
listen to the pronunciation of as
English - Turkish
diği gibi
olduğu gibi
(bağlaç) ki; madem; olduğu gibi, diği gibi, iken, irken; karşın, rağmen; mademki
conj. ki
-diği gibi
o veçhile
-irken; -dikçe: I nabbed him as he was going out the door. Kapıdan çıkarken yakaladım. He's taking life more seriously as he gets
so as to see görecek surette
-diği için
o kadar
den dolayı
-dığı için
(Bilgisayar) adı
de (dahi anlamında)
-in kadar
(Bilgisayar) türü
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdaki gibi
(Bilgisayar) tür
(Bilgisayar) yeni türü
(Bilgisayar) yeni değer
-diğine göre
ıf. de: prep.olarak
olduğum gibi
(Askeri) analog güvenli; uçak gemisi (analog secure; aviation ship)
This is as good as that
(isim) gibi
ıf.-de: prep.olarak
iken as
görmek için
as a result
Sonuç olarak

Sonuç olarak yağışlı günlerde içeride top oynarız. - As a result, we play ball inside on rainy days.

Sonuç olarak, fiyatlar yükseldi. - As a result, prices rose.

as soon as
-er -mez
as far as
kadarıyla, -e göre: as far as I can see gördüğüm kadarıyla. as far as I'm concerned bana göre
as far as

Anladığım kadarıyla, öylesine bir plan imkansızdır. - As far as my experience goes, such a plan is impossible.

Hatırladığım kadarıyla, o onu söylemedi. - As far as I remember, he didn't say that.

as if
mış gibi
as if

Onların idamı için belirlenen günde, o sanki şölene gidiyormuş gibi saçını kesti ve giyinip kuşandı. - Upon the day appointed for their execution she cut off her hair and dressed herself as if going to a fete.

Sanki yıllarca birbirlerini görmemişler gibi İki insan yürekten tokalaşıyorlardı. - The two people were shaking hands heartily as if they had not seen each other for years.

as long as
1. -diği sürece: You won't get so much as a penny from me as long as I live. Yaşadığım sürece benden bir kuruş bile alamayacaksın. 2
as long as

Rüzgarlı almadığı sürece olur. - It's OK as long as it doesn't get windy.

Sağlıklı kalabildiğim sürece uzun yaşamak isterim. - I want to live as long as I can stay in good health.

as such

Aslında sürmeye yoğunlaşarak iyi sürücüler olmayız. - We do not become good drivers by concentrating on driving as such.

Paranın, aslında, hiçbir anlamı yok. - Money, as such, has no meaning.

as soon as
as long as

Kısa sürede geri gelmen şartıyla dışarı çıkabilirsin. - You may go out as long as you come back soon.

Ucuz olmak şartıyla, herhangi bir saat işimi görür. - As long as it is cheap, any watch will do.

as long as
dığı taktirde
as soon as
de en kısa zamanda
as to
ile ilgili olarak
as usual
her zaman olduğu gibi

Hiç söylemeye gerek yok, her zaman olduğu gibi Judy geç geldi. - Needless to say, Judy came late as usual.

Tom ve Mary her zaman olduğu gibi boşa zaman harcıyordu. - Tom and Mary were wasting time, as usual.

as well

Ona sadece tavsiye vermedim ayrıca bir bisiklet de verdim. - I didn't only give him advice, but a bicycle as well.

Mary mükemmel bir Fransızca biliyor. Ayrıca akıcı Almanca da biliyor. - Mary speaks perfect French. She speaks fluent German as well.

as well
as if
as long as
yeter ki
as as
as for

İmparatora gelince, o dünyanın hükümdarıdır. Barbarlara gelince, onlar dünyanın uşaklarıdır. - As for the Emperor, he is the ruler of the world. As for the barbarians, they are the servants of the world.

Köpeklere gelince, müşteriler onları bu mağazaya getiremiyebilirler. - As for dogs, customers may not bring them into this store.

as good as
gibi (olmak): We've as good as finished. Bitirmiş gibiyiz. It's as good as new. Yeni gibi oldu
as if

Sözde birinci dünyadan insanlar biz Latinlere tekerleği henüz icat etmemiş gibi bakıyor. - People from the so-called first world look at us Latinos as if we hadn't invented the wheel yet.

as if
as of
-den itibaren
as of
itibarı ile
as opposed to
e karşı olarak
as opposed to
-e karşı olarak
as regards
ile ilgili olarak
as to
e gelince
as to
-e gelince
as usual
herzamanki gibi
as usual
her zamanki gibi

O, her zamanki gibi geç geldi. - She came late as usual.

