Amerikan futbolunda defansın belirli bir işi var.
- In American football the defense has a specific job.
Bu oyun bazı bakımlardan bugünkü Amerikan futboluna benzer.
- This game is similar in some ways to today's American football.
Efsanevi futbolcu Diego Armando Maradona, Arjantinlidir.
- The legendary footballer Diego Armando Maradona is from Argentina.
Carlos Queiroz, Portekiz Futbol Federasyonu tarafından kovuldu.
- Carlos Queiroz was fired by the Portuguese Football Federation.
O futbol topu gerçek deriden imal edilmiştir.
- That football is made of genuine leather.
1965: 'Australian Rules draws bigger crowds in Melbourne than Rugby in Sydney.' 'What?' Sydney Sam would say, 'that's not football, mate, it's aerial ping-pong.' — Frank Hardy, The Yarns of Billy Borker page 43, quoted in G. A. Wilkes, A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, second edition, 1985, Sydney University Press, ISBN 0-424-00113-6.