
listen to the pronunciation of badge
English - Turkish
{i} rozet

Dan bile rozeti geri vermedi. - Dan didn't even give the badge back.

Rozetinize bakabilir miyim? - Can I see your badge?

{i} nişan
(Askeri) Bröve
(Askeri) BRÖVE: Bir askerin, çok önemli bir askeri uzmanlık alanında, üstün bir ehliyet derecesi elde etmiş olduğunu göstermek üzere verilen bir çeşit mükafat. Kara, deniz ve hava kuvvetlerine ait bröveler ile uzmanlık brövelerini içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "Ground badge"
{i} işaret
kimlik (kartı)
kimlik kartı
yaka kartı
Badge engineering
(Biyoloji) Bir ürünün başka bir marka adı altında üretilmesi atfı
badge reader
işaret okuyucu
badge factory
(Tekstil) arma fabrikası
badge reader
im okuyucu
badge reader
kimlik okuyucu
basic qualification badge
(Askeri) NİŞANCI EHLİYET BRÖVESİ: Belirli bir silahla, belirli bir nişancılık derecesinin sağlanmış olduğunu gösteren madeni bröve. Bu brövenin üç derecesi vardır: Uzman nişancılık (expert), keskin nişancılık (Sharpshooter) ve nişancılık (marksman)
(Otomotiv) arma
expert infantryman badge
(Askeri) piyade uzmanlık brövesi
flash a badge
(polis) rozet göstermek
merit badge
hak rozeti
aviation badge
(Askeri) uçuş brövesi
aviation badge
(Askeri) HAVA BRÖVESİ: A. B. D. Hava Kuvvetlerinde ve Kara ordusunda, uçuş yapan personel tarafından taşınan, bir çift gümüş kanattan ibaret, ihtisas brövesi. Kanatların merkezine işlenmiş olan bir şekil, bunu taşıyan kimsenin pilot, hafif uçak pilotu, bombardıman pilotu veya rasıt olduğunu gösterir
aviation badge
(Askeri) hava brövesi
campaign badge
(Askeri) SEFER BRÖVESİ: Bak. "service medal"
clip a name badge
yaka kartı takmak
clip a name badge
isimlik takmak
combat badge
(Askeri) muharebe brövesi
combat infantryman badge
(Askeri) PİYADE MUHAREBE BRÖVESİ: A. B. D Kara Ordusu'nda kara muharebelerinde düşmana karşı vazifesini başarı ile yapmış piyade mensuplarına, bu başarıları için verilen madeni veya emaye bröve
distinguished designation badge
(Askeri) ÜSTÜN NİŞAN BRÖVESİ: Üç tane atış müsabaka brövesine hak kazanılmış olduğunu gösteren madeni veya emaye bröve. Bu bröveler; biri üstün nişancı (tüfek) "Distinguished Marksman (Rifle) " diğeri Üstün Tabanca Nişancısı "Distinguished Pistol" olmak üzere iki çeşittir
diver badge
(Askeri) DALIŞ BRÖVESİ: Tertiplenmiş dalma testlerini başarı ile tamamlamış dalgıçlara verilen madeni bröve. Bu bröve dört çeşittir: "Master Class Diver Badge", "First Class Diver Badge", "Second Class Diver Badge" ve "Salvage C1ass Badge"
diver badge
(Askeri) dalış brövesi
excellence in competition badge
(Askeri) ATIŞ MÜSABAKASI BRÖVESİ, ATIŞ YARIŞMASI BRÖVESİ: Tertiplenen milli veya yerel bir tüfek veya tabanca yarışmasında kazanılan yüksek puanı gösterir bröve. Ayrıca bakınız: "distinguished designation badge", "pistol clasp" ve "rifle clasp"
expert badge
(Askeri) UZMAN NİŞANCI BRÖVESİ: Bak. "basic qualification badge"
expert infantryman badge
(Askeri) PİYADE UZMANLIK BRÖVESİ: Piyade sınıfına mensup personelin belirli testleri tamamlamış olduğunu gösteren madeni veya emaye bröve
explosive ordnance disposal badge
