asked for

listen to the pronunciation of asked for
English - Turkish
ask for
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- istemek , aramak 2- soru sormak
ask for
rica etmek

Tom yardım için rica etmek istemiyordu. - Tom didn't want to ask for help.

Desteğinizi rica etmek isterim. - I would like to ask for your support.


Tom ondan isteneni yapar. - Tom does what is asked of him.

Yapmam istenen her şeyi yaptım zaten. - I've already done everything I was asked to do.

ask for
ask for

Tom Mary'ye bazen yapmak zorunda olduğumuz bütün şeyin af dilemek olduğunu söyledi. - Tom told Mary that sometimes all you have to do is ask for forgiveness.

ask for
talep etmek
be asked for
ask for

O,sadece yardım istemek zorunda. - He has only to ask for help.

Siz sadece onu istemek zorundasınız ve o size verilecektir. - You have only to ask for it and it will be given to you.

ask for
rica et

Tom yardım için rica etmek istemiyordu. - Tom didn't want to ask for help.

Desteğinizi rica etmek isterim. - I would like to ask for your support.

{f} sor

Polise yol tarifi sordum. - I asked a policeman for directions.

Ona adının ne olduğunu sordum. - I asked him what his name was.


Tom nihayet sormak istediği soruyu sordu. - Tom finally asked the question he wanted to ask.

Sakıncası yoksa sana Tom hakkında bir soru sormak istiyorum. - Would you mind if I asked you a question about Tom?

to be asked for
to be asked for
English - English
Simple past tense and past participle of ask for
ask for
To increase the likelihood of something by persisting in some action; to invite

If you keep on speeding, you are asking for trouble.

ask for
to request

I asked for a glass of water.

ask for
request; search for, look for
ask for
increase the likelihood of; "ask for trouble"; "invite criticism"
The price that someone is willing to accept for a security or an asset In the stock market, the ask portion of a stock quote is the lowest price anyone is willing to accept for a security or an asset at that time BACK TO TOP
Price that someone is willing to accept for a security or an asset In the stock market, the ask portion of a stock quote is the lowest price anyone is willing to accept for a security or an asset at that time
The lowest price at which securities are offered for sale; the price the seller will take see also: Bid
{i} offering price, price that a market maker is waiting and prepared to sell
Past tense form of to ask
As used in the phrase 'bid and asked' it is the price at which a potential seller is willing to sell Another way of saying this is the asking price for what someone is selling
The offer or selling price
The price at which a seller offers to sell a security
asked for

    Turkish pronunciation

    äskt fôr


    /ˈaskt ˈfôr/ /ˈæskt ˈfɔːr/


    [ 'ask, '[a']sk; dial 'ak ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English Ascian; akin to Old High German eiscOn to ask, Lithuanian eiskoti to seek, Sanskrit icchati he seeks.


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