
listen to the pronunciation of assisted
English - Turkish
{f} yardım etmek

Tom bize yardım etmek için burada. - Tom is here to assist us.

Sana yardım etmek için buradayız. - We're here to assist you.

Assisted living
(Engellilik) Yardımla sürdürülen yaşam
assisted suicide
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yardımlı intihar
assisted by
assisted in
assisted living
destekli yaşam
assisted suicide
Ölümcül hastalığa yakalanmış ve kurtulması imkansız olan kişilerin başkalarının yardımıyla intihar etmesi
assisted services
yardımcı hizmetler

Yardımımıza ihtiyacın var mı? - Do you need our assistance?

Ana ve çocuk özel ihtimam ve yardım görmek hakkını haizdir. Bütün çocuklar, evlilik içinde veya dışında doğsunlar, aynı sosyal korunmadan faydalanırlar. - Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

yardımcı olmak

Bana yardımcı olmak için yolunu değiştirdi. - He went out of his way to assist me.

İdrar şişesi ile tuvalete gidecek birisine yardımcı olmak için teknik terminoloji nedir? - What's the technical terminology for assisting someone to go to the toilet with a urine bottle?

yardım etmek desteklemek
asistanlık yapmak
asiste etmek
(Spor) sayı pası
yardim etmek
power assisted steering
(Otomotiv) hidrolik direksiyon
air assisted hydraulic brake system
hava servolu fren sistemi
{f} yardım et

Benim bahçe işlerinde bana yardım etmeni istiyorum. - I would like you to assist me with my gardening.

Erkek kardeşine ev ödevinde yardım etti. - She assisted her brother with his homework.

computer assisted instruction
bilgisayar destekli öğretim
computer assisted instructlon
bilgisayar destekli öğretim
computer-assisted instruction
bilgisayar destekli öğretim
human assisted
insan destekli
power assisted steering
havalı direksiyon
güç destekli
hava destekli
yardım assist at hazır bulunmak assistance yardım
sayı yaptırma (takım)
assisted to
asiste etme
computer assisted
Bilgisayar destekli
power assisted
güç destekli
rocket assisted takeoff
roketli kalkış
rocket assisted takeoff gear
roketli kalkış düzeni
çelik yay yardımı
iane vermek
{f} hazır bulunmak
yardımcı assistant professor asistan yardım et
muavenet etmek
iane assistant muavin
power assisted
servo assisted
servo assisted
servo assisted brake
servo fren
unconventional assisted recovery
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma
unconventional assisted recovery coordination center
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma koordinasyon merkezi
unconventional assisted recovery mechanism
(Askeri) konvansiyonel olmayan destekli kurtarma mekanizması
English - English
Past tense and past participle of to assist
having help; often used as a combining form
{s} helped, given assistance
assisted suicide
Suicide with the help of another person; especially suicide of a terminally ill person with the help of a physician; euthanasia
Attributive form of assisted suicide

assisted-suicide laws.

assisted by
helped by, aided by
assisted living
are usually larger communities with as many as 100 residents in an apartment type setting Both are congregate residential settings that provide 24-hour supervision and assistance with daily activities Most of the following are offered: meals, housekeeping, assistance with bathing and dressing, supervision with medication, incontinence management and Alzheimer's care With special licenses some can provide limited nursing care but not 24 hour nursing care Most assisted livings require deposits and also vary in price and care
assisted living
A broad range of residential care services that includes some assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living but does not include nursing services such as administration of medication Assisted living facilities and in-home assisted living care stress independence and generally provide less intensive care than that delivered in nursing homes and other long-term care institutions
assisted living
A type of living arrangement in which personal care services such as meals, housekeeping, transportation, and assistance with activities of daily living are available as needed to people who still live on their own in a residential facility In most cases, the "assisted living" residents pay a regular monthly rent Then, they typically pay additional fees for the services they get
assisted living
is a residential setting that offers choices in personal care and health related services
assisted living
can be provided in a variety of settings, including free-standing facilities, facilities close to or integrated with skilled nursing facilities, components of continuing care retirement or independent housing complexes Most residences consist of single or semi-private rooms or apartments with a private bathroom In addition to a group dining area, most facilities provide residents access to cooking facilities Rooms or suites can usually be furnished with the resident's personal belongings (1) Services and activities generally provided in an assisted living setting include the following: up to three meals a day, usually served in a common dining area Supervision, coordination or assistance as needed with activities of daily living, including eating, toileting, bathing, dressing and walking 24-hour security and emergency response Medication management Housekeeping/maintenance Laundry/linen service Transportation Social and recreational activities Health/wellness programs (1)
assisted living
A unique combination of housing with services which provides support for frail residents while promoting their independence Residents have a private apartment with private bath and access to a range of supportive services including three meals daily, personal care, nursing oversight, housekeeping, and 24-hour on-call staffing In Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island, assisted living is certified by the state as assisted living In Maine assisted living is licensed as board and care In New Hampshire and Vermont it is licensed as residential care
assisted living
A combination of housing, supportive services and health care designed to meet the needs of those who require help with activities of daily living
assisted living
a term used to define the state of retirement community living between total independent apartment or cottage living and an long term care facility Usually the resident lives in a smaller living unit similar to a hotel size room where they may dress themselves but may need total house keeping services, possibly aid in bathing, medication monitoring, and other services provided to them They may take all meals in the dining facilities or have them in their room if unable to partake of their meals with other residents Residents are expected to wear personal clothing and perform all everyday living functions they are capable of
assisted living
A residential care place that is less than a nursing home, but does have help with taking medicines, daily living routines, etc
assisted living
Senior housing that provides individual apartments, which may or may not have a kitchenette Facilities offer 24 hour on site staff, congregate dining, and activity programs Nursing services are provided for an additional fee
assisted reproduction
The use of medical techniques, such as drug therapy, artificial insemination, or in vitro fertilization, to enhance fertility. medical methods that are used to help a woman have a baby
assisted suicide
suicide of a terminally ill person that involves an assistant who serves to make dying as painless and dignified as possible
assisted suicide
Suicide accomplished with the aid of another person, especially a physician. when a doctor or someone else helps a person who is very ill to kill themselves in order to end their suffering euthanasia
To stand (at a place) or to (an opinion), to attend a theatrical performance