(Askeri) PATLAYICI ORDUDONATIM MADDELERİ SON İŞLEM BRÖVESİ: Patlayıcı ordudonatım maddeleri ile ilgili bir öğretim kursunun bitirildiğini bu işle ilgili askeri meslek ihtisası kazanıldığını ve patlayıcı ordudonatım maddeleri son işlem personeli görevinin iyi bir şekilde yerine getirildiğini gösteren madeni bröve, nezaretçi ve uzman olarak iki sınıftır
film badge
(Askeri) film plakası
film badge
(Çevre) film şerit
film badge
korunma filmi
film badge
(Nükleer Bilimler) film doz ölçer,film dozimetresi
film badge
(Askeri) FİLM PLAKASI: Radyasyon tehlikesine maruz personel tarafından taşınan ve radyasyon dozajını ölçmekte kullanılan fotoğraf filmini havi bir cihaz. Ayrıca bakınız: "photographic dosimetry"
first class diver badge
(Askeri) BİRİNCİ SINIF DALGIÇ BRÖVESİ: Bak. "diver badge"
glider badge
(Askeri) PLANÖR BRÖVESİ: Bir planörle düşman arazisine inildiğini veya belirli testlerin tamamlandığını göstermek için hava personeline verilen bröve
glider badge
(Askeri) planör brövesi
ground badge
(Askeri) KARA BRÖVESİ: Sık sık tehlike ve meşakkate maruz personelin oynadığı önemli rolü belirtmek için, kara ordusu mensuplarına verilen bir tip bröve. Örneğin; Piyade Muharebe Brövesi (combat in fontryman badge), Sıhhiye Hizmet Brövesi (Medical Badge), Paraşütçü Brövesi (Parachutist Badge) vesaire gibi. Ayrıca bakınız: "badge"
hood badge
(Otomotiv) kaput arması
hood badge
(Otomotiv) kaput amblemi
infantryman badge
(Askeri) PİYADE BRÖVESİ: Bak. "combat infantryman badge", "expert infantryman badge"
marksman badge
(Askeri) NİŞANCI BRÖVESİ: Bak. "basic qualification badge"
marksmanship badge
(Askeri) ATICILIK BRÖVESİ: Silahlar üzerinde temel ehliyeti, yarışmada gösterilen mahareti veya nişancılıkta emsaline nazaran üstünlüğü belirten madeni bröve
master class diver badge
(Askeri) USTA DALGIÇ BRÖVESİ: Bak. "diver badge"
medical badge
(Askeri) SIHHİYE HİZMET BRÖVESİ: Muharebeye girmiş alay veya daha küçük çapta piyade veya hava indirme birliğine, devamlı olarak tahsis edilmiş veya emrine verilmiş SIHHİYE personeli tarafından kifayetli şekilde başarılmış görevi belirten gümüş bröve
motor vehicle driver badge
(Askeri) USTA ŞOFÖR BRÖVESİ: Bir motorlu araç şoförünün belirli testleri ve bir yıllık şoförlük görevini tamamladığını belirten madeni bröve
motor vehicle mechanic badge
(Askeri) MOTORLU ARAÇ MAKİNİST BRÖVESİ: Bir motorlu araç makinistinin belirli testleri ve bir yıllık makinistlik görevini tamamladığını belirten madeni bröve
national military establishment identification badge
(Askeri) MİLLİ SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI HİZMET BRÖVESİ: 18 Eylül 1947 tarihinden sonra Milli Savunma Bakanlığı veya bunlarla ilgili kurul ve komitelerdeki 6 aylık hizmeti belirten madeni ve emaye bröve
parachutist badge
(Askeri) PARAŞÜTÇÜ BRÖVESİ: Hava indirme personeli tarafından düşman arazisine yapılan bir muharebe atlayışını veya bu konu ile ilgili belirli testlerin tamamlanmış olduğunu belirten madeni bröve
qualification badge
(Askeri) EHLİYET BRÖVESİ, YETERLİLİK BRÖVESİ: Bak "markmanship badge", "motor vehicle driver badge" ve "motor mechanic badge
salvage class diver badge
second class diver badge
(Askeri) İKİNCİ SINIF DALGIÇ BRÖVESİ: Bak. "diver badge"
sharpshooter badge
(Askeri) KESKİN NİŞANCI BRÖVESİ: Bak. "basic qualification badge"
English - English
To mark or distinguish with a badge

