of various units of capacity; "a barrel of beer is 31 gallons and a barrel of oil is 42 gallons"
A unit of volume equal to 42 U S gallons at 60 Degrees Fahrenheit, often used to measure volume in oil transportation and trade
A volumetric unit of measure for crude oil and petroleum products equivalent to 42 U S gallons
a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired
Equal to 42 U S gallons, or 158 99 liters
a cylindrical container that holds liquids a tube through which a bullet travels when a gun is fired any of various units of capacity; "a barrel of beer is 31 gallons and a barrel of oil is 42 gallons"
A unit of volume measure used for petroleum and refined products 1 barrel = 42 U S gallons
The standard unit of measure of liquids in the petroleum industry; it contains 42 U S standard gallons
This varies for different articles and also in different places for the same article, being regulated by custom or by law
42 U S gallons (306 pounds of oil, or 5 78 million Btu)
emphasis If you say, for example, that someone moves or buys something lock, stock, and barrel, you are emphasizing that they move or buy every part or item of it. They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock, stock, and barrel back home
A jar
a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends
the quantity that a barrel (of any size) will hold a bulging cylindrical shape; hollow with flat ends put in barrels
a cylindrical container that holds liquids
The quantity which constitutes a full barrel
disapproval If you say that someone is scraping the barrel, or scraping the bottom of the barrel, you disapprove of the fact that they are using or doing something of extremely poor quality. to move very fast, especially in an uncontrolled way
{i} cask
barrel cactus
Any cactus with an approximately barrel-like shape
barrel chest
A large, somewhat misshapen chest; sometimes associated with emphysema
barrel child
A child in a developing country whose parents have found employment abroad. The stereotype is one of relative financial well-being, but emotional detachment from the parents
barrel children
plural form of barrel child
barrel fever
intoxication or illness from intemperance in drink
barrel nut connector
A cylindrical push-and-twist connector for connecting thin co-axial cable
barrel nuts
plural form of barrel nut
barrel of laughs
That which is enjoyable or entertaining

You should see this movie I just got, it's a real barrel of laughs.

barrel of laughs
That which is immature, embarrassing, or disgraceful

You mean to say that barrel of laughs over there is my new partner?.

barrel of laughs
A toy in the shape of a barrel that emits sounds of laughter
barrel of monkeys
Something very funny or amusing

He thinks he's a barrel of monkeys, but he's not particularly entertaining.

