baptismal fonts

listen to the pronunciation of baptismal fonts
English - Turkish

Definition of baptismal fonts in English Turkish dictionary

baptismal font
(Din) Vaftiz kurnası
English - English

Definition of baptismal fonts in English English dictionary

baptismal font
a church article for the baptism of children and adults
baptismal font
(Din) A baptismal font is an article of church furniture or a fixture used for the baptism of children and adults, baptistry, baptistery, font
baptismal font
bowl for baptismal water
baptismal fonts


    bap·tis·mal fonts

    Turkish pronunciation

    bäptîzmıl fänts


    /bapˈtəzməl ˈfänts/ /bæpˈtɪzməl ˈfɑːnts/