The television was badged as 'GE', but wasn't made by them.

A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being beneath the rank of gentlemen, have no right to armorial bearings
A small nameplate, identifying the wearer, and often giving additional information
A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on one's clothing, as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization
A card, sometimes with a barcode or magnetic strip, granting access to a certain area
To enter a restricted area by showing one's badge

Aaron badged into the data center and escorted Geoff inside the large room with its many blinking green lights.

To show a badge to

He calmed down a lot when the policeman badged him.

A term used for one burned in the hand

He has got his badge, and piked: He was burned in the hand, and is at liberty.

A carved ornament on the stern of a vessel, containing a window or the representation of one
Something characteristic; a mark; a token
{v} to mark
{n} a mark of distinction
(Giyim) A lapel pin (also called button or badge) is a small pin often worn on the lapel of a dress jacket
put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged
"they checked everyone's badge before letting them in" put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged
To enter a restricted area by showing ones badge
Upon successful completion of certain GSUSA requirements, a Junior Girl Scout may earn a proficiency badge which can be worn on the front of her sash/vest Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts may earn Interest Projects See also Council Patches
The individual card with an electronic recognition and management system that controls individual access to certain services in a building The actual card in essence becomes a tool for managing activities It is the basis of centralized administrative management
Badge refers to operator identification number
Identifying symbol registered with the College of Arms The most common use is to mark property, but -- unlike Arms or Devices -- badges may be distributed to many people and used as a mark of affiliation
A visual element in a frame of a 3D model displayed by the 3D Viewer that distinguishes the frame from a static image
A distinctive emblem added to an existing flag Badges are often based on either arms, seals, military badges, or logotypes The flag badge usually leads a separate existence away from the flag As a result, even an emblem that was placed on the flag when it was being created is a flag badge if that emblem also leads a separate existence elsewhere
A heraldic emblem, not a shield or coat of arms Jack A flag flown from the jackstaff on the bow of a warship
A badge is a piece of metal or cloth which you wear to show that you belong to an organization or support a cause. American English usually uses button to refer to a small round metal badge
any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank); "wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability"
"they checked everyone's badge before letting them in"
a personal emblem - see also charge
Round embroidered recognition for Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts to indicate increased knowledge and skill in a particular subject
A distinctive mark, token, sign, emblem or cognizance, worn on ones clothing, as an insignia of some rank, or of the membership of an organization
{i} tag; ensign; sign
Adhesive, pin or clip-on tag with identifying information that is given to each registrant
an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc ); "they checked everyone's badge before letting them in"
A secondary heraldic insignia registered to a person, group, or branch See also Arms and Device
any feature that is regarded as a sign of status (a particular power or quality or rank); "wearing a tie was regarded as a badge of respectability" an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc
The pin of an initiated member
an emblem (a small piece of plastic or cloth or metal) that signifies your status (rank or membership or affiliation etc
the symbol worn by the initiated member of a Greek organization
An emblem earned by a Guide when certain requirements have been met and completed by the girl
A distinctive mark, token, sign, or cognizance, worn on the person; as, the badge of a society; the badge of a policeman
put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged"
Police officer Rochester PD sometimes refers to cars that are staffed with two officers as "2-badge" cars
An emblem or design on the fly
Proof that you have defeated a Gym Leader When you collect all 8 badges, you become eligable to join the Pokémon League
{f} put a tag on something, mark with a badge; market a product under brand names
Badge Night
A night several days before bonfire night in which members of a bonfire society congregate at their headquarters (usually a pub) to be initiated with the current year's badges and receive information on the upcoming event
badge bunnies
plural form of badge bunny
badge bunny
A woman who is romantically attracted to police officers and who seeks out their companionship

Crews and Reese (Damian Lewis, Sarah Shahi) discover the dead teacher was a woman who exclusively dated cops—a badge bunny (9 pm NBC).

A parish pensioner
A licensed (badged) beggar
Badge engineering
Rebadging (sometimes called badge engineering with varying degrees of sarcasm) is the application of a different brand or trademark (badge, logo) to an existing product (e.g., an automobile) and subsequently marketing the variant as a distinct product
case badge
A small sticker, usually placed on the front of a personal computer, stating the name of the company who produced the computer
film badge
A piece of photographic film worn on the torso to act as dosimeter in order to record radiation exposure to the wearer
film badge holder
A device for holding a film badge which acts not only as a holder, but also as a spectrum analyser, to allow determination of the dose in sieverts
be a badge of something
(deyim) Be something which shows that you have achieved a particular thing

For Tony, owning a big car was a badge of success.

The Red Badge of Courage
{i} novel written in 1895 by Stephen Crane about a young soldier called Henry Fleming during the Civil War and the meaning of courage; 1951 movie based on the novel; 1974 television film based on the novel
air crew badge
insignia worn by a crew manning an aircraft
aviation badge
wing-shaped emblem worn by an air crew
past of badge
third-person singular of badge
plural of badge
present participle of badge
combat infantry badge
award established in 1943 to be given to selected members of the American infantry for special recognition of their unique and difficult role as direct combat soldiers
marksman's badge
badge awarded to a soldier that has passed target shooting tests
merit badge
a badge award to Boy Scouts in recognition of special projects
merit badge
{i} badge awarded by the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts for completing the requirements for a badge; badge or award awarded to acknowledge worthy achievement deserving praise
parachutist badge
paratroopers wings, military symbol worn by paratroopers, metal symbol shaped like a parachutist with a wing on either side
shoulder badge
emblem worn on the shoulder indicating rank or position