Her zamanki gibi, fizik öğretmeni, sınıfa geç kalmıştı. - As usual, the physics teacher was late for class.

as well
as well

Kimse bunu benim kadar iyi yapamaz, Tom bile - Nobody can do that as well as me, not even Tom.

Kimse bunu benim yapabildiğim kadar iyi yapamaz, Tom bile. - Nobody can do that as well as I can, not even Tom.

as well
as well as
yanı sıra

Eski olanlarının yanı sıra çağdaş Farsça şiirler batı dünyasında bilinmemektedir. - Contemporary Persian poems haven’t been known in west world as well as ancient ones.

İngilizcenin yanı sıra matematik de öğretir. - He teaches mathematics as well as English.

as well as

O, İngilizce öğrettiği kadar matematik de öğretiyor. - He teaches mathematics as well as English.

Linda Meg kadar iyi dans edebilir. - Linda can dance as well as Meg.

as well as
as a consequence
bu nedenle
as a consequence
bunun sonucu olarak
as a consequence
sonuç olarak
as a consequence
netice itibarı ile
as a result
sonuç itibariyle
as a result
sonuç itibarıyla
as a result
sonucu olarak

Birçok kişi depremin sonucu olarak evsiz bırakıldı. - Many people were left homeless as a result of the earthquake.

Savaşın bir sonucu olarak, birçok kişi öldü. - As a result of the war, many people died.

as a whole
bir bütün olarak
as a whole
as far as
olduğu kadar

Arabayı yarışa sokma.Biz mümkün olduğu kadar onu uzağa götürteceğiz. - Don't race the car. We want to make it go as far as possible.

as far as
-e göre
as far as
-e kadar
as for
as for
as for
için olduğu gibi
as from
-den itibaren
as from
-den başlayarak
as from
as good as
hemen hemen kesin
as good as

Sorun neredeyse çözüldü. - The problem is as good as settled.

İşim neredeyse bitti. - My work is as good as done.

as good as
as good as
hemen hemen

Gözlüksüz o hemen hemen kördür. - Without her glasses she was as good as blind.

Tom ve Mary hemen hemen evlidir. - Tom and Mary are as good as married.

as if
as if
tut ki
as if
as if
as if
-miş gibi
as if
as is
(Ticaret) şimdiki haliyle
as is
şimdiki durumuyla
as is
as is
as it is
bu durumda

Bu durumda halimizin ne olacağı çok belirsiz. - We're on pretty shaky ground as it is.

Keşke seninle gidebilsem ama bu durumda, gidemem. - I wish I could go with you, but as it is, I can't.

as long as
as long as
as long as
dığı sürece
as long as
-mek koşuluyla
as long as
as long as

İki saat süresince karın içinde otobüsü bekledim. - I waited for the bus in the snow as long as two hours.

as long as
-diği sürece
as long as
-mek şartıyla
as long as
madem ki
as long as

Hayatım boyunca onunla bir daha görüşmeyeceğim. - I'll never see him again as long as I live.

as much
aynı miktarda
as much

Haber onu, beni şaşırttığı kadar, çok şaşırttı. - The news surprised him as much as it did me.

Birkaç şey bize müzik kadar çok zevk verir. - Few things give us as much pleasure as music.

as much as
olduğu kadar

Mümkün olduğu kadar tünellerden kaçınmaya çalışacağım. - I will try to avoid tunnels as much as possible.

Romanlar geçmişte olduğu kadar çok okunmuyor. - Novels aren't being read as much as they were in the past.

as much as
olabildiği kadar
as much as
aynı miktarda
as of
-den başlayarak
as of
(Politika, Siyaset) itibaren

O bu dönemden itibaren kasabada yeni. - She's new in town as of this semester.

