
listen to the pronunciation of baptistry
English - English
A designated space within a church, or a separate room or building associated with a church, where a baptismal font is located, and consequently, where the sacrament of Christian baptism (via aspersion or affusion) is performed
An indoor pool used for baptism by immersion
{n} the place for baptizing at, a font
(Din) An article of church furniture or a fixture used for the baptism of children and adults
{i} baptistery, place where a baptism takes place; baptismal tank or bowl
Small churches were often changed into baptisteries when larger churches were built near
In early times, a separate building, usually polygonal, used for baptismal services
A part of a church containing a font and used for baptismal services
(Din) An article of church furniture or a fixture used for the baptism of children and adults
A part of a church containing a font and used for baptismal services
Small churches were often changed into baptisteries when larger churches were built near
{i} place where a baptism takes place; baptismal tank
or baptistry Domed hall or chapel, adjacent to or part of a church, for the administration of baptism. By the 4th century, the baptistery had assumed an eight-sided shape (eight in Christian numerology being the symbol for a new life), as had the baptismal font within. The font itself was set beneath a dome-shaped baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory (aisle), features first used by the Byzantines
alternative spelling of baptistry
In early times, a separate building, usually polygonal, used for baptismal services