ask. piroteknik mühimmat

listen to the pronunciation of ask. piroteknik mühimmat
Turkish - English
{i} pyrotechnics
An impressive display
A display of fireworks
{n} the art of making fireworks
The art and technology of fireworks and related military applications
Impressive and exciting displays of skill are sometimes referred to as pyrotechnics. the soaring pyrotechnics of the singer's voice
the craft of making fireworks (music) brilliance of display (as in the performance of music)
{i} blossoming of fireworks, fireworks display; art of producing and using fireworks
the craft of making fireworks
(music) brilliance of display (as in the performance of music)
The art of making fireworks; the manufacture and use of fireworks; pyrotechny
Pyrotechnics is the making or displaying of fireworks. The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures
ask. piroteknik mühimmat