A great part of the nobility assisted to his opinion.

a statistic used in different sports to quantify the act of helping another player score points or goals; in baseball, an assist is defensive, allowing a teammate to record a putout

He had two assists in the game.

To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring
To help

Would you please assist John with learning English.

A helpful action or an act of giving

The foundation gave a much needed assist to the shelter.

{v} to help, succor, relieve, stand by
computer assisted
Computer-aided; performed with the aid of a computer
Computer Assisted Instruction
teaching with the help of a computer
To lend aid; to help
IG assistance is the simple process of making phone calls, asking questions, or soliciting helpful information from appropriate offices or agencies or putting complainants in touch with people, offices, or agencies who can address their concerns Assistance is used when there is no evidence or allegation of wrongdoing and only assistance is required to remedy the problem
A function built into Newton device that can automatically perform certain tasks for you See also Assist Drawer Source: GH
n awarded when a player passes, sets, or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill
Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team
work for or be a servant to; "May I serve you?"; "She attends the old lady in the wheelchair"; "Can you wait on our table, please?"; "Is a salesperson assisting you?"; "The minister served the King for many years"
If you assist someone, you give them information, advice, or money. The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you. = help
give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
Individual scoring records are kept for each player A player that scores a goal is given one scoring point A player that passes the puck to another player who has scored is given an "assist" and is also credited with one scoring point No more than two assists can be awarded on any one goal
A pass that lead directly to a basket See the interpretation for Assist analysis at Formulas > EBA
A pass that leads directly to a basket
{f} aid, help
n awarded when a player passes, sets, or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill 接应者。
Association for Information Management and Technology Staff in the NHS
Association for Information Management for Staff in the NHS
involvement in the work being performed by a superior who assumes responsibility for the work (See also Collaborate, Contribute, Participate )
act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
An assist is credited to a player who helps set up a goal Assists are awarded to the last man to handle the puck immediately preceding the goal There is a maximum of two assists per goal
n awarded when a player passes, sets, or digs the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill 接應者。
statistical recognition of making a pass that leads directly towards scoring
When a throw from one fielder to another results in an out Infielders accumulate the most assists by the nature of their positions, often throwing to first base to force out a batter/runner on a ground ball
The pass or passes that precede a goal A maximum of two assists can be allocated for one goal
A throw or deflection of the ball from one player to another that either results in a putout or would have resulted in a putout if an error had not occurred
an assist is credited to a player who helps another player make a putout For example, if a pitcher fields a ground ball and throws to the first baseman in time to get the runner out, the pitcher gets the assist and the first baseman gets the putout
given when a kill is a direct result of the ball passed to the hitter
To be present as a spectator; as, to assist at a public meeting
To give support to in some undertaking or effort, or in time of distress; to help; to aid; to succor
To help someone
If something assists in doing a task, it makes the task easier to do. a chemical that assists in the manufacture of proteins Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection. an action that helps another player on your sports team to make a point
(sports) the act of enabling another player to make a good play
the pass or passes which immediately precede a goal; a maximum of two assists can be credited for one goal
a simple, easily done process that can be applied to anyone to help them recover more rapidly from accidents, mild illness or upsets; any process which assists the individual to heal himself or be healed by another agency by removing his reasons for precipitating (bringing on) and prolonging his condition and lessening his predisposition (inclination or tendency) to further injure himself or remain in an intolerable condition
the pass or passes which immediately precede a successful scoring attempt; a maximum of two assists are credited for one goal attacking zone: the area between the opponents' blue line and their goal B
A fielder is credited with an assist when he throws a baserunner or hitter out at a base
Any number of items that an importer provides directly or indirectly, free of charge, or at a reduced cost to a supplier, for use in the production or sale of merchandise for import Customs calculates assist amounts and adds them to stated values, in order to assess duty on the true market value of goods
If you assist someone, you help them to do a job or task by doing part of the work for them. The family decided to assist me with my chores Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse. = help
A pass that sets up a goal Up to two assists may be credited on each goal
(sports) the act of enabling another player to make a good play act as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
computer-assisted instruction
Use of instructional material presented by a computer. Since the advent of microcomputers in the 1970s, computer use in schools has become widespread, from primary schools through the university level and in some preschool programs. Instructional computers either present information or fill a tutorial role, testing the student for comprehension. By providing one-on-one interaction and producing immediate responses to input answers, computers allow students to demonstrate mastery and learn new material at their own pace. A disadvantage is that computerized instruction cannot extend the lesson beyond the limits of the programming
relying on an engine for propulsion in addition to muscle power; "a motor-assisted bicycle
physician-assisted suicide
assisted suicide where the assistant is a physician
physician-assisted suicide
suicide in which a doctor provides the medication or means to cause death
supplementing or replacing manual effort; "power-assisted steering
power-assisted steering
power steering: automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel
power-assisted steering
power steering