barrel organ
A musical instrument in which air from a bellows is admitted to a set of pipes by means of pins inserted into a revolving barrel
barrel organs
plural form of barrel organ
barrel race
To ride a horse around standing barrels in a race
barrel race
A race (contest) in which a horse must be ridden around standing barrels
barrel raced
Simple past tense and past participle of barrel race
barrel racer
One who barrel races
barrel racers
plural form of barrel racer
barrel races
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barrel race
barrel races
plural form of barrel race
barrel racing
Present participle of barrel race
barrel roll
A movement (usually during a car crash) where a car flips on its roof, than falls back on its wheels after doing at least one full 360° horizontal rotation
barrel roll
An aerobatic flying maneuver in which the pilot causes the airplane to complete one loop in the same time that the airplane completes one roll, creating the appearance that the airplane is riding on the inside of a cylinder
barrel rolls
plural form of barrel roll
barrel roof
A roof having a semicircular cross section; used to span large distances in railway stations etc
barrel roofs
plural form of barrel roof
barrel shroud
A ventilated covering for the barrel of a firearm that prevents accidental burns to the operators
barrel sponge
A large, brown sponge, Xestospongia testudinaria, from the waters of Australia and the Indian Ocean
barrel vault
A simple roof having a curved, often semicircular cross section; used to span large distances in railway stations, churches, etc. Usually supported on columns
barrel vault
A building profile featuring a rounded profile to the roof on the short axis, but with no angle change on a cut along the long axis
barrel vaults
plural form of barrel vault
Having a barrel chest
barrel cactus
a cactus of the genus Ferocactus: unbranched barrel-shaped cactus having deep ribs with numerous spines and usually large funnel-shaped flowers followed by dry fruits
barrel cactus
Any of several cacti, especially in the genera Ferocactus and Echinocactus, having unbranched, globular to columnar, ribbed spiny stems
barrel chair
A large upholstered chair having a high, rounded back resembling a half barrel
barrel chair
{i} (USA & Canada) barrel-back chair, chair with a high rounded solid back resembling part of a barrel
barrel head
flat or round top end of a barrel
barrel knot
a knot used for tying fishing leaders together; the ends of the two leaders are wrapped around each other two or three times
barrel maker
cooper: a craftsman who makes or repairs wooden barrels or tubs
barrel organ
A barrel organ is a large machine that plays music when you turn the handle on the side. Barrel organs used to be played in the street to entertain people. A mechanical instrument on which a tune is played by the action of a revolving cylinder fitted with pegs or pins that open pipe valves supplied by a bellows. a musical instrument that you play by turning a handle, often used on the streets in order to get money, especially in the past
barrel organ
a musical instrument that makes music by rotation of a cylinder studded with pegs
barrel organ
musical instrument played by the action of a rotating cylinder equipped with pins; hand organ
barrel process
A process of extracting gold or silver by treating the ore in a revolving barrel, or drum, with mercury, chlorine, cyanide solution, or other reagent
barrel roll
A flip where the train inverts, yet elevation stays the same
barrel roll
A flight maneuver in which an airplane makes a complete rotation on its longitudinal axis while approximately maintaining its original direction
barrel roll
A much sought after coaster element, that would turn riding completely around sideways Similar to the aerobatic manuever A 360 degree roll
barrel roll
An inversion term most frequently used by Bolliger and Mabillard to describe what is basically a corkscrew inversion on their roller coasters See related term: corkscrew
barrel roll
An inversion element where the coaster car effectively rotates in place without changing elevation
barrel roll
A much sought-after coaster element, that would turn riding completely around sideways Similar to the aerobatic manuever A 360° roll
barrel roll
Sport enjoyed at squadron picnics, usually after the barrels are empty
barrel roll
A move starting on the stomach, with one full twist, landing again on the stomach; also known as a "Log Roll"
barrel roll
Similar to a roll, but you apply back pressure on the stick while you are rolling to the left or right This makes your plane fly in a corkscrew pattern and is often used to make the enemy overshoot
barrel roll
a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course
barrel vault
Continuous arched roof, resting on the walls on either side
barrel vault
A semicircular vault unbroken by ribs or groins
barrel vault
A masonry vault in the form of a semicircular arch
barrel vault
Bastion Batter Battlement
barrel vault
continous vault of semicircular cross-section; also called tunnel vault
barrel vault
A semicylindrical structure composed of successive arches
barrel vault
Single vault with a continuous, semicircular section; also known as a tunnel vault or wagon vault
barrel vault
A simple continuous vault, typically semicircular in cross section. Also called tunnel vault, wagon vault
barrel vault
A masonry roof constructed on the principle of the arch, that is, in essence, a continuous series of arches, one behind the other
barrel vault
tunnel vault, vaulted ceiling formed as a semicylinder (Architecture)
barrel vault
Cylindrical roof; The simplest form of a vault, consisting of a continuous surface of semicircular or pointed sections It resembles a barrel or tunnel which has been cut in half lengthwise Types of barrel vault: longitudinal
barrel vault
A vaulted ceiling of semi-circular shape, creating a dome-like appearance
barrel vault
[arch] A semi-cylindrical roofed vault of masonry
barrel vault
The Kimmel Center's semicircular glass-and-steel roof is called a barrel vault because it resembles a large glass barrel that has been cut in half lengthwise and positioned on its side
barrel vault
The simplest form of masonry vault, consisting of a continuous plain vault with semi-cylindrical or pointed cross-section, unbroken by cross vaults, and covering a rectangular space
barrel vault
A ceiling that is like a continuous circular arch or tunnel, contrasted with vaults that are supported on ribs or a series of arches Also tunnel vault
barrel vault
A tunnel like hall (i e vault) created by building a long series of arches
barrel vault
Cylindrical roof
barrel vault
the simplest form of vault; a single continuous arch
barrel-back chair
{i} (USA & Canada) barrel chair, chair with a high rounded solid back resembling part of a barrel
a man who is barrel-chested has a round chest that sticks out
Damascus barrel
A gun barrel formed by twisting and welding strips of metal around a hard die. Not commonly used now due to its inability to handle high cartridge pressure on modern ammunition
Simple past tense and past participle of barrel
like shooting fish in a barrel
Absurdly easy

