{i} method to attain a goal; method of employing forces in combat; planning of small-scale military actions serving a larger strategy
An activity designed to achieve a desired result Tactics are the things you do to implement a strategy Where strategy describes "what", tactics describe "how to "
Tactics are the methods that you choose to use in order to achieve what you want in a particular situation. What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him?
A calculated action with no proper focal point nor appropriate space of action It is more instinctive and personal than strategy and Benjamin would refer to it as involuntary memory It is more natural and yet an isolated action as it is not easily accepted within a given structure and must be prepared to grasp the momentary opportunities to exist and later be once again silent
{s} pertaining to combat tactics, pertaining to the science of employing forces in combat
ask. (belirli bir amaç için başvurulan) taktik
ask·. (be·lir·li bir a·maç i·çin baş·vu·ru·lan) tak·tik