as much

listen to the pronunciation of as much
English - Turkish
aynı miktarda

Haber onu, beni şaşırttığı kadar, çok şaşırttı. - The news surprised him as much as it did me.

Ben elimden geldiği kadar yardımcı olacağım. - I will help as much as I can.

(Fiili Deyim ) öyle
as much as
olduğu kadar

Romanlar geçmişte olduğu kadar çok okunmuyor. - Novels aren't being read as much as they were in the past.

Çin'e gidersem, bu mümkün olduğu kadar çok Çince konuşmak amacıyla olurdu. - If I go to China, it would be for the purpose of speaking Chinese as much as possible.

as much as
olabildiği kadar
as much as
aynı miktarda
as much as

Erkek kardeşim benim yediğimin iki katı kadar yemek yiyor. - My brother eats twice as much as I do.

Haber onu, beni şaşırttığı kadar, çok şaşırttı. - The news surprised him as much as it did me.

as much as
kadar çok

Mary'nin onu sevdiği kadar çok Tom Mary'yi sevmiyordu. - Tom didn't love Mary as much as she loved him.

Tom onun senin satmaya çalıştığın o zımbırtıya 300 dolar kadar çok harcamaya istekli olduğunu söylüyor. - Tom says he's willing to spend as much as $300 on that gizmo you're trying to sell.

as much of
kadar bir
as much as
as much as
English - English
to the same extent; up to the desired amount
as much as
to the same extent; up to the desired amount
as much

    Turkish pronunciation

    äz mʌç


    /ˈaz ˈməʧ/ /ˈæz ˈmʌʧ/

    Common Collocations

    as much as


    ... That gets us much closer to the blink of an eye because as ...
    ... The President: Thank you so much for your hospitality. ...