O tren istasyonu yarından itibaren kapalı olacak. - That station will be retired as of tomorrow.

as of today
bugünden itibaren
as of today
bugün itibarıyla
as of today
bugün itibariyle

Ben yemin ediyorum, John. Bugün itibariyle, sigarayı bırakıyorum. - I swear, John. As of today, I quit smoking.

as part of
as part of
as part of
as per
as per
e nazaran
as per
itibarı ile
as regards
as regards
as regards
-e gelince
as regards

Sonuca gelince, endişelenmek zorunda değilsin. - As regards result, you don't have to worry.

as regards
-e göre
as soon as
en kısa zamanda

En kısa zamanda bunu yapmaya çalışacağız. - We'll try to do that as soon as possible.

En kısa zamanda buradan ayrılmak istiyorum. - I want to leave here as soon as possible.

as soon as
yapar yapmaz

Bunu yapar yapmaz akşam yemeği hazırlığına başlamanı istiyorum. - As soon as you have done that, I would like you to start preparing supper.

O telefon görüşmesi yapar yapmaz eve gitti. - He went home as soon as he got the phone call.

as soon as
ile beraber
as soon as
mümkün olduğu kadar çabuk
as soon as
ister istemez
as soon as
ile birlikte
as such
bu itibarla

O, mükemmel bir bilim adamıdır, bu itibarla her yerde tanınır. - She is an excellent scholar, and is recognized everywhere as such.

as such
as such

O benim bir arkadaşım ve ona öyle davranırım. - He is a friend and I treat him as such.

O ünlü bir ressamdır ve öyle davranılmalı. - He is a famous painter and should be treated as such.

as such
haddi zatında
as such
as such
as such
as such

O bir yönetmen ve böyle muamele edilmelidir. - He is a director, and should be treated as such.

O bir beyefendi ve böyle davranılması gerekiyor. - He is a gentleman and ought to be treated as such.

as though
as though
as though
as to
e dair
as to

Hangi fakülteyi seçeceği hakkında şaşırmıştı. - He was at a loss as to which faculty to choose.

Avustralyalı tarihi hakkında Tom'un bildiği kadar çok bilen biriyle asla tanışmadım. - I've never met anyone who knows as much about Australian history as Tom does.

as to

Ne olacağı konusunda çok fazla tahmin vardı. - There was a great deal of conjecture as to what would happen.

Kimin lider olması gerektiği konusunda bir soru ortaya çıktı. - A question arose as to who should be the leader.

as to
-e dair
as to
hakkında ise
as usual
adet üzere
as well
ilave olarak
as well
makul şekilde
as well as
as well as
-e kadar
as well as

Çek miktarını hem rakamla hem de harflerle yazın. - Write the amount on the check in letters as well as figures.

O hem Fransızca hem de İngilizce konuşuyor. - He speaks French as well as English.

as well as
böyle olmakla birlikte
as yet
as you wish
keyfin bilir
as you wish
sen nasıl istersen
as a rule
as a rule
as a whole
bütün olarak

Bir bütün olarak, plan iyi gibi görünüyor. - As a whole, the plan seems to be good.

Denemenin birkaç hatası var fakat bir bütün olarak çok iyi. - Your essay has some mistakes, but as a whole it is very good.

as far as
prep.kadarıyla: ıf.kadarıyla
as follows
aşağıda gösterildiği gibi
as follows
aşağıdaki gibi

Liste aşağıdaki gibidir. - The list is as follows.

Nedenler aşağıdaki gibi. - The reasons are as follows.

as follows
as for
ıf. : prep.için olduğu gibi
as for
-e gelince
as from
as from
-dan başlayarak
as good as
as if
wh. : ıf.sanki
as if
-mış gibi
as if
as is
olduğu gibi

Her zaman olduğu gibi, geç geldi. - He came late, as is often the case with him.

Gençlerde sık sık olduğu gibi, o kendini beğenmiş. - As is often the case with teenagers, she's conceited.

as is
hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan
as it is

Benim şarabımın içinde olmadığı sürece suyun nereye aktığı benim için gerçekten önemli değil. - It really doesn't matter to me where the water flows, as long as it is not in my wine.

Ben onun seni sevdiğini sanıyordum, ama gerçekte, o başka bir kız seviyordu. - I thought he loved you, but as it is, he loved another girl.

as it is
as long as
-dığı sürece
as long as
prep.boyunca: ıf.takdirde
as many as
kadar çok

Bu yaklaşık ABD' nin sahip olduğu kadar çok sayıdadır. - This is about as many as the United States has.