We can put the collection box directly under the chute. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

lock, stock and barrel
A thing in its entirety, with nothing omitted

They want to buy the whole thing, lock, stock and barrel.

over a barrel
In a disadvantageous or helpless situation, in which one may be controlled or victimized

Ford had the U.A.W. over a barrel; if it failed to sign by midnight, the U.A.W. would be forced to give up its union shop.

scrape the bottom of the barrel
To use the least desirable parts of something

They must really have been scraping the bottom of the barrel if they couldn't find a better design than that.

core barrel
(Madencilik) A length of pipe immediately above the bit of a rotary core drill. Double-core barrels have an inner portion mounted on a bearing so that it remains stationary and does not damage the core to the same extent when drilling is in weak friable strata
pork barrel
A government project or appropriation that yields jobs or other benefits to a specific locale and patronage opportunities to its political representative
Having a barrel; used in composition; as, a double-barreled gun
past of barrel
having the specified number of barrels
put in or stored in a barrel; "barreled beer" (of an arrow) tapered toward both ends
put in or stored in a barrel; "barreled beer"
(of an arrow) tapered toward both ends
A wear pattern that causes the diameter of the bit body to exceed the gauge diameter of the buttons
The action of putting the wine in barrels
A distortion which occurs with wide-angle zoom, in which straight lines at the edges curve toward the center, giving the image a barrel-like appearance
past of barrel
Having two barrels; applied to a gun
Having a barrel; used in composition; as, a double-barreled gun
put in or stored in a barrel; "barreled beer"
(of an arrow) tapered toward both ends
{s} having a certain number or kind of barrels (double-barreled, etc.); packed in a barrel
present participle of barrel
plural of barrel
Third person singular of barrel
the amount that many barrels might hold
beer barrel
{i} beer keg, container that holds beer
beer barrel
a barrel that holds beer
carburetor barrel
(Otomotiv) The tube-like part of the carburetor through which air flows and is mixed with vapourized fuel. The choke butterfly valve is located at the top of the carburetor barrel, and the throttle valve is located at the bottom. The size and quantities of barrels dictate the volume of air that will enter the car's combustion chamber
{s} suggestive of rural country life; typical of country life; (term used in North America) simple and not sophisticated
characteristic of country life; "cracker-barrel philosophy"; "folksy humor"; "the air of homespun country boys
four-barrel carburetor
(Otomotiv) A carburetor with four barrels that works like two 2 barrel carburetors but with double the air intake and fuel mixture volume. Usually found on older, large V-8 engines
golden barrel cactus
large cactus of east central Mexico having golden to pale yellow flowers and spines
gun barrel
metal tube of a gun through which bullets are fired
lock stock and barrel
every single thing, in totality
lock, stock and barrel
the whole thing, the complete thing, everything
pickle barrel
a barrel holding vinegar in which cucumbers are pickled
pork barrel
political handouts, use of funds by the government for projects intended to win votes; jobs and distributed by the government to gain political advantage and not for public advantage; barrel in which pork is kept; (figuratively) "bread and butter, livelihood, source of income
pork barrel
a legislative appropriation designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents
pork barrel
disapproval If you say that someone is using pork barrel politics, you mean that they are spending a lot of government money on a local project in order to win the votes of the people who live in that area. Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people. A government project or appropriation that yields jobs or other benefits to a specific locale and patronage opportunities to its political representative. a government plan to increase the amount of money spent in a particular area, done in order to gain a political advantage - used to show disapproval
rain barrel
a barrel used as a cistern to hold rainwater
scrape the barrel
{f} be compelled to use one's last resource (when a person has exhausted his resources)
slack barrel
container for holding dry goods
trash barrel
a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected
Turkish - English

Definition of barrel in Turkish English dictionary




    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈbarəl/ /ˈbærəl/


    [ bar-&l ] (noun.) 14th century. From Middle English barrell, from Anglo-Norman baril, Old French baril, bareil (“barrel”), of uncertain origin. An attempt to link baril to Old French barre (“bar, bolt”) (compare Medieval Latin barra (“bar, rod”)) via assumed Vulgar Latin *barrīculum meets the phonological requirement, but fails to connect the word semantically. The alternate connection to the Germanic source: Frankish *baril, *beril or Gothic


    ... SAL KHAN: They put it like a barrel fruit or something. ...