A missile that is initially guided, but then follows a ballistic (freely falling) trajectory
a missile that is guided in the first part of its flight but falls freely as it approaches target
A projectile that assumes a free-falling trajectory after an internally guided, self-powered ascent. a powerful weapon that can travel extremely long distances, and that flies very high up into the sky and then back down to earth where it explodes
Definition of balistik füze in Turkish Turkish dictionary
(Silahlar) Balistik füze nükleer başlık taşıyabilen uzun menzilli güdümlü veya güdümsüz füzedir.Bu füzeler tek bir nükleer başlık taşıyabilecekleri gibi birden fazla başlık taşıyarak bu başlıkları farklı hedeflere yollayabilirler