O her hafta yirmi kadar çok sayıda kitap okur. - He reads as many as twenty books every week.

as much as

Erkek kardeşim benim yediğimin iki katı kadar yemek yiyor. - My brother eats twice as much as I do.

Ben elimden geldiği kadar yardımcı olacağım. - I will help as much as I can.

as of

Hala eskisi kadar sık olarak golf oynuyor musun? - Do you still play golf as often as you used to?

Akıcılığınızı geliştirmek için, olabildiğince sık olarak anadili ile konuşanları denemelisiniz. - To improve your fluency, you should try speaking with native speakers as often as you can.

as of
as opposed to
-e zıt olarak
as soon as
eder etmez

Gemi hareket eder etmez, onu deniz tuttu. - As soon as the ship began to move, he got seasick.

Tom Mary'nin artık dinlemediğini fark eder etmez konuşmayı durdurdu. - Tom stopped talking as soon as he noticed Mary wasn't listening anymore.

as soon as

Bu e-postayı görür görmez lütfen hemen cevapla. - As soon as you see this E-mail please reply right away.

Tartışma sona erer ermez, ben hemen ofisten ayrıldım. - As soon as the argument ended, I left the office forthwith.

as such
bunun gibi
as though
wh. : ıf.sanki
English - English
Asperger's syndrome
Advanced Supplementary
Advanced Subsidiary
A libra
Introducing a basis of comparison, after as, so, or a comparison of equality

They're big as houses.

For example

First; original; indigenous; primitive; native; as, the aboriginal tribes of America.


I don't see as I can be of any help.

Varying through time in the same proportion that

As my fear grew, so did my legs became heavy.

Any of several coins of Rome, coined in bronze or later copper; or the equivalent value
In the role of

The movie features Al Gore as a streetwise pimp.

Introducing a basis of comparison, with an object in the objective case

You are not as tall as me.

In the same way that; according to what

As you wish, my lord!.

In the manner specified

The kidnappers released him as agreed.

Apollo-Saturn The NASA mission designator for Apollo project missions launched using one of the Saturn family of rocket boosters NASA's convention in the 1960s and 1970s for designating a mission used one letter to represent the responsible project and one letter to describe the launch vehicle used Apollo 11 is appropriately designated AS11, or also AS-506 indicating the sixth mission launched with the Saturn V (5xx) rocket
(Often approaching though in meaning)
{p} that, who, which, in like manner or degree, like, while
An application server is a server program in a computer in a distributed network that provides the business logic for an application program
abbr Answer Supervision
A/S Ancillary Services
In the idea, character, or condition of, limiting the view to certain attributes or relations; as, virtue considered as virtue; this actor will appear as Hamlet
American Samoa (in Internet addresses). The symbol for the element arsenic. Asia
Autonomous Systems (network) Part of the internet layer that routers use to relate to network connectivity and packet addressing; the router checks the network address and only routes on the host address if the source and destination are on the same network
A bronze coin of the Roman republic, originally weighing one libra; but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce
A unit of currency worth one as
sessment: A charge imposed by a co-operative or condominium apartment building on apartment owners to cover the cost of an improvement on the building Assessments are levied proportionately to the number of shares or the percentage of the common charges owned/paid by an apartment owner
after comparative = than ; mair as, comp more than, (German mehr als)
As is a word meaning than mair as yin
Expressing a wish
At the same instant that; when
to the same degree (often followed by `as'); "they were equally beautiful"; "birds were singing and the child sang as sweetly"; "sang as sweetly as a nightingale"; "he is every bit as mean as she is"
but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce
A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight 12 oz
An ace
A Roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces Troy weight
Because; since; it being the case that
It was divided into twelve ounces
to the same degree IS - form of "to be" PI - a Greek letter
Autonomous System, a unique number identifying an Internet-connected network that has routing policies distinct from their upstream connection(s) Used in the BGP routing protocol
Animal Sciences One of BBSRC's seven funding committees
To such an extent or degree
conj. compared to -, to the extent of -
a United States territory on the eastern part of the island of Samoa
In the manner of (used to create similes)
Autonomous System--Collection of gateways (routers) under a single administrative authority using a common Interior Gateway Protocol for routing packets
For instance; by way of example; thus; used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations
Varying through time to the same proportion that
Considering that, because, since
Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden
an abbreviation for "THENA SIAuto"; see the entries for THEN and SIAuto for further explanation
To the same extent or degree that
Expressing concession
At the same time that; while
a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar
Autonomous System On the Internet, an autonomous system (AS) is the unit of router policy, either a single network or a group of network that is controlled by a common network administrator (or group of administrators) on behalf of a single administrative entity (such as a university, a business enterprise, or a business division) An autonomous system is also sometimes referred to as a routing domain An autonomous system is assigned a globally unique number, sometimes called an Autonomous System Number (ASN)
like, similarly
Another Subject
Autonomous System
While; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke
That, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such
As if; as though
Abbreviation for "Associate of Science" degree, a degree that is designed to transfer to a four-year college or university
Auricle Sinistrus (Left Ear)
See: Autonomous System
This can be used to allow more than one way of referring to a structure This is a perfectly safe and sensible thing to do given referential transparency fun triangle nil = nil | triangle (l as h: : t) = l: : triangle t; triangle ["Oh", "Sir", "Jasper"]; val it = [["Oh","Sir","Jasper"],["Sir","Jasper"],["Jasper"]] : string list list
[numis] Roman; a bronze coin originally cast and later struck after it was reduced in weight
{i} ancient Roman coin
as a result
Consequently; thus; therefore
as a rule
In general; most often

