artezyen kuyusu

listen to the pronunciation of artezyen kuyusu
Turkish - English
artesian well
An aquifer in which water rises to the surface under its own hydrostatic pressure
A bore-hole in an artesian basin
a well drilled through impermeable strata into strata that receive water from a higher altitude so there is pressure to force the water to flow upward
a well in which the water level rises above the level of the aquifer and may flow at the surface In a flowing well, water exits at the surface
A well in which the water level is higher than the top of the aquifer
a well drilled into a confined aquifer with enough hydraulic pressure for the water to flow to the surface without pumping Also called a flowing well
a vertical bore hole in which a pipe-like structure is inserted into the ground so that it withdraws water from a confined aquifer (artesian aquifer)
Water held under pressure in porous rock or soil confined by impermeable geologic formations An artesian well is free flowing See confined aquifer
a well from which the water is forced up out of the ground by natural pressure (artésien )
A well that produces a flow of water due to the pressure of underground water storage
A well that penetrates an aquifer containing water under pressure Water in the well will rise above the water level in the aquifer; if the water pressure is great enough, the well will overflow See "Potentiometric surface," "Confined aquifer "
a well made by a perpendicular boring into a confined aquifer
well made by boring deeply into the ground and water flows up due to internal pressure
A well that taps a confined aquifer
A well obtaining its water from an artesian or confined aquifer in which the water level in the well rises above the top of the aquifer The water level in a flowing artesian well rises above the land surface
A well from which water naturally flows from an underground aquifer because of subterranean pressure
A well where although the water table is below the ground level, geological pressures force the water up to the surface when a borehole is sunk into the water bearing rock (which underlies an impervious rock formation ) Ground water can therefore be obtained without the need for pumping
A well drilled into a confined aquifer where enough pressure exists for the water to flow to the surface unaided Top
Groundwater that is able to flow to the Earth's surface under its own pressure
A well deriving its water from a confined aquifer in which the water level stands above the ground surface; synonymous with flowing well
salt artezyen kuyusu
absolute artesian well
Turkish - Turkish