associating with

listen to the pronunciation of associating with
English - Turkish

Definition of associating with in English Turkish dictionary

associate with
(Bilgisayar) ilişkili program
associate with
ilintili olmak
associate with
associate with
işbirliği yapmak

O Bill ile işbirliği yapmak istemiyor. - She doesn't like to associate with Bill.

associate with
akla getirmek
associate with
ile görüşmek
associate with
bağlantılı olmak
associate with
ile ilişkide bulunmak
associate with
birlikte anılmak
associate with
işbirliği yap

Onlar gibi suçlularla işbirliği yapmana inanamıyorum. - I can't believe you associate with criminals like them.

Böyle insanlarla işbirliği yapma. - Don't associate with such people.

English - English
being friendly with, keeping company with
associate with
connect to, ally with, join or unite with
associating with


    as·so·ci·at·ing with

    Turkish pronunciation

    ısōsieytîng wîdh


    /əˈsōsēˌātəɴɢ wəᴛʜ/ /əˈsoʊsiːˌeɪtɪŋ wɪð/