We go fishing every Sunday as a rule, but today the lake is frozen.

as far as
With respect to; as relates to

We put a lot of emphasis into the training of our staff, as far as food knowledge, wine knowledge, he said.

as far as
In the scope of
as follows
In the manner described hereafter
as for
Regarding; about; concerning

I can't teach that class today, I'm sick. As for the rest of the teachers, they are still on leave.

as if
as though; in a manner suggesting

The old man stumbled, as if he were about to fall.

as if
referring to something that the speaker deems highly unlikely

Better wait, hadn't you, Laura,” said Aunt Wess’, “and see. Maybe he'll come up and speak to us.” “Oh, as if!” contradicted Laura.

as if
in mimicry of

When the teacher's back was turned, the class clown would hold his stomach as if he were ill.

as in
In the sense of

Bow as in the weapon, not the front of a ship.

as is
In its present state or condition, especially as a contractual condition of sale

I bought the car as is, so the seller was within his legal rights to refuse to repair it when it broke down after two days.

as long as
depending upon some condition or requirement; provided that; if, assuming; so long as

I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me —.

as long as
while; for some period of time

Stay as long as you like.

as of
from, on or at a specified time

All leave is cancelled as of now.

as opposed to
in contrast to, rather than, instead of
as per
Consistent, or in accordance, with
as regards
regarding, concerning
as soon as
immediately after

As soon as he arrived, everyone gasped.

as such
As it should, as described
as such
Per se; not really
as though
As to suggest the idea that; as if, as would be true if

She reached out, as though to touch my face.

as to
according to; in a manner conforming or corresponding to; in proportion

Sort them as to size and color.

as to
With reference or regard to

As to your earlier question, I don't think I know the answer.

as usual
As is usually the case

and, the 3n by 3n matrix M is, as usual, diagonal with the masses occurring down the main diagonal in sets of three.

as far as
as much as; until
as far as
Our Living Language Despite the admonitions detailed in the Usage Note, recent research indicates that speakers of English in the United States and elsewhere are increasingly dropping the verbal part of the as far as construction, as in As far as a better house, I don't want one (instead of As far as a better house is concerned...). This trend is more noticeable in speech than in writing. We can infer that this syntactic change is ongoing because teenagers and young adults omit is/are concerned and go/went in these constructions more often than older speakers do.·Like other examples of language variation and change, a number of constraints that we follow regularly, although unconsciously, govern the dropping of the verb in as far as constructions. For instance, if as far as precedes a personal pronoun or one whose point of view is being represented (as far as he is concerned), the verb cannot be deleted (notice that as far as he is strikingly ungrammatical). The longer and more complex the noun or sentence that follows as far as, the more likely the verb is to be omitted. Thus, As far as getting a better house to live in, we... is more likely to be uttered than As far as a house, we.... The very similar phrase so far as is found within verbless constructions in complex sentences that use gerunds as early as the 19th century, as in Jane Austen's novel Emma: "so far as our living with Mr. Churchill at Enscombe, it is settled." These omissions in longer constructions seem to have initiated the change leading to their omission in short locutions. Only in the 20th century do we find first noun phrases and then simple nouns without a form of go or be concerned
as of
on; at; from, as from, term used to indicate a date or time at which something starts or ends (e.g.: "Darren terminated his job as of December 31st")
as opposed to
in contrast to, contrary to
as many
The same in number

I saw three plays in as many days.

as of
On; at. "The project was terminated as of January 1."
as of
On; at: "The project was terminated as of January 1."
As a result
As soon as
as a result
due to that, therefore, accordingly
as a rule
usually, generally, most often
as a whole
generally, in a general sense
as a whole
considered altogether; "the country at large"; "I enjoyed the play as a whole though I thought the acting could have been better"
as always
like always, as usual
as follows
what is listed next; "her complaints went as follows
as follows
as is explained in the coming section
as follows
what is listed next; "her complaints went as follows"
as follows
as follows
as follows
that is to say
as for
with regards to, as to, concerning
as for
With regard to
as from
as of, starting from, from, term used to indicate a date or time at which something starts or ends (e.g.: "Darren terminated his job as of December 31st"); like out of, as if its origins lie in
as good as
like, similar to; of the same quality, good to the same degree
as if
as though

Tom is acting as though nothing has happened. - Tom is acting as if nothing has happened.

Tom is acting as though nothing's happened. - Tom is acting as if nothing's happened.

as is
About 90% of the time we at Mtg Resources appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
About 90% of the time we at RRI appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
Indicates goods for sale do not include a warranty or guarantee [ITDS]
as is
About 90% of the time we at NCS appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
A phrase included in a contract of sale disclaiming any warranty or guarantee on the part of the seller A person purchasing real estate "as is" takes it in exactly the condition in which it is found and must trust his or her own inspection of the property
as is
A term indicating those goods offered for sale is without warranty or guarantee The purchaser has no recourse on the seller for the quality or condition of the goods
as is
About 90% of the time we at TCT appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
just as things are at this moment
as is
A phrase indicating the property is sold in its present conditions with no warranties
as is
About 90% of the time we at GAC appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
A contract clause indicating the seller will not fix any problems with the property
as is
About 90% of the time we at NTEC appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
A term indicating that goods offered for sale are without warranty or guarantee The purchaser has no recourse on the vendor for the quality or condition of the goods
as is
About 90% of the time we at CTC appraise the properties AS IS; (i e , the condition the house is in on the date of inspection)
as is
Selling an item without warranties in regard to its condition and fitness for a particular use The buyer is responsible for judging the item's durability and lifetime Also known as "as is, where is" and "in its present condition " Typically, this is a sign that no return privileges will be granted
as is
Implied in most Agreements of Purchase and Sale, suggests the Purchaser is accepting the property in its current condition and releases the Vendor from any liability for problems found before or after closing
as it is
in the actual state of affairs and often contrary to expectations; "he might have been killed; as it is he was severely injured
as it is
in the condition that it is, in its current state
as long as
so long as, during the time that; since, inasmuch as
as much
to the same extent; up to the desired amount
as much as
to the same extent; up to the desired amount
as of
On; at: The project was terminated as of January 1
as per
in accordance with
as regards
about, concerning, regarding
as regards
In regard to
as soon as
at the moment that -, immediately when -
as soon as
as soon as
as soon as
conjunction immediately 2
as soon as
conjunction directly 2
as such
with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
as such
of itself, as it is
as though
as if

Tom is acting as if nothing's happened. - Tom is acting as though nothing's happened.

Tom is acting as if nothing has happened. - Tom is acting as though nothing has happened.

as though
As if: looked as though they had been quarreling
as to
as for, with regards to, concerning
as usual
as always, as is customary
as usual
in the usual manner; "as usual, she arrived late
as usual
in the usual manner; "as usual, she arrived late"
as well